Title: Step to Independence: Soar to Success
1Step to IndependenceSoar to Success
- Speaker Dale S. Brown
- Dispel the Myths
- Southwest Branch International Dyslexia
Association Conference February 21, 2009
2Trends of Todays World
- Recession
- Technological Advancement
- Social Isolation
- Information Overload
- Changing Role of Reading
3Strengths of People with LD and Dyslexia
4Steps to Independence
- Academic Skills
- Independent Living Skills
- Social Skills
5Academic Skills
- Reading
- Literacy Skills
- Math and Technical Skills
6Independent Living Skills
- Credit Card Use and Other Financial Skills
- Transportation
- Accommodating Learning Disabilities
- Technology
- Self-Advocacy
7Social Skills Challenges
- Perceptual Problems
- Difficulties with Language
- Physical Signs of Learning Disabilities
- Experiences of Being Rejected by Other People
8Social Skill Accommodation Requests
- Please call people by name during the meeting.
- Please call on me when you want me to speak.
- If I talk too loud, please let me know.
- My staring sometimes bothers people. I hope you
are okay with it, because I often dont control
my eye muscles.
9Aspects of social expression
- Words
- Tone of Voice
- Body Language
- Facial Expression
10Help them face and embrace their LD
- Help them obtain a diagnosis and understand their
strengths and weaknesses. - Form communities of learning that embrace
diversity. - Learn about internal and external oppression.
11How oppression works
- External oppression-the actual experience,
barrier or difficulty caused by the learning
disability - Internalized oppression- When the person develops
negative beliefs about themselves because of the
way they react to these experiences
12A time you overcame internalized opppression
- When did you think you couldnt do something, but
were able to do it anyway? - When did you take a stand against injustice?
- When did you succeed at a goal that was a stretch
for you - When did you do something that people said that
you couldnt do? - This incident can be minor or major. It could
have taken place at any time in your life.
13Empower people with LD to overcome internal
- Appreciate their real strengths and their
efforts. - Explain they can stop internalized oppression.
- Tell them how to talk back to negative thoughts.
- Ask questions to raise self esteem.
- Rigorously analyze strengths.
14Help them soar to success
- Ask them questions such as
- What would you like to do that you are not doing
now? - If you could change the world to be a better
place, what would you change? - When you daydream about your future, what are you
thinking about? - What do you like doing?
- What are you doing when people really admire you?
15Job search and career planning
- Encourage career awareness at young age.
- Teach creative job hunting and informational
interviewing. - Help them handle the dilemma of disclosure.
- Have them be contributing members of the learning
community. Children who rebel against
accountability often rise to responsibility.
17How can you use your strengths to inspire and
empower your students with learning disabilities?
- What can you do differently?
- How can you connect in community with the people
18To contact speaker
- Dale S. Brown
- dale-brown_at_mindspring.com