Title: UCAN Serve Exit Process and Forms
1UCAN Serve Exit Process and Forms
2Exit Process Outline
- Before Exiting the Program you must complete
- 1. Evaluations
- Give Site Supervisor Evaluation Letter to your
Site Supervisor. - Complete Member Online Survey.
- 2. Exit Form
- Complete Exit Form and give to your UCAN Serve
Coordinator. - 3. Register for an AmeriCorps Education Award
Online Account - Register https//my.americorps.gov/mp/login.do
3Exiting Process (Evaluations)
- 1. Site Supervisor Evaluation Letter
- Give copy of Site Supervisor Evaluation letter to
your Site Supervisor. - Inform your Site Supervisor about the Online
Evaluation. - It is important to have your Site Supervisor
complete the survey to help ensure funding for
other students.
4Exiting Process(Evaluations)
- 2. Member Survey
- Go to Online Survey http//academic.regis.edu/cc
c/UCAN/evaluation/index.htm - Choose appropriate survey (High School or
General) - Complete questions and submit responses online
(do not print out survey) - Email UCAN Serve Coordinator your confirmation
number after taking the Survey. - You must complete the survey in order to
receive your AmeriCorps Education Award.
5Exiting Process(Exit Form)
- 3. AmeriCorps Exit Form
- Fill out Part I with current address. Sign the
bottom. - Submit to UCAN Serve Coordinator.
6Print Both Forms
Fill out Part I
Do not fill out Part II
Your Signature
7Exiting Process(Register for Online Account)
- Register for an AmeriCorps Online Account through
the MyAmeriCorps Portal https//my.americorps.gov
/mp/login.do - Once you register for an account, you will
receive an email confirming your participation in
AmeriCorps. Follow instructions to log in.
8The AmeriCorps website www.americorps.gov
- To Register for an AmeriCorps Online Account
- Click on My AmeriCorps Login
9Registering for an AmeriCorps Online Account
- Registering for an Account
- Click on Register to create a new Member/Alum
10- Registration Steps
- Enter
- last name,
- date of birth,
- social security number
- current e-mail address
- Click submit
11User Instructions Once I am registered, how do I
login to the system for the first time?
- You will receive an email confirming your
participation in AmeriCorps. Click on the link
contained within the email to create a username
and password. - Create a username and password.
- Re-enter your password.
- Click submit
- The system will bring up your personalized
Note The regular login page looks very similar,
but you will not need to confirm your password.
12Exiting Process and AmeriCorps Education Award
- You can access all AmeriCorps Exiting Paperwork
online. - Go to www.coloradocampuscompact.org.
- Click on the link to UCAN Serve
- Click on the link to Forms
- Click on the link to Exit Packet
- Your AmeriCorps Education Award will show up in
your online account about 2-3 weeks after
submitting your Exit Form to your UCAN Serve