RRC06 results related to the broadcasting service - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RRC06 results related to the broadcasting service


... the territories of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but excluding the territory of Mongolia. ... (Hashemite Kingdom of), Mali (Republic of), Morocco (Kingdom of) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RRC06 results related to the broadcasting service

RRC-06 results related to the broadcasting
  • Ilham GHAZI

Summary Slide
  • How the RRC was born?
  • First session of RRC
  • Intersessional activities
  • Regulatory and procedural activities
  • Technical studies
  • Planning activities
  • Second session of RRC
  • Structure of the Conference
  • Planning process
  • Output of the Conference RRC-06
  • Final Acts
  • Transition period
  • Impact of GE06 on the existing Plans

How the RRC was born?
  • Several developments in the radiocommunication
    industry related to digital broadcasting.
  • Initial steps to convene a regional
    radiocommunication conference initiated by
    countries located within the planning area of the
    ST61 Regional Agreement.
  • Consultation process launched by ITU extension
    of the planning area.
  • Adoption of Resolution 1185 mod.

Additional countries outside ST61 (RCC)
countries from ST61
countries from GE89
Parts of Region 1, situated to the west of 170?
eastern longitude and to the north of of parallel
40 ? S, including the territories of the Islamic
Republic of Iran, but excluding the territory of
Region 1 (those parts of Region 1, as defined in
No. 5.3 of the Radio Regulations, situated to the
west of meridian 170 E and to the north of
parallel 40 S, except the territories of
Mongolia) and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Regional Radiocommunication Conference
  • First session of RRC ? RRC-04
  • Intersessional activities
  • Second session ? RRC-06

First session of RRC
  • The Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC)
    2004 was convened in Geneva, 10 28 May 2004
  • Objectives, to provide
  • the basis for the work of the second session of
  • the necessary bases to facilitate planning
    exercises prior to the second session of RRC,
  • the form in which the requirements of
    administrations should be submitted, and
  • the basis for the production of a plan for
    digital terrestrial broadcasting in the 174
    230 MHz and 470 862 MHz in the RRC planning

Specific output of the RRC-04 - Resolutions -
  • Resolution 1 includes, in its Annex, the Report
    established by RRC-04.
  • Resolution COM5/1 overall-scope of the
    intersessional activities relating to the
    planning exercises, by the creation of
  • the Intersessional Planning Group (IPG),
  • the Planning eXercise Team (PXT).
  • Resolution PLEN/1 creation of a
    Regulatory/Procedural Group (RPG) with a working
    party to
  • study regulatory/procedural matters relating to
    the relevant parts of the RRC-06 agenda, and the
    agendas of the short conferences, associated with
  • revise the Regional Agreements Stockholm, 1961
    and Geneva, 1989.
  • Resolution COM5/2 deals with the establishment
    of agenda and duration of the second session.

Specific output documents of the RRC-04 - RRC-04
Report -
  • The report consists of seven chapters
  • Chapter 1 contains a list of definitions that are
    relevant for the conference and the establishment
    of a frequency plan.
  • Chapter 2 provides the propagation model and
    definitions of the different propagation zones
    that occur within the planning area of the
  • Chapter 3 provides the technical bases and
    technical characteristics that are to be used for
  • Chapter 4 deals with the compatibility of digital
    broadcasting requirements with other primary
    services. It in particular provides the
    protection ratios to be used during the
    compatibility analyses.
  • Chapter 5 The planning principles and methods,
    in particular the calculation methods for the
    compatibility analyses and syntheses of the
    frequency plans.
  • Chapter 6 The data formats of the requirements
    for digital broadcasting and of other primary
  • Chapter 7 Procedural matters, such as the new
    agreement, date of entry into force and the
    transition period for the introduction of digital

Intersessional activities
  • Regulatory and procedural activities
  • Technical studies
  • Planning activities

Regulatory and procedural activities
  • RPG, established by Resolution PLEN/1
  • The meeting of the WP/RPG ( 29 October to 3
    November 2004)
  • initial consideration of the regulatory/procedural
  • created a sub-working group to deal with the
    procedures to be associated with the RRC-06
    Agreement, the revision of the ST61 Agreement and
    the revision of the GE89 Agreement.
  • Three meetings of Sub-Working Group 1 of the
    Working Party of the RPG (7-9 March 2005, 27-29
    June 2005 and 30 August-1 September 2005)
  • detailed consideration of the possible text for
    the new agreement and to the revisions of the
    ST61 and GE89 Agreements.
  • One meeting of RPG (6 to 9 December 2005)
    reviewed the regulatory and procedural matters
    relating to the consideration of
  • the example text of the draft new Agreement,
  • the possible revisions of the ST61 and GE89
    Agreements that are intended to harmonize the
    scope of all three Agreements in the bands

Technical studies
  • Planning Exercise Team (PXT), BR staff assisted
    by experts nominated by the respective groups.
    PXT focussed its activities on the following main
  • verification and implementation of the planning
    software for the production of the draft
    frequency Plan for digital terrestrial
    broadcasting service
  • identification of planning issues to be
    considered by IPG, RPG, the ITU-R study groups
    and BR and providing, where appropriate, working
    assumptions for these issues.
  • ITU-R Study Group activities, which
  • provided the planning criteria,
  • reviewed the planning assumptions proposed by the
    PXT that were necessary for carrying out the
    planning exercises and for the production of the
    draft frequency plan for the digital terrestrial

Technical studies (2)
  • Region groups activitiesregional coordination
    groups were established in the planning area, to
    carry out the coordination activities between
  • European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which
    developed and provided the planning software to
    the Conference.The software, was continually
    updated and improved and carried out
  • the detailed compatibility analysis between
    digital requirements, existing analogue
    television assignments and assignments to other
    primary services
  • the synthesis for the production of a draft
    frequency plan.

Planning activities
  • the Intersessional Planning Group (IPG) was
    established, and two meetings have been held
    (Summaries of these meeting are available at
  • The Steering Group of the IPG (IPG/STG) has been
    also established, and meetings on
  • 10-12 November 2004,
  • 10-11 February 2005,
  • 30 June-1 July 2005,
  • 17-18 December 2005.
  • IPG considered all the pertinent issues regarding
    the conduct of the intersessional activities

Planning activities- First planning exercise
  • Submission of digital requirements 28 February
  • Submission of administrative declarations 17
    June 2005.
  • Equivalent Reference situation 28 February
  • Results provided during the IPG-1 meeting (from
    4 to 7 July 2005).
  • IPG-1
  • reviewed the results and the associated issues
    (including the working assumptions adopted by the
    PXT for the conduct of the first planning
  • provided instructions to the PXT for the
    subsequent phases of the planning process.

Planning activities- Additional results
  • PXT to carry out additional studies using relaxed
    the planning criteria and additional
    administrative declarations.
  • Results provided during the WPIPG held on 28 and
    29 September 2005.

Planning activities- Draft Plan
  • Submission of digital requirements 31 October
  • Submission of administrative declarations 27
    January 2006
  • Reference situation 31 October 2005, from which
    were excluded those analogue broadcasting
    assignments as requested by the administrations
  • Results
  • First synthesis during the IPG-2 meeting -20-24
    February 2006-
  • reviewed the results of the first synthesis of
    the draft plan, prepared by the Planning Exercise
    Team (PXT), and several associated issues.
  • formulated recommendations to the administrations
    of the Member States, to the PXT and to the
    Radiocommunication Bureau,
  • instructed the PXT to conduct the second
    synthesis of the draft plan, based on additional
    administrative declarations.
  • Second synthesis The PXT conducted the second
    synthesis of the draft plan using the indications
    in the Report from RRC-04 and the conclusions of
    IPG and WPIPG in this respect.

Planning activities- General comparison of the
results of the intersessional planning activities
Planning activities- General comparison of the
results of the intersessional planning activities
Second session of RRC
  • Name The Regional Radiocommunication Conference
    (RRC) 2006, RRC-06
  • Date from 15 May to 16 June 2006
  • Place Geneva
  • Objective produce a plan for digital terrestrial
    broadcasting in the 174 230 MHz and 470
    862 MHz , for the planning area, which comprises
    parts of Region 1, including the territories of
    the Islamic Republic of Iran, but excluding the
    territory of Mongolia.

Structure of the Conference
  • Committee 1 Steering Committee.
  • Committee 2 Credentials Committee.
  • Committee 3 Budget Control Committee.
  • Committee 4 Planning Committee to conduct the
    required planning activities and to establish the
    frequency plans, for terrestrial digital
    broadcasting and the associated analogue plan in
    the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz.

Structure of the Conference (2)
  • Committee 5 Regulatory Committee to develop a
    draft of a new regional agreement for the RRC-06
    planning area, and for the concerned frequency
    bands, including
  • Regulatory, procedural and technical aspects
    relating to the use of the bands 174-230 MHz and
    470-862 MHz by the broadcasting service and the
    sharing with other primary services
  • the relationship between the above-mentioned
    agreement and the Stockholm 1961 and Geneva 1989
    Agreements with a view to harmonizing the scope
    of application of each of these three Agreements.
  • Committee 6 Editorial Committee.
  • Working Group of the Plenary to consider and
    review the working assumptions regarding the
    missing planning parameters/criteria and other
    technical elements which are relevant for
    establishment of the frequency plans for
    terrestrial digital broadcasting in the frequency

Planning process- COM 4 working arrangements
relating to data treatment and planning
Planning process Decisions regarding the conduct
of the Planning process
  • working assumptions as presented in document
  • Subdivision of the RRC-06 planning area on 5
  • Establishment of 5 Coordination and Negotiation
    Groups (CNGs)
  • Generation of requirements for the Member States
    which did not submit any requirements (GNE, LBR,
    RRW, SOM, SRL and STP) and decided to include
    them in the first iteration.
  • Representation of absent Administrations by the
  • The reference situation for analogue television
    in the bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz,
    associated with the reference date of 31 October
    2005, has been amended.

Planning process - Reference situation
  • For the territories governed by the ST61 or the
    GE89 Agreements frequency assignments as
    included in BR IFIC No. 2569 (date 16 May 2006),
    and frequency assignments on channel M5
    (170-177 MHz) for MRC.
  • For the territories not governed by the ST61 or
    the GE89 Agreements the latest updated version
    of the RCC List (frequency assignments
    successfully coordinated by 15 March 2006).

Planning process - Reference situation (2)
  • MIFR assignments recorded before 31 December 1989
    which have no equivalents in the current ST61 and
    GE89 Plans have been deleted, except 22.
  • Reference situation for other primary terrestrial
    services included those eligible frequency
  • that fully meet the requirements mentioned in
    1.7.2 of the RRC-04 Report,
  • have been notified to the Bureau by 15 March
    2006, and
  • for which the associated information with R06
    notice forms was received by the Bureau by 21
    April 2006.

Planning process - Planning options
  • Number and type(s) of the planning options
  • Study case 1 the draft plan included all
    analogue television assignments in the reference
    situation, in accordance with the indications
    from the administrations concerned, and all
    complying frequency assignments to primary
    services other than broadcasting.
  • Study case 2 AIOX all analogue (A) television
    assignments were included (I) in the reference
    situation, in accordance with the indications
    from the administrations concerned. The
    assignments to primary services other (O) than
    broadcasting in the reference situation were
    excluded (X).
  • Study case 3 AXOI were included all complying
    frequency assignments to primary services other
    than broadcasting, in accordance with the
    indications from the administrations concerned.
    The analogue television assignments in the
    reference situation were excluded.
  • Study case 4 AXOX were excluded all analogue
    television assignments in the reference situation
    and all assignments to primary services other
    than broadcasting in the reference situation.

Planning process - The Planning option
  • the conference decided to conduct all four
    planning iterations using one single planning
    option case study 3 (AXOI), i.e
  • all eligible frequency assignments to primary
    terrestrial services other than broadcasting,
    included in the reference situation established
    by RRC-06, were taken into account in the design
    of the Plan.
  • The analogue television assignments, which are
    included in the reference situation established
    by RRC-06, were not taken into account in the
    design of the Plan.
  • Complementary analysis show the
    incompatibilities between the digital Plan and
    the analogue Plan during transition period.

Planning process - Planning iterations
  • 1st ITERATION during the first week,
  • the deadline for submission of requirements
    (replacement file) in accordance with the
    decisions of the third Plenary was scheduled for
    Thursday, 18 May 2006 at 1200 hours.
  • The deadline for submission of administrative
    declarations (complete file) was Friday,
    19 May 2006 at 1800 hours.
  • 2nd and 3rd ITERATION during the second and
    third week,
  • deadline for the submission of changes to the
    requirements was Thursday, at 1800 hours,
  • deadline for submission of administrative
    declarations (additions, modifications and
    suppressions) was Friday at 1800 hours.
  • 4th and last ITERATION (Final Plan) the
    activities were advanced by one day, i.e.
  • the deadline for the submission of changes to the
    requirements is Wednesday, 7 June 2006 at
    1800 hours,
  • the deadline for submission of administrative
    declarations is Thursday, 8 June 2006 at
    1800 hours.

Planning process- Planning iteration Schedule of
activities for a planning iteration
Comparison of the results relating to the four
  • Band III

Comparison of the results relating to the four
  • Band IV

Output of the Conference RRC-06PLANS
  • Plans for the bands III 174-230 MHz, IV
    470-582 MHz and V 582-862 MHz 
  • GE06D Plan of digital assignments and
    allotments, composed by
  • Part 1, for digital broadcasting in Band III
    (174-230 MHz), with provisions for T-DAB and
  • Part 2, for digital broadcasting in Bands IV
    and V (470-862 MHz), with provisions for DVB-T.
  • GE06A Plan of analogue television assignments,
  • GE06L the list of assignments to other primary
    terrestrial services,
  • For Morocco, the analogue Plan covers the band
    170-230 MHz.

GE06D Plan
70491 Assignments / Allotments at the end of the
RRC-06 conference
GE06A Plan
94531 Analogue assignments at the end of the
RRC-06 conference
From GE89 ? 12746 From ST61 ?
72148 From PLN_EXT ? 9615 From MIFR ?
Output of the Conferences Final Acts
  • The Regional Radiocommunication Conference of the
    revision of the Stockholm 1961 Agreement
    (RRC-06-Rev.ST61) (http//www.itu.int/md/R06-RRC.0
  • The Regional Radiocommunication Conference of the
    revision of Geneva 1989 Agreement (RRC-06-Rev.
    GE89) (http//www.itu.int/md/R06-RRC.06.AFR-R-0001
    /en )
  • The Regional Radiocommunication Conference 2006
    for planning of the digital terrestrial
    broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3,
    in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862
    MHz (RRC-06) (http//www.itu.int/md/R06-RRC.06-R-0

Output of RRC-06 Transition period
  • Definition
  • The Transition period started on 17 June 2006 at
    0001 hours UTC
  • assignments in the analogue Plan (as specified in
     3.1.2 of Article 3) shall be protected.
  • The Transition period shall end
  • on 17 June 2015 at 0001 hours UTC (for UHF bands
    in all countries for VHF in all countries except
    those that opted for 17 June 2020) .
  • on 17 June 2020 at 0001 hours UTC for the
  • Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of),
    Burkina Faso, Cameroon (Republic of), Congo
    (Republic of the), Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of),
    Egypt (Arab Republic of), Gabonese Republic,
    Ghana, Guinea (Republic of), Iran (Islamic
    Republic of), Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of), Mali
    (Republic of), Morocco (Kingdom of), Mauritania
    (Islamic Republic of), Nigeria (Federal Republic
    of), Syrian Arab Republic, Sudan (Republic of
    the), Chad (Republic of), Togolese Republic,
    Tunisia, Yemen (Republic of).
  • For the following administrations which were not
    present at RRC-06, namely Benin (Republic of),
    Central African Republic, Eritrea, Ethiopia
    (Federal Democratic Republic of), Guinea-Bissau
    (Republic of), Equatorial Guinea (Republic of),
    Liberia (Republic of), Madagascar (Republic of),
    Niger (Republic of the), Democratic Republic of
    the Congo, Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic
    Republic of), Sierra Leone and Somali Democratic
    Republic, the date of the end of the transition
    period in the VHF band (174-230 MHz), unless any
    of the aforementioned administrations
    communicates to the Bureau during the 90-day
    period from the end of RRC-06 that it selects
    17 June 2015 at 0001 hours UTC.

Output of the Conference RRC-06 Actions after
the Transition period
  • the provisions of  4.1 of Article 4 referring to
    the modification of the analogue Plan do not
    apply ANYMORE
  • remarks with respect to analogue assignments do
    not apply ANYMORE.
  • the Bureau shall
  • Cancel the corresponding entries in the analogue
  • review the status of the assignments which were
    contained in the analogue Plan and recorded in
    the MIFR ( 12.7 of article)
  • invite the administrations to cancel the
    corresponding entries in the MIFR
  • administrations may request the Bureau to cancel
    the corresponding assignments, or
  • continue to operate them, under the conditions
    that these analogue assignments
  • were contained in the Plan and already brought
    into use, and
  • shall not cause unacceptable interference to, and
    shall not claim protection from, any assignments
    in conformity with the Agreement and its
    associated Plans (see  5.1.2 of Article 5).

Impact of GE06 on the existing Plans
  • GE89 Plan covers now the following bands
  • Band I 47-68 MHz, (limited to 54-68 MHz in BOT,
  • Band III 230-238 MHz and 246-254 MHz, (for BOT,
    LSO, MWI, MOZ, NMB, AFS, SWZ, ZMB and ZWE subject
    to agreement obtained under RR9.21)
  • ST61 Plan covers now the following bands
  • Band I 41-68 MHz
  • Band II 87.5-100 MHz
  • Band III 162-174 MHz.

  • Any questions?
  • Thank you
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