Title: The Quality of the Journal in the Electronic Environment
1The Quality of the Journal in the Electronic
- Floyd E. Bloom
- The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA
2My Background
- 1972-now Editl Board Brain Research
- 1994-now (with W.G.Young) Developers of
SMARTWorks - 1995-2000 Editor-in-Chief, SCIENCE
- 1999-now Editor Brain Research Interactive,
Convener BRI Conferences - 1/01 Editor-in-Chief , Brain Research
3The Threat
- The transition from print to electronic
publication will adversely affect the quality of
the peer review process and consequently the
quality of the corpus of scientific literature.
4Behind the Threat
- Internet makes paperless publishing possible
- Los Alamos Preprint Server
- PubMed/Central/Public Library of Science
5My View
- High quality journals disseminated in print and
online (synergistically) will remain the
preferred scholarly venue for author's best works - BUT only if the performance of Editors and
Reviewers can be improved and appropriately
6The Challenge
- How can we as Journal Editors improve our
performance? - How can we attract high(er) quality authors?
7Why Do Authors Pick Their Journal of Choice?
- Peer Appreciation
- Timeliness of Decisions and Publication
- Quality in Appearance
- Readership Citations
- Impact
8The Conventional Peer Review Process
How Does This Change in the Digital Era?
9(No Transcript)
10Authors Are Rewarded by Excellence in Publishing.
11 Grateful Anonymity
12Electronic Manuscript Submittal Review
- Scientific Manuscript Authoring, Reviewing and
Transmittal - BRIs 1998-2001
- Author Options
- Editor Options
- Reviewer Options Issues
13Other Options
- SCIENCE Online/Express
- ScholarONE
- Elsevier Science Online Submissions (Akyildiz)
- ? Others
14Reviewers The Achilles Heel of Peer Review
- Wisdom Is Finite
- Wise Reviewer Pool Shallow
- Journal Allegiance Limited
- Pressures Numerous
- Journals Striving to Rise Need Extra Efforts
- Delays Counterproductive Regardless of Reasons
15Electronic Distribution of Manuscripts for Peer
Review Remains Problematic
- Insufficient Peer Reviewer Pools
- Some Wise Reviewers Are Digitally Challenged or
Unwilling - Old Habits Dont Readily Die
- All Old Issues Remain Open-ness Age/ Past
Records / Activity - Editorial Boards Show, not Go
- Journal Allegiance/History
16Other Critical Impediments
- Authors Instructions
- Formats / Software/ Graphics
- Reviewers Pressures Responding
- Heightened Expectations of Participants in the
17Improving Journal Quality
- Encourage Reviewer Performance
- Define Review Criteria
- Shape Reviewers
- Attract Authors via Reviewing
- Enhance Reviewer Prestige
- Reward Reviewers Info// ?
- Elsevier Science Author Feedback Program
18The Quality of the Journal in the Electronic
- Floyd E. Bloom
- The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA