Title: Diversity Training
1Diversity Training
2An Overview of Todays Diversity Training
- - Administrative Notes/Ground Rules
- Two hour block
- One 10 Minute break
- Restrooms water fountain
- Phones/Pagers off
- Videos from General Weaver Dr. Betances
- - PowerPoint Presentation/Interactive Discussion
- Expect participation
- Feedback form at end of session
3Diversity Training
1. What is Diversity?
2. Seven Conditions for Growth as a Result of
3. How is Diversity different from EEO?
4. Why is Diversity important/necessary?
5. What is your role in Diversity?
6. What are the roles of Commanders and/or
7. How does Diversity affect the Units mission?
4What is Diversity ?
Diversity is an organizational behavior,
which acknowledges and values differences and
similarities among people and how the differences
can work to improve the organization. It also
means understanding the organizational
environments with an appreciation for gender,
culture, and ethnic lifestyles.
5Diversity Definition - Continued
A working definition of Diversity is -
Recognizing, accepting and appreciating human
differences within the Air National Guard.
IN SUMMARY - Diversity means providing a
climate where all personnel feel they are
valued by and contributing to an
6Other Thoughts
- Diversity is different things to different
- Is Diversity a replacement for affirmative
action ?
7Changing Our Attitudes to Enhance Our Vision
Seven Conditions for Growth as a Result of Change
1. Dissatisfaction with the Status Quo
2. Vision of Where We Need to Go
3. A Process by Which to Get There
4. The Will to Make It Happen
5. Action Steps to Begin the Journey
6. Evaluation of the Action Steps
7. Re-Commitment to the Journey
8How is Diversity different from EEO ? (Or, the
difference between Compliance Programs and
Diversity Initiatives)
9How is Diversity different from EEO ?
Compliance Programs
Diversity Initiatives
Enforced by laws
Implemented by policy
Respond to challenge of Respond to
challenge of ending discrimination
demographic changes
Seek individual conformity
Seek team collaboration
Seek change in individual
Seek changes in the behavior
organizational culture
Equitable treatment is
Diversity of thought is ensured for
ensured at every level classes in the
organization of the
Study the culture of protected/
Study the culture of the underrepresented
interest groups organization
which keeps in the organization
interest groups
10How is Diversity different from EEO? (Contd)
Compliance Programs
Diversity Initiatives
Function of management
Function of leadership with with support from
leadership - accountability
from Belongs somewhere within
management - Belongs the organization
everywhere in
the organization
How tos can be learned from
How tos must be learned experts teaching
compliance from members of
the requirements to members of the
organization who engage in organization
identifying targeting barriers
Can be measured through
Can be measured through statistical profiles
indicating metrics and
structural reforms status of protected classes
which work to reduce
the and the number of complaints
number of complaints and and settlements
11How is Diversity different from EEO? (Contd)
Compliance Programs Diversity
Can be manipulated by
Can be manipulated by parachuting
qualified/unqualified Flavor of the
Month tokens and through a process
efforts which become floppy which engages in
counting heads disk in their
impact on the instead of making heads count
organization, rather than part
of the hard drive
At the heart of a pledge not to
At the heart of valuing discriminate is the
commitment Diversity is the
commitment of valuing Diversity
not to discriminate
Is the RIGHT and SMART Is
the SMART and RIGHT thing to do
thing to do
12 What are the roles of Commanders and/or
- In order to maintain a competitive edge and
to maximize - productivity, Commanders and Supervisors must
create - a workplace that attracts and engages a
bright, well- - trained, and diverse workforce.
- Emphasis will be on the recruitment,
training, and - promotion of a diverse workplace, by insuring
personnel - feel welcomed, supported, and able to bring
their unique - perspectives and experiences to the workplace.
- Leadership creates an environment that
promotes - diversity through the selection of individuals
to fill - key positions based on unique qualifications,
rather - than gender or ethnicity.
13Why is Diversity important/necessary ?
1. Shrinking Workforce
2. Fewer White Males
3. More Women
4. Escalating Work/Family Issues
5. More Ethnic Diversity
6. More Foreign Born Workers
7. Because we are human !!!!
14Diversity is Also Necessary
Because the reality is that inequalities exist
for personnel within organizations due to
stereotyping and preconceived ideas based on
race, gender, religion or cultural origins, age,
physical or mental limitations, and more.
15Diversity is not about counting heads, but making
heads counts.
16What is your role in Diversity?
- Recognize, accept, and appreciate differences
- in people within our organization.
- Understand that Diversity is about
understanding, - not necessarily agreement.
- Believe that senior leadership has a goal of
- providing a climate where all personnel feel
they - are valued by and are contributing to the
success - of the 111th Fighter Wing.
17 Change is inevitable, Growth is optional !!!
18How does Diversity affect the Units mission?
- To achieve our mission, we all must be aware
and react to the rapid global cultural and
sociological changes and changing
- Simply put, the success of the 111th Fighter
Wing will require contributions from all
individuals and appreciation from everyone for
those contributions, regardless of gender,
culture, or ethnicity.
19Questions ?