Title: All Hands On Deck
1One schools experience developing an Early Alert
2007 NACADA Annual Conference CODE 617
2Early Alert Systems (EAS)
- Formal, proactive, feedback system through which
students and student-support agents are alerted
to early manifestation of poor academic
performance (e.g., low in-progress grades) or
academic disengagement (high rates of
absenteeism). - Cuseo (2007)
3Early Alert System
- Mid-term-Grade Reports
- Pre-Mid-term Alert Systems
- Use of instruments to identify students at risk
for college attrition and behaviors at college
4Brief History of UCDHSC EAS
- Undergraduate Working Group discussed current
mid-term grade reporting process - EAS committee formed in January 2006
- Committee members represent a cross-section of
UCDHSC community - Hired a third-party IT consultant
5UCDHSC Student Persistence
- The Performance Contract between the University
of Colorado Board of Regents and the Colorado
Commission on Higher Education requires UCDHSC to
improve student persistence (1st to 2nd year) and
six-year graduation rates. To improve student
persistence, UCDHSC focused on implementing a
first-year seminar and an early alert system.
6Administrative Objectives
- Bridge between academic and student affairs
- Faculty involvement in student persistence
efforts - Adequacy of resources/staff in student support
offices - Assessment of grades, course completion and
satisfaction for alerted students - Cultural change
7EAS Objectives for Faculty
- Obtain more than mid-term grade information
- Evaluate all, not just new, students
- Eliminate a letter grade as the alert mechanism
- Begin alert process earlier than mid-term
- Eliminate multiple requests to faculty for
mid-term reports - Reduce faculty time with web-based system
- Coordinate grading timeframe for general
education courses
8Faculty Form Screen Shot Homepage
9Faculty Form Screen Shot Class List
10Faculty Form Screen Shot Individual Class Roster
11Faculty Form Screen Shot Alert Pop Up
12Advisor Objectives
- Identify students early
- Link students to resources early and provide
students more options - Better utilize human resources
- Easy-to-use electronic tool
- Automate workflow processes
- Reduce paper flow
- Uniform, minimum advisor expectations
- Tool kit
- Improve retention efforts
- Encourage students to take advantage of student
services - Improve the quality undergraduate experience
- Reduce number of students placed on probation and
13Advisor Form Homepage
14Advisor Form List of Alerts
15Advisor Form Alert Processing
16Advisor Form Alert Processing (continued)
17Student Support Campus Resources Objectives
- Develop closer collaboration between
- Academic and Student Affairs
- Support campus retention efforts
- Build existing communication lines and
- referral infrastructure
- Identify gaps and begin a plan to address them
- silo demolition
- Student Support resource component is currently
in a development phase. -
18Student Support Campus Resources
19Fall 2006 Spring 2007 Test Results
- Speed
- Login Balance login security
- System modifications to be more intuitive
- Program workflow
- Early student assessment and evaluation
- Potential large number of students identified
- Limited resource services available
- Data collection-What do we want to learn?
20Fall 2007 Pilot Faculty Results
- From the Fall 2007 Early Alert system, there were
667 alerts for 599 students in 115 sections. The
college breakdown of participation is as follows - Arts and Media 4 sections
- Business 1 section
- Engineering 2 section
- Liberal Arts 108 sections
21Faculty Feedback
- EA class lists missed some students from SIS.
- EA missed late instructor appointments.
- Not all faculty followed log-in instructions.
- Communication problems arose from incomplete
e-mail lists. - Graduate TAs used student e-mail.
- Instructors failed to use UCDHSC e-mail.
- Departments failed to accurately list Instructor
of Record in SIS. - Some faculty assumed alert was anonymous.
- Faculty concerned about lower FCQs.
22Advisor Feedback
- Initial tasks-cumbersome
- Uniformity
- Tool-Kit
- Availability of workshops
- Faculty enthusiasm
- Student enthusiasm
- Computer literacy
23Resource Feedback
- Appropriate wording
- Feedback mechanism
- Accountability
- Resource capacity
24Next steps
- Develop resource component
- Finalize reporting component
- Fall 2007 EAS problems, issues and opportunities
25Presenter Contact Information
- John Lanning, Assistant Vice Chancellor,
- Undergraduate Experiences
- 303-556-6363 or via e-mail at john.lanning_at_cudenve
r.edu - Carol Morken, CLAS Assistant Dean
- 303-556-2556 or via ea-mail at carol.morken_at_cudenv
er.edu - Trishia Vasquez, CLAS Academic Advisor
- 303-556-2337 or via e-mail at trishia.vasquez_at_cude
nver.edu - Peggy Lore, Director of Academic Success and
Advising Center - 303-352-3520 or via e-mail at peggy.lore_at_cudenver.