Title: Poster title here
1Poster title here
You have one PowerPoint slide in which to
summarise your poster. Due on the 30th of
May. The person presenting the posters will
display this slide and talk to it for 0.5 to 1
minute. Therefore, summarise your poster to
capture the key points. Be mindful that this
summary will be presented by a third person who
will have only a brief amount of time available.
The poster presenter will have your abstract as
background information. If your poster is
finished it would be helpful to make this
available to the poster presenter ahead of the
conference. Send as an A3 pdf to
seafacts.bergen2008_at_imr.no prior to 30th May if
you wish for it to be available to the poster
presenter. This slide template is the
required format to amalgamate poster slides no
fly ins please Text no smaller than Arial 14
point Key image(s) from the poster can be
included if desired
Key poster image here (optional)
Your logo here