Title: Chapter 2: The Conceptual Framework
1Chapter 2 The Conceptual Framework
2Objectives of the Conceptual Framework
- The Framework was to be the foundation for
building a set of coherent accounting standards
and rules. - The Framework is to be a reference of basic
accounting theory for solving emerging practical
problems of reporting.
3Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts
- The FASB has issued seven Statements of Financial
Accounting Concepts (SFACs) to date (Statements 1
through 7.) - These statements set forth major recognition and
reporting issues. - Statement 4 pertains to reporting by non-business
entities. - The other six statements pertain to reporting by
business enterprises.
4Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts
Brief Title
- Statement 1
- Statement 2
- Statement 6
- Statement 4
- Statement 5
- Statement 7
- Objectives of Financial (FIN) Reporting
- Qualitative Characteristics
- Elements of FIN Statements
- Objectives of FIN Reporting (Non-business)
- Recognition and Measurement Criteria
- Using Cash Flows
Presents the goals and purposes of accounting.
Examines the characteristics that make accounting
information useful.
Examines the characteristics that make accounting
info useful and expands 3 to include
not-for-profit orgs.
Guidelines for not-for-profit and governmental
Guidance on what info should be formally
incorporated into financial statements and when
Provides a framework for using expected future
cash flows and present value as a basis for
5Overview of the Conceptual Framework
- The Framework has three different
levels,comprised of
6Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Objectives (1) Useful in investment
and credit decisions (2) Useful in assessing
future cash flows (3) About enterprise resources,
claims to resources and changes in them
7Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
What are these qualitative characteristics?
8Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting
- Primary qualities of accounting information are
relevance and reliability. - Secondary qualities are comparability and
consistency of reported information.
9Primary Characteristic of Accounting Information
- Relevance of information means information
capable of making a difference in a decision
context. - Ingredients of relevant information are
- Timeliness
- Predictive value -
- Feedback value allows users to confirm or
correct prior expectations
10Primary Characteristic of Accounting Information
- Information is Reliable when it can be relied on
to represent the true, underlying situation. - The ingredients of reliable information are
- verifiability
- representational faithfulness
- neutrality (unbiased)
11Secondary Characteristics of Accounting
- Comparability the similar measurement and
reporting for different enterprises. - Consistency application of the same accounting
treatment to similar events by an enterprise from
period to period.
12Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
What are these Elements?
13Basic Elements of Financial Statements
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Equity
- Investment by Owners
- Distributions to Owners
- Comprehensive Income
- Revenues
- Expenses
- Gains
- Losses
14Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
What are these Recognition Measurement Issues?
15Recognition and Measurement Criteria
Basic Assumptions
1. Historical cost 2. Revenue
recognition 3. Matching 4. Full disclosure
1. Cost benefit 2. Materiality 3. Industry
practices 4. Conservatism
1. Economic entity 2. Going concern
3. Monetary unit 4. Periodicity
Indicates the entity is separate and distinct
from its owners or other business units.
In the absence of contrary information, a
business entity is assumed to have a long
life. This is why plant assets are not reported
at liquidation value.
Assumes that money is the common denominator of
economic activity for financial reporting.
The life of an economic entity can be divided
into artificial time periods for the purpose of
providing periodic reports on the economic
activities of the entity.
- Historical Cost Principle
1.) Assets Liabilities are accounted for based
on acquisition cost 2.) Why? Cost has been found
to be a more stable and consistent benchmark than
other suggested valuation methods 3.)
Consequence? Subsequent MV changes are NOT
recorded in the accounts
- Revenue Recognition Principle
Revenue is recognized (1) when realized or
realizable and (2) when earned.
Allocates expenses to revenues in the proper
- Full Disclosure Principle
In the preparation of financial statements, the
accountant should include sufficient information
to permit the knowledgeable reader to make an
informed judgment about the financial condition
of the enterprise in question.
- Cost-Benefit Relationship
This constraint relates to the notion that the
benefits to be derived from providing certain
accounting information should exceed the costs of
providing that information. The difficulty in
cost-benefit analysis is that the costs and
especially the benefits are not always evident or
In the application of basic accounting theory, an
amount may be considered less important because
of its size in comparison with revenues and
expenses, assets and liabilities, or net income.
Deciding when an amount is material in relation
to other amounts is a matter of judgment and
professional expertise.
Basic accounting theory may not apply with equal
relevance to every industry that accounting must
serve. The fair presentation of financial
position and results of operations for a
particular industry may require a departure from
basic accounting theory because of the peculiar
nature of an event or practice common only to
that industry.
When in doubt, an accountant should choose a
solution that will be least likely to overstate
assets and income. The conservatism constraint
should be applied only when doubt exists. An
intentional understatement of assets or income is
not acceptable accounting.
Assumptions (1) Economic entity (2) Going
concern (3) Monetary unit (4) Periodicity
Principals (1) Historical Cost (2) Revenue
recognition (3) Matching (4) Full Disclosure
Constraints (1) Cost-benefit (2) materiality (3)
Industry practice (4) Conservatism
Elements Assets, Liabilities, Equity
Investment/Distribution by owners
Comprehensive Income Revenues, Expenses Gains,
Qualitative Characteristics Primary Relevance
and Reliability Secondary Comparability and
Objectives (1) Useful in investment and credit
decisions (2) Useful in assessing future cash
flows (3) About enterprise resources, claims to
resources and changes in them