Title: SuperDuperNetworking Transforming Supercomputing
1SuperDuperNetworking Transforming
Supercomputingfrom the point of view of Large
Scale Visualization andCollaborative Work
- Jason Leigh
- spiff_at_evl.uic.edu
2A Typical Data Correlation and Visualization
Data Source ? Correlate/Filter ? Render ?
Display Data Source ? Render ? Display Data
Source ? Render Display Data Source ? Correlate
? Render Display Data Source Correlate ?
Render Display Data Source Correlate ? Render
? Display
- Things to notice
- Pipelines are static for long periods of
time-NOT like web surfing- so. - Routing is not crucial.
- Program code is tiny compared to volume of data
processed. Caching wont help much- so. - Need to stream lots of data through fast
concurrent pipelines! - Need pipelines to be optimized from end to end.
3Experiment to Use Inexpensive Photonic Switches
as an alternative to traditional million
routers to provide application-controlled
deterministic network paths/pipelines.
Long haul link
The cross connections are application- programmabl
Protocol data rate independent
Calient / Glimmerglass at StarLight EVL
4In Collaborative Work, Data or Visualization
needs to be Distributed to Collaborating Sites
Data Source ? Correlate ? Render ? Display Data
Source ? Render Display Data Source ? Render ?
Display Data Source ? Correlate ? Render
Display Data Source Correlate ? Render
Display Data Source Correlate ? Render ? Display
5Photonic Multicast Service
Glimmerglass Reflexion Photonic Multicast-capable
6Photonically Multicasting a Visualization
- Challenges
- Need to augment traditional Routing and
Wavelength Assignment algorithms to consider
photonic multicast constraints. - Need extreme speed reliable multicast protocol
71st Step Realize Local Area Photonic
Multicasting(Visit Booth R2935 to learn how this
is done on the OptIPuter)
8Quiz Guess the Mystery Computer with the
enormous bandwidth but tiny caches
2.4GB/s from main memory to graphics (Todays
AGP8X is at 2.1GB/s)
48GB/s! (Todays Quadro FX3000only has 27GB/s)
Tiny caches
Memory 32MB
Graphics Synthesizer 4MB
128bit bus
16K cache
300MhZMIPS 3
Vector processors with several parallel pipelines
For distributed, collaborative large scale data
visualization, we need a version of this that
extends to wide area environments.