Title: The Political Spectrum
1The Political Spectrum
2And now for your enjoyment.
3Funnies of the day
4Another one
5And yet, another
6And because you love survey so much. another
- Man are by nature, good and cooperative.
- Focused on the idea of the perfect society.
- Government can become corrupt and should never
infringe on the rights of individuals - Concerned with equality
- Willing to resort to violence or breaking the law
to achieve goals
8LiberalsPart of our system
- Capitalism is best but needs some reforms
- Human rights over property right
- Government should help those who cannot
- Reform should take moderate means
- Need a large federal government
- Belief in Free speech
- All rights for all people should be protected
- Need government regulations
- Left Wing
9ModeratesMade up of both Republicans and
- More concerned about compromise
- Tend to agree with issues of both liberals and
Conservatives - Tend to find Political candidates from this area
- Can be criticized for not doing enough at times
10ConservativePart of our system
- Society represents accumulated wisdom and
presents a proven formula - Status Quo
- Legitimate authority is needed
- Oppose strong central government
- Favors state rights
- Good of majority over the minority
- Favors cutting government programs
- Should protect economic interests
- Right Wing
- The ideas of the past are the correct ones which
we should restore today. - Communism is a direct threat to our society
- Willing to use any means necessary to achieve
goals violence or breaking laws
12Other Terms
- Socialist man is a cooperative being who is
willing to work with others in a communal effort.
The purpose of society is not to make a profit
rather it is to eliminate poverty. - Pragmatist When a problem is present, it is to
be solved. What ever solution works best for the
particular problem should be used.
13There is NO party here.
- The One-Party system
- Exists in most dictatorships.
- The government is simply an instrument of the
party - Truly a no party system.
- Ex. China
14Its my party (or lack thereof),
- And Ill cry if I want to.
15So many parties, so little time.
- Multi-Party System
- Many parties based on religion, economic class,
sectional attachment, or political ideology. - Unstable Coalitions must be formed.
- ex. Germany (MOST European democracies)
16Why is my date book so empty?
- The two-party system.
- Two dominant political parties control most
elections. Minor parties, if they exist get
little or no portion of the electorate.
17The Two-Party System
- What does it look like for us?
18- What do Parties Do?
- NominateRecruit, choose, and present candidates
for public office. - Inform and Activate SupportersCampaign, define
issues, and criticize other candidates. - Act as a Bonding AgentGuarantee that their
candidate is worthy of the office.
- Republican
- Free (private) Enterprise
- Prove to us that Government can do it better
- Democrat
- Government
- Prove that private industry can do it better
- Democrats
- Liberal
- Promote policies that represent new approaches.
- Republicans
- Conservative
- Cautious about change.
21(No Transcript)
- Republicans
- Well-off
- Dont fix what isnt broken.
- Democrats
- The Worker
- Change can only make things better. No success
in the status-quo.
23How do you think this may be different than
2004? What about this election in 2008?
24(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27The Reality is not so black and white or red and
28Reasons for Party Decline
- Independents
- Mistrust of Government
- Open Primaries
- Technology
- End of Patronage
- All of the above leads to
- Electoral Independence!!
29What is a Political Platform?
- States the main ideas of the party
- Explains why it was started, stance on main
issues and current agenda
30Party Platform Differences
- The Political Parties are NOT the same. They are
supported by different types of people who feel
differently on issues. Bills in Congress reflect
party-line voting at least 90 of the time! If
there wasnt a dimes worth of difference
between the parties, this would not be the case.
31 Minor Parties in the United States
Ideological Parties Example Libertarian
Party-rights of the individual
Single-issue Parties Example Free Soil
Party-eliminate slavery
Splinter Party Example Bull Moose Progressive
Party-against patronage system
Economic Protest Parties Example The Greenback
Party-against govt regulation of
32Party Types
- Factional (splinter) Parties
- Bull Moose, Reform
- Ideological Parties
- Libertarian, Communist
- Single-Issue
- Free Soil, Prohibition
- Toga Parties
- Power Parties
- Democrats, Republicans
33 Minor Parties in the United States
34Why are Minor Parties important?
- Minor parties play several important roles
- Spoiler Role
- Critic
- Innovator
35The Three Components of the Party
36More on the Future
- For candidates
- Structural changes have increased conflict and
disorganization within parties - Changes in the technology of campaigning,
especially the use of television and the
Internet, have made candidates more independent
of the party organization - The growth of single-issue organizations provides
candidates with another source of financial