Title: Podcasting: Yes, you can
1PodcastingYes, you can!
Karen Burns, SW Iowa Library Service Area 2006
2What is a podcast?
- A digital recording of a radio broadcast or
similar program made available on the Internet
for downloading to a personal audio player. - --New Oxford American Dictionary
3How might I use podcasts at the library?
- Booktalks (recruit patrons to write/read)
- Book reviews
- Teasers for New books, Old favorites, Special
occasions - Library Newsletter
- Tutorials
- Teens / Students original work (permissions)
4How do I do a podcast?
- (The I have no budget model)
5Step 1 Record
- Onto computer or digital recorder
- Export as mp3
6Step 2 Blog
- Put mp3 file on a webserver
- Link to mp3 in a blog post
- Create feed for podcast (one-time set-up through
73. Listen!
- Users will be able to listen to the mp3 file,
or subscribe to the podcasts
8Getting set up One-time tasks
- Create a blog
- Create a Feedburner feed for podcast
- Download recording software
9Setting up a blog
- Try one out in Bloggerit costs nothing!
- http//www.blogger.com
10Step 1 Create an account
11Step 2 Name your blog
12Step 3 Choose a template
13Your blog is ready to use!
15Publish the post
16Settings Basic
17Settings Formatting
18Settings Comments
19Other Settings
- Publishing
- Archiving
- Site Feed
- E-mail
20Inviting members to the team
21Customizing Template
22Customizing the sidebar
24Save and Republish
25View your blog!
26Creating a podcast feed
- If blog does not create enclosures for media
files (Blogspot does not), use Feedburner to
create feed for podcast http//www.feedburner.
Type your blogs URL here
Check I am a podcaster
27Burn the feed
This is the address for your podcast feed
If you dont already have an account with
Feedburner, create one. (Or, log in if you do.)
28Configure podcast (tags)
29 Downloading recording software
Were using Audacity, free from http//audacity.s
- You will need
- Computer with sound card
- Microphone to plug into mic jack
- Software that will record and convert to mp3
- (Audacity, for example)
31 Record on Audacity
Click on Record button (Be sure microphone is
selected input device) Begin speaking into the
microphone. When finished, click on the Stop
32 Export as mp3 file
- FileExport as mp3
- (The first time you export as mp3 it will prompt
you to download a lame_enc.dll file) - A tag edit window will pop upadd title, artist
and choose genre (probably other)
332. BLOG
- You will need
- Space on a webserver to place your mp3 file
- A blog
34Copy mp3 file to webserver
- To a folder on your librarys website, for
example) - copy and paste using Front Page or
- ftp or
- whatever method you normally use
35Create Link to mp3 file on your blog
36And then magic happens
- Remember, once you have set up the feed with
Feedburner it automatically creates enclosures
on the feed it creates from your blog
373. Listen!
- Users can listen to
- The mp3 file on the blog
- The podcast in iTunes or other podcatcher
- The podcasts from a subscription to the podcast
38How do I let people know about my podcasts?
- Register them with iTunes
- Post podcast URL feed on your blog, website
- Publicize in newsletter, on website, newspaper
39Examples of podcasts
- Isinglass Teen Read Award Booktalks(Hopkinton
Middle and High Schools) - http//www.hopkintonschools.org/hhs/library/podcas
t.htm - Kankakee Public Libraryhttp//www.lions-online.or
g/Podcasts.html - Podfeed.netpodcasts tagged with reading
- http//podfeed.net/tags/reading
- SWILSAs News Views weekly podcast
- http//www.swilsanews.blogspot.com