Title: Improve Development Process with Open Source Software
1Improve Development Process with Open Source
- Introduction
- Selenium
- Demo
- CruiseControl
- Showcase
- Conclusion
3Share experience
- How do we test the web project?
- Whats our daily development like?
- Happy or painful?
- Why?
- Share your experience!
4- Question 1
- Functional Test For Web app
Acceptance Testing
Regression Testing
- Developers have moved on
- Too close to release
Acceptance Testing
Regression Testing
Write test as you go
Problems are found quickly
Run them as often as you can
7Why Automated?
- Manual testing is slow, tedious and error-prone
- Especially for regression
Either take long time or less thorough
What now? Start again?
8Consistently Thorough Fast enough to start again
and again and again
- Open source test tool for web applications.
- Run in browser
- Test browser compatibility system
functionality. - Easy to use.
- Test cases are written in pure HTML
- Clean and impressive UI
- Demo
- Start hsqldb
- Start tomcat
- Firefox
- http//localhost8080/jpetstore
- http//localhost8080/jpetstore/selenium
12- Question 2
- Continuous Integration
13What is Continuous Integration
- Integrates source code and runs tests after each
commit of code to the source repository. - Near-immediate feedback to the developer
14Benefits of C.I.
- Minimizes integration risk.
- Supports easier defect diagnosis.
- Encourages good testing habit
- Support release management
- Enforces company development policy
Also see Luntbuild, which is a simpler analogue
of CruiseControl.
16About CruiseControl
- Think of it as timer for Ant.
- Simple design. Full featured, but not bloated.
- Adapts to your project, not the other way around.
- Can be completely customized.
17Build loop of C.C.
1. Bootstrap
2. Check for modifications
Cruise Control
3. Get the revision log
Build Artifacts Dir
5. Publish Artifacts
6. Send to publisher
1. Get the latest source
4. Run Build
3. Tag source (optional)
Project Specific Adapter - Ant Script
Your projects Build file Ant, Maven, Make
2. Run Build
18 19Conclusion
- DRY, use automation test/continuous tools help
you improve your development process, and
maximize customer value. - Selenium helps you test webapp more easily.
- Keep CruiseControl running. it gives you feedback
as soon as possible.
- Mike Clark, author of Pragmatic Project
Automation - http//media.pragprog.com/movies/auto/CruiseContro
l_MikeClark.html - Selenium IDE
- http//www.openqa.org/selenium-ide/
- Selenium Remote Control
- http//www.openqa.org/selenium-rc/