Title: Present Like a Pro
1Present Like a Pro
- Its as easy as One, Two Three
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4What will you be Presenting?
5Ready, Set, Go!Power of 3
- Preparing your materials (Ready)
- Preparing yourself (Set)
- Delivering your presentation (Go!)
6Preparing your Materials (Ready)
- Develop objectives
- Begin with the end in mind
- What is the expected outcome of the presentation?
- What do I want my audience to know/feel/do as a
result of the presentation? - What is the main point?
8Objectives/OutcomesAt the end of this session
you will
- Understand the importance of planning
- Practice preparing a presentation using the IT
method - Learn the power of 3
- Be able to organize a dynamic presentation
- Practice a mini presentation
- Have tools to overcome anxiety
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10Assess Audience Needs
- Who are they? - background, age, gender
- How many?
- Compulsory or optional session?
- What are their needs?
- Current problems or concerns?
- Lets do it (handout)
11What an Audience Needs to Hear
- I will not waste your time
- I know who you are
- I am well organized
- I know my subject
- Here is my most important point
- I am finished
12Organize Your PresentationPower of 3
- Tell them what youre going to tell them
- Tell them
- Tell them what you told them
13Organize (power of 3)
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
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15Crafting Your Message The IT Method
- The IT! Method is an exercise to help you develop
the content of your presentation. - 1. Brain IT!
- 2. Group IT!
- 3. Trim IT!
- 4. Spice IT!
- 5. Do IT!
16Brain IT!
- Brainstorm capture ideas, concepts and
information. - Yellow sticky notes (such as Post-its) give the
creative process life.
17DOVE brainstorm
- D defer judgment
- O Opt for offbeat ideas
- V vast number of ideas
- E expand of ideas
18Group IT!Power of 3
- Cluster your ideas
- Three is the ideal number of points. This is not
an absolute! - Try to keep it simple.
19Trim IT!
- Trim the ideas within each group and put them
into a logical order. - Remember, even though many experts believe 3 is
the ideal number, you are not bound to it.
20Spice IT!
- Add memorability
- Enliven (this will aid retention)
- Provides interesting relief.
- Dont forget to spice the beginning and then
ending remember that the opening and the
closing are the most important items in the
21The Numbers on Why You Need Visuals
Visuals increase the retention of messages.
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23Contents of your Spice Cupboard
- Stories
- Quotes
- Facts
- Props
- Handouts
- Audio
- Video
- Slides
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25Do IT!
- Write, re-write
- Write an outline
- Edit
- Practice, practice, practice
- Critique/feedback
- Technology or not????
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27Move to a Corner.
Stay on the dock, thanks
Speed boat
Cruise ship
28What makes an awesome presenter?
29Preparing yourself (Set)
30- Exercise A Breathe - Relax - Breathe
- Exercise B The Walk
- Exercise C Greetings
- See Handout
31Avoid Bad Delivery Habits
- Fillers "ah", "um", and "and
- Annoying movements
- Too many gestures
- Screaming clothing
- Sloppy editing
- Turning your back
32How to Hold Audience Attention Be Clear, Be
Quick, Be Gone
- Avoid
- Wordiness
- Fad Phrases
- Overload
- Too many slides
- Rushing
- No interaction or reflection
33Tips for Using Your Voice Effectively!
- Make sure you speak loud enough so that your
audience can hear you. - Use your abdomen and legs.
- Amplify the mike is your friend.
- Stand erect with shoulders back.
- Alternate the pace of your voice.
- Slow down for important points.
- Use the pause.
- Drink water.
34Some Great Resources To Help You See Handout
35Finish with a flourish!
- The audience may forget much of what you say in
the middle, but they will remember what you said
in the end, if you do it right! - Close with
- A quotation or poem or humour
- A story or video clip
- A challenge
36Is this what you want people to remember at the
end of your presentation?
37May you live all the days of your life Thank