- Consulting Methodology
- Screen Shots Booklet
- featuring SUMMIT Ascendant
2SUMMIT AscendantTM Overview
This is a screen shot of the high level SUMMIT
Ascendant screen providing a graphic of the five
methods within SUMMIT.
3SUMMIT Ascendant Phase andModule Structure
within System Delivery
The tasks and activities in these modules are
used as the building blocks to create the WBS for
your project.
This screen shot shows Systems Delivery
comprised of all elements for the System Delivery
Life Cycle. There are six phases within SUMMIT
System Delivery shown at the top (Project
Initiation, Requirements Analysis, etc), and
their corresponding modules (i.e. Project
Planning and Initiation, etc) within those
4Navigating the Methods Tab - Graphical
This screen is a graphical representation of the
drill down capability showing detailed tasks and
activities behind the Project Planning and
Initiation module. PPI is broken down into task
PPI 1- Analyze Service Request. The activities
associated with task PPI1 are then displayed-
i.e. Prioritize Service Request PPI 1.2 PPI 1.2
displays all the key components of that activity.
5Technique Papers/Search Capability
On the left hand side of this screen shot is an
example of a reference search by maturity level.
On the right hand side is an example of a Search
Capability for Reference Papers.