Title: BWAV Delivery
1BWAV Delivery or Everything you ever wanted to
know about sending in programmes via FTP but
didnt know what FTP meant!
With Neil The Sec Gardner the BBCs very own
Richard BWAV-Meister Courtice
2The Delivery Process
3Mastering to WAV
- SADiE, Pro-Tools and Adobe all master to WAV file
- SADiE use the bounce function and change the
output file to PC and the Settings to 16bit WAV
the file can then be saved to your hard drive
or network - Pro-Tools bounce to stereo 16bit WAV file as
normal, the file is then saved to your hard drive
or network - Adobe after bouncing the multi-track file down
to a stereo track, use Save As and change the
output file to 16bit WAV, the file is then saved
to your hard drive or network.
4The Next Step
- The WAV file can then be transferred to ANY
computer that has Broadband access it doesnt
need to be sent directly from the studio - ADVICE buy a 1 or 2GB flash drive (about 50)
to transfer the file from PC to PC - Once transferred to the broadband computer, use
FTP software to connect to the BBC server and
transfer the file - ORuse CD burning software to burn the WAV file
on to a DATA CD (not as AUDIO)
5Free FTP Software
We recommend the following free FTP software
A very useful and powerful FTP programme that is
relatively easy to use and fast when transferring
files. Download www.smartftp.com/download/
6Free FTP Software pt II
CuteFTP is a simpler piece of software and is
only available as a free evaluation version you
will have to pay for it eventually! Download www
7The Different Networks
8Beyond the WAV File
- Until the PROTEUS online paperwork system is up
and running, there are still a few hard-copy CDs
you will need to deliver - 1 x CD for commissioning editor
- 1 x Backup for BBC Archive (incl. Recording
9Why Digital Is Good
- By mastering your programmes to WAV file, you not
only have a library of broadcast-standard
programmes, but it also make it a lot easier to - Burn multiple copies as AUDIO for contributors,
etc - Create your own digital archive
- Exploit programmes as downloads, etc
10Where to go for help
- As with everything to do with computers, from
time to time things will inevitably go awry, or
you may just need some quick and simply-explained
advice. Heres who to call - Richard Courtice 020 7765
- Email richard.courtice_at_bbc.co.uk
11Say All That Again!
- For a full copy of this presentation, the BWAV
technical guidelines and more help with digital
delivery, just pop along to - www.radioindependentsgroup.org
- www.bbc.co.uk/commissioning
- Not a member? Worry not simply grab Neil and
say Hey, I wanna join RIG, heres the cash!
12RIG Contacts (always happy to help!) Secretary -
Neil Gardner secretary_at_radioindependentsgroup.o
rg Phone - 020 7079 2082