Oxfam GB Director

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Oxfam GB Director


Oxfam GB Director – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Oxfam GB Director

Oxfam GB Director Barbara Stocking Visiting a
cotton field in Khatlon Tajikistan
Livelihood protection and promotion in
agriculture Complementing Cotton
  • Peter Pichler
  • Tajikistan Country Programme
  • Dushanbe

Impacts of agricultural growthon poverty
in theory
  • Through
  • profitability gains for farmers
  • labour market gains for labourers
  • product prices for consumers
  • knock-on effects on demand (inputs,
    processing, marketing), leading to second round
  • increase in tax yields and formal transfers
  • Increased informal transfers to those
    chronically unable to engage in the productive

Impacts - evidence
  • Large body of evidence on impacts of agricultural
    productivity growth
  • Irz et al, 2003 each 1 growth in agricultural
    productivity generates a decrease of between 0.6
    and 1.2 in those living on less than 1/day
  • Hazell and Haddad, 2001 including discussion of
    pro-poor agricultural research prioritisation
  • Dorosh and Haggblade, 2003 investments in
    agriculture generate the highest impacts on the

What is a Livelihood System?
  • The Activity(ies) that Households Engage in to
    Earn/Make a Living.
  • Livelihoods can consist of a range of on- and
    off-farm activities or procurement strategies
    that together provide food and/or cash.

What is a Livelihood System?
  • The assets other resources that households
  • and
  • The human and social capital that households
    possess or can call on in times of need.

Social Networks Safety Nets
What is a Livelihood System?
  • Livelihood systems of the poor are often quite
  • Households often use their capabilities, skills,
    and know-how to diversify income sources and
    off-set risks

The Process of Change
Transmission mechanisms through growth and
markets - questions and issues
  • How well do markets work? For whom? market
    failure is the norm, not the exception, in many
    parts of the World (Omamo, 2003)
  • conventional features of market failure
    transaction costs raised through lack of
    transport and communications infrastructure, weak
    contract enforcement, moral hazard, inadequate
    insurance markets, high risks which cannot be
    insured against, externalities, increasing
    economies of scale, highly imperfect
  • overall overhasty liberalisation neoliberal
    facilitating and regulating not enough
  • not enough attention given to segmentation and

Impeded transmission via markets segmentation
  • any form of non-economic discrimination does
    not include discrimination by skills,
    productivity, actuarial risk (in finance and
    insurance markets), but does include
  • Gender discrimination paying less to women than
    can be justified on productivity grounds
    intra-household constraints on womens choice
  • Discrimination on basis of religion or ethnicity
  • Discrimination on basis of social status

Improving transmission by reducing
entrepreneurial risk trampolines
Risks are shocks and stresses either external or
internal to the HH vulnerability is the HHs
capacity to withstand or cope with these A Social
Risk Management Framework as a means of reducing
risk and vulnerability, covers covariate and
idiosyncratic risk covers prevention, mitigation
and coping. Covers different policy levels,
stressing that even the highest level policies
(fiscal, investment.), and sector-based policies
(e.g. agriculture) can combine growth and
The PROBLEM TREE The issue of cotton and
overcoming poverty
Malnutrition Food security
low access to education
poor health
difficult social situation of widows
low income
Challenges of diversifying the rural economy,
felt threats and evolving opportunities
  • Threat 1 Cotton is not providing a sufficient
    income for farmers
  • Opportunities crop rotation / crop sharing /
    crop diversification opening new opportunities
    for farmers increasing the individual household
    food security including enhanced nutritional
    support marketable agriculture surplus crops
    like vegetables creating income opportunities

Challenges of diversifying the rural economy,
felt threats and evolving opportunities
  • Threat 2 Cotton farmers lacking technical
    equipment and agric inputs
  • Opportunities reconverting to appropriate
    technologies, adopting alternative farming
    techniques, new conceptions and cultivation

Challenges of diversifying the rural economy,
felt threats and evolving opportunities
  • Threat 3 Cotton is vulnerable to climate change
    high water use and increased (at least 15 new
    agriculture insects since independence!) invasion
    of (ex. noctuid) pests will threaten future
  • Opportunities through introduction of new
    farming techniques like conservation agriculture
    reduced need of agriculture water, crop rotation
    reduces vulnerability to pest occurrence

Challenges of diversifying the rural economy,
felt threats and evolving opportunities
  • Threat 4 Cotton land absorbing the debt burden
  • Opportunities
  • Organic production and farmer organization as a
    means to reverse debt cycle of farmers
  • joined lobby work for addressing the farm debt
    relief question, acquittal of Dekhans
  • through increased diversified production on
    existing land marketable surplus production
    achieving increased stable income

Challenges of diversifying the rural economy,
felt threats and evolving opportunities
  • Threat 5 New Dekhan farmers are insecure about
    their legal situation and rights
  • Opportunities
  • Promoting changes in production to increase food
    security whilst aspiring to address women and
    children cotton workers labour situation
  • legal resource center establishment and
    management Land Rights Information Centers or
    Land Ombudsmen similar or as a part / addition
    of the SITAF Agriculture Advisory and Information

Transmission via transfers to the chronically
poor, how to address?
  • Many examples but what is best practise?
  • transfers / support in agriculture inputs or in
    cash Kashina model?
  • cash transfers have advantage of enhancing
    demand in local markets food transfers may
    diminish it even the chronically poor engage as
  • evidence that some transfers (e.g. remittance
    payments from emigrant workers) are used in part
    for productive purposes (investment in agric
    investment in grandchildrens education.) AND
    release informal transfers for productive

Question What are profitable crops for
farmers to grow?
  • Vegetable crops
  • potatoes, onions, tomatoes, carrot, garlic.
  • Grains
  • corn, wheat, rice.
  • Beans
  • chick pea, green beans, French beans.
  • Oil crops
  • flax, safflower, sunflower.
  • Fruit gardening Development.
  • Melon.

Question What are possible trade and
marketing options?
  • Local Market
  • Potatoes
  • Vegetables
  • Horticulture products
  • Grapes
  • Livestock production
  • Export Market
  • Processed horticulture products
  • Onion, garlic
  • Melon
  • Nuts
  • Dry fruit
  • Lemon (citrus plants)

Question What are major import crops can they
be replaced by local production?
  • New approaches needed looking in this issue,
    possibilities for example are
  • Olive trees and processing of respective fruit

Organic grown cottonethical sourcing a realistic
option - marketable?
  • European and US product market developments
  • Fairtrade labelling (FLO) standards for cotton
    have recently been created, and many small cotton
    farmers throughout India, West and Central Africa
    have become fair trade certified producers.
    Through the fair trade system, these farmers
    receive a significantly higher price than they
    would for conventional cotton, as illustrated in
    the chart below.
  • Fair trade and fair trade/organic price for seed
    cotton lint per kg, for Mali. In CFA (1 FCFA
    545 USD on 13/6/05)
  • The demand for Fairtrade and organic cotton
    remains niche, but experiencing rapid growth. The
    current supply of fair trade organic cotton is
    small, but growing, and with the participation of
    a broad set of actors, fair trade organic cotton
    will become a new, more sustainable clothing
    alternative. Brands such as Marks Spencer,
    Otto, Patagonia, and Timberland have already
    incorporated organic and/or Fairtrade cotton in
    their ranges.
  • Source D. Bright, Cotton-the truth behind the

Organic grown cotton a realistic option -
exchange of CA experience
  • The Kyrgyzstan model

EC TACIS SITAFModel Development Establishing an
Agriculture Extension System in Tajikistan
  • Agricultural growth through diversity is
    important for poverty reduction, BUT
    facilitating and regulating not enough, AND.
  • Market imperfections are pervasive and need to be
    addressed to enhance the poverty-reducing impacts
    of agriculture. High risk is paramount among
  • New ways of managing risk and vulnerability
    (across domestic and entrepreneurial spheres)
    need to be found.
  • Efforts in this direction need to be
    differentiated according to type of rural

Oxfam GB in Tajikistansynthesizing on success
Livelihoods development
  • 1600 Vulnerable Households supported with
    agriculture inputs and trainings
  • 407 (25) Woman headed households
  • 10 CBOs established, 35 Women CBO members 6
    Registered, 2 are implementing independent
    projects (9 warehouses and offices build)
  • 6 WSHG established implementing independently
    different activities
  • Income raised by 1500 TJS
  • Khazina Created through Community Contributions
    Over 16000
  • 185096 TJS were provided as revolving fund
  • Sustainable Increased food security and income
    opportunities for vulnerable households through
    land rehabilitation (253 ha), irrigation and
    access to money.
  • 9100 fruit and none fruit saplings provided
    (germination rate is 80)
  • Local partners (NGOs) capacity build up - 4

Thresher connected to the donated tractor
working in the field. Tanobchi village,
Temurmalik District
Oxfam GB in Tajikistan Salient Achievements
Agriculture development
Increased crop diversity and productivity 1000
Ton potatoes 1200 participants to fulfill own
consumption and for sale as well 2310 kg of
different vegetables produced by each
participant 370 TJS on average was earned by each
participant from sale of different vegetables 29
Ton wheat was produced for families
consumption Increased farmers interest on rain
fed cropping (grain, melon, vegetables) 48000 TJS
an income for Khazina fund from agriculture
activities Set of agriculture machinery
support 11 km of drainage canals were cleaned
(253ha land) Phenotypic evaluation and
multiplication of vegetables
Oxfam GB in Tajikistan Salient Achievements
Policy and advocacy
Cotton Research / round tables with major
stakeholders Land 2 information advocacy
centers Action against Poverty White band day,
signature campaign, round table with local
NGOs Livelihood Workshop at regional level Jan 06
What are the common issues faced by Cotton
farmers? Based on the above programmes,
developing Oxfam strategies and external trends,
a number of issues can be identified and mapped
Oxfam GB in Tajikistan Some of our major
  • Sustainable access to land and ownership
  • Cotton and food production
  • Institutional capacities Government NGOs
  • Lack of accountability local NGOs, CBOs
  • Lack of access to resources Financial,
  • Advocacy and policies NGOs
  • Infrastructure health, rural education, water
  • Market policies and practices
  • Women empowerment and Gender

What we would ask this Forum to assist us
  • Continuous and stable financial support to ensure
    implementation of our projects
  • Back-up in achieving our set goals
  • Providing a platform for positive dialog between
    all stakeholders

What support we are seeking from Government
  • Establishment of focal points both on central
    Government and local Oblast / Hukumat level for
    NGO involved in Livelihoods activities and
    cotton lands
  • Round table for all above actors to assist in
    implementation of best practice models
  • As a first step open up suitable access for
    Livelihood projects in each cotton producing
    area / district

We could achieve this through the support of
EC Tajikistan Food Security Programme
EC TACIS Programme
  • References
  • D. Bright (2006) Cotton The truth behind the
    image, Oxford Oxfam GB
  • I. Borkenhagen (May06 draft vers. 5) Cotton Work
    in OGB, Oxford Oxfam GB
  • Duncan, A et al (2003) Drivers of Change
    reflections on experience to date. Paper for DFID
    workshop, Oxford, June 23 2003. DFID Drivers of
    Change Team
  • Farrington, J (2004) Social protection and
    livelihood promotion in agriculture towards
    operational guidelines. Paper for OECD Povnet.
    DFID NR and Agriculture Team, London
  • Hazell, P and Haddad, L (2001) Agricultural
    research and poverty reduction. 2020 Brief 70.
    Washington DC IFPRI.
  • Irz, X, Lin Lin, Thirtle, C and S Wiggins (2001)
    Agricultural productivity growth and poverty
    alleviation. Development Policy Review 19(4)
  • P. Pichler, F. Quatratov, B. Rahmatjonov et al.
    Oxfam Tajikistan Report (2005-2007), Augmenting
    Livelihoods in Khatlon, Tajikistan, Oxfam TJK
    Livelihood team
  • Ken Street Dr. (2005/6) Ancient Seeds of
    Survival, Partners in Research for Development
    Journal , Plant Genetic Resources
  • H. Ungethuem et al.(2006) Establishing an
    Agriculture Extension System in Tajikistan, Model
    Development and Vision, EC TACIS-SITAF Final
    Project Report, Dushanbe, Project implemented by
    Scanagri/DLG/HTSPE/MNT with support of the
    European Commission
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