- What is the relationship between resources and
conflict? - Notes from The Anatomy of Resource Wars by
Michael Renner, Worldwatch Paper 162
2Lets look at Angola
- Resources
- Diamonds Oil
- Conflict
- Government rebels fighting for control, buying
weapons - For them, their resources are a curse, not a
blessing. - --gtdisplacement, greed, corruption
- Many wars/conflicts have strong resource
dimensions - Resources finance violence
- People killed or displaced
- Arms trafficking
- Environmental destruction
4Awareness is growing
- UN Panels
- Civil societies, NGOs
- Media reports
5The underlying causes
- Some places --resources fund continuing conflicts
originated form other factors (ideology) - Some places --resources attract predators,
violence to maintain control of money, not to
overthrow the government
6Repercussions of resource extraction
- Economic benefits accrue to the national elite or
foreign investors - BUT the burdens go to the locals
- No local input or consultation
- SO locals resist --gt conflicts, sabotage, human
rights violations
7Global/International/Regional Connections
- World market for illegal resources
- Arms trade
- --gt Cross-border resource wars
8COMPARE Conflicts
- Resource Wealth
- Non-renewable resources (fuel, minerals)
- Resource Scarcity
- Things that can be looted (land, water)
9Looking at Resource Wealth Conflicts
- Struggle to control or plunder resources
(minerals, timber, other commodities)
Have resources--gtfund war --gtkeep access to resources --gthave resources --gtfund war, etc. EXAMPLE Sudan, simplified --gtOil exports --gtGovt. war against southern rebels --gtGovt must expand oil production to pay for war --gtMove deeper into rebel territory for oil --gtScorched earth in south to get oil --gtMaintain oil exports (return to top)
10Some History
- End of Cold War 2 superpowers had been
supporting Third World allies - Those groups needed to rely on more criminal
means to stay in power - Extortion/drugs/hostages/coerced labor or
- Illicit trade in resources
11Example Diamonds
- Conflict Diamonds (from conflict areas)
- Illicit Diamonds (illegally mined or stolen)
- Legal Diamonds (hard to tell which is which?)
12State and Non-State Groups use resources to
finance military activitiesConsider in your
State Sovereign right? Legitimate? Bending laws?Reporting revenue? Buying arms secretly? Rich elite? Use violence to depopulate resource-rich areas? Non-State Rebels Secessionists Warlords More criminal than political Force civilians to work for them Kidnapping/ransoms
13Concepts to look at
- Point vs. Diffuse resources (diamonds in a
mine vs. diamonds in a riverbed-- controlled by
one group or available to many) - Lootability--easier to plunder, oil vs. lumber
or diffuse diamonds - Obstructability--ability to block shipment
(must pay who is in power, rebels can extort
14Resource wealth has impacts on frequency,
duration, and intensity of conflicts
- VIOLENCE against civilians, for intimidation,
drives people away - NOT competing for peoples hearts
- Therefore atrocities, expulsions, landmines,
blockades, sexual violence - Force locals (esp. children) to commit atrocities
so they cant return home are traumatized
15The Resource Curse
- Conflict lt--combination of factors (weak,
repressive, undemocratic govt.) - (Australia has lootable resources but no
16Some factors
- Ample resources
- Govt depends on them, doesnt develop other
sectors (agric, manuf, services) - Under-invests in educ. health
- No economic diversity
- No development of human skills
- So, resource-rich countries may be worse off
17Extractive Industries
- Limited of local jobs
- Small pockets of wealth
- If exported before processing--gtnot integrated
into local economy - Susceptive to boom/bust economy
- Loans on future, unrealized income
- foreign debt
- More a country depends on extraction--gtworse on
score of Human Development Index - (infant mortality, child educ., rich/poor
disparity, culture of corruption)
18Resource Royalties
- Leaders fund patronage
- Leaders reward followers
- Leaders punish opponents
- Leaders not accountable to population because
they do not rely on taxes for power - State institutions are weakened to prevent
challenges to ruler - Revenues diverted to generate illicit fortunes to
rulers - Spend lots of money on internal arms security
Connection to Consumerism and Consumption
- Strong demand for commodities consumer products
--gt Illegal resource exploitation very profitable.
20Corporations? How do they contribute?
- Purchase hot commodities from combatants
- Buy timber or mined goods from rebels warlords
- Ship illicit raw materials
- Deal with repressive governments
- Help procure arms for corrupt governments
- May not be legally wrong, but morally?