Title: Understanding the Rhythms of Relationships in Email Archives
1Understanding the Rhythms of Relationships in
Email Archives
- Research by Adam Perer, Ben Shneiderman, Douglas
Oard - Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
- Presented by Susan E. Davis, College of
Information Studies - University of Maryland
Email archives are important artifacts for
understanding the individuals and communities
they represent
3Typical Email Browser
4University of Maryland Projects
- Enron email project
- Joint Institute for Knowledge Discovery
- http//zaphod.mindlab.umd.edu16080/JIKD/index.sht
ml - http//jikd-email.umiacs.umd.edu/index.html
- Digital Archive of the Dot Com Era
- Robert H. Smith School of Business/NDIIPP,
Library of Congress - http//www.dotcomarchive.org
5Previous Work
6Shneiderman Archive
- 44,971 saved messages
- 4,051 relationships
8Rhythms of Relationships
9Distribution of Relationships
Number of Messages
10Querying by Rhythm
11Most Active Professional Relationships
- UMD-Close colleagues 11 9.2 209.7
- UMD-Superiors staff 11 9.6 123.0
- UMD-Students 9 9.0 183.8
- Colleagues at other Univ. 17 11.3 152.4
- Conference partners 10 8.3 172.7
- Corporate partners 9 9.1 137.6
- USACM Public Policy 4 5.5 252.3
- Book editorial workers 3 8.7 183
- Government partners 2 9.5 171.5
12Growth Rates for Messages and Relationships
13Over 4,000 Relationships Superimposed
14k-means Clustering
Spotfire http//www.spotfire.com/
15Zoomed-in view of the dendrograms 1988 subtree
16Aggregating Related Rhythms
- Organizations (user_at_ibm.com)
- Organization Type (user_at_umd.edu)
- Country Codes (user_at_cam.ac.uk)
- Collaborations
17Aggregate Rhythms
18Kenneth Lays (Enron Chairman/CEO) Rhythms of
19Future Work
- Clustering independent of time
- Granularities of months, weeks, days
- Integrating external contextual clues
- Calendars, Conference Dates, Lectures
20Lessons Learned
- Visualizations are useful for analysis and
sensemaking tasks - Enables explorers to
- Analyze large and long archives
- Find patterns of interest
- Identify aggregate trends
- Provides needed context