Title: Inquiry through Blended Learning
1Inquiry through Blended Learning
- Norm Vaughan, PhD
- Teaching Learning Centre, University of Calgary
- nvaughan_at_ucalgary.ca
- 1) Inquiry through blended learning (ITBL)
- 2) Using information communication technologies
(ICT) to support ITBL - 3) Examples scenarios
- 4) Resources
3Reflecting on Inquiry Based Learning
Inquiry Based Learning
4Inquiry Based Learning Your Thoughts
- Concept Mapping Resources
- Cmap
- Smart Ideas
- Inspiration
- FreeMind
- Is problem or question driven
- Typically has a small-group feature
- Includes critical discourse
- Is frequently multi-disciplinary
- Incorporates research methods such as information
gathering and synthesis of ideas
6Practical Inquiry Model PhasesGarrison, D. R.,
Anderson, T., Archer, W. (2000)
7Inquiry Based Learning Activities
- What is one example of an IBL activity that you
are currently using or would like to use within
your teaching? - Think
- Pair
- Share
8Meaningful Learning Activities
Garrison Archer (2000)
9Blended Learning
- Thoughtful integration of face-to-face and online
learning. - An opportunity to enhance the classroom
experience and extend learning through the
innovative use of Internet communication and
information technology. - Not an add-on redesign approaches (e.g.,
replace lectures, add online activities)
10Using Information Communication Technologies to
Support Inquiry through Blended Learning
- Before class
- During class
- After class
- Next class
11Community Web Space
13Social Book Marking
14Macromedia Breeze
16Self-assessment Quizzes (knowledge probes)
17Inquiry Cycle Before Class
18Quiz Survey Feedback
19Displaying Assignments/Student work
20Classroom Response Systems
21Digital Learning Objects/Resources
22Inquiry Cycle During Class
23Anonymous end of week survey
25Class email list
26Student- led Online Discussion Forums
27Group Project Areas
28Virtual Classrooms
29Weblog Reflective Journaling Tool
30Wikis Collaborative Writing Tool
31Peer Review Tools
32Opportunities for further exploration
33Inquiry Cycle After Class
34Anonymous survey feedback
35Archive survey feedback
36Inquiry Cycle Next Class
37Triad Model
Erhmann (2002) http//www.marshall.edu/it/cit/flas
38Scenario One - Economics
- Introductory Micro and Macroeconomics
- Goal to increase
- student engagement with course material outside
of class time - opportunities to apply theory to practical
problems - access and quality of tutorial resources
- Solution
- Replacement of scheduled classroom tutorials with
interactive online tutorials and assignments
(Blackboard and Aplia.com)
39Scenario Two Communication Culture
- International Development Studies
- Goal to increase
- Student peer interaction and critical dialogue
during class time - Solution
- Lectures replaced by Macromedia Breeze
presentations (narrated PowerPoint with embedded
videos and self-assessments) accessed outside of
class time - Class time used exclusively for group work (60
students - 20 meet on Monday, 20 meet on
Wednesday and 20 on Friday)
40Scenario Three Nursing
- Child and Youth Health Promotion in Schools
- Goal to increase
- Course scheduling flexibility
- Exposure to diverse perspectives
- Solution
- Weekend course workshops
- Virtual presentations by online guests through
the Elluminate Live! system and related
discussions hosted within the Blackboard
learning management system
41Blended Learning Instructor Survey
- What do you like most about BL?
- Increased access and flexibility
- Variety of approaches
- Increased communication
- Assessment feedback efficiencies
- Increased opportunity for student reflection
- Richer classroom interactions
- Development of a learning community
42Blended Learning Instructor Survey
- What do you like least?
- Increased instructor workload
- Nothing
- Students challenged to contribute online (i.e.,
take responsibility for their learning) - Technology challenges
43BL Student Survey
- Nine courses
- 241 completed surveys
- 76 return rate
- 50 first yr
- 78 female
- Average age 21.4 yrs
44BL Student Survey
- Interaction - amount
- With other students
- 77.6 increased 15.8 nd
- group work was primary reason
- With instructor
- 55.2 increased 27.4 nd
- accessibility was primary reason
45BL Student Survey
- Interaction quality
- With other students
- 68.9 increased 25.3 nd
- group work was primary reason
- With instructor
- 58.5 increased 27.8 nd
- accessibility was primary reason
46BL Student Survey Summary
- Most effective
- group work discussions online resources
- Least effective
- expectations not clear online components heavy
workload - Advice be prepared to take responsibility and
be open to new approaches
47Questions, Comments, Discussion
PowerPoint Slides and Resources Available
at http//www.ucalgary.ca/nvaughan/norm/presenta
- Anderson, T., Rourke, L., Garrison, D. R.,
Archer, W. (2001). Assessing teaching presence
in a computer conferencing environment. Journal
of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 5 (2).
ex.asp - Erhmann, S. (2000) What is a Triad? Focusing
on how technology is used and why. Narrated
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation - http//www.tltgroup.org/media/fl/Triad.htm
- Garrison, D.R. Anderson, T. (2003).
E-Learning in the 21st Century A Framework for
Research and Practice. London RoutledgeFalmer. - Garrison, D.R., Archer, W. (2000). A
transactional perspective on teaching and
learning A framework for adult and higher
education . Oxford Pergamon. - Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., Archer, W.
(2000). Critical thinking in a text-based
environment Computer conferencing in higher
education. Internet and Higher Education, 11(2),
1-14. http//www.atl.ualberta.ca/cmc/CTinTextEnvFi
- Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning
Experience as the source of learning and
development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prenticve
Hall. - Marton, F. Ramsden, P. (1988). What does it
take to improve learning? In P. Ramsden (Ed.),
Improving Learning New Perspectives, New York,
NY Nichols Publishing, 268-286. - Novak, Greg (1999). Just-in-Time Teaching.
http//webphysics.iupui.edu/jitt/what.html/ - Portland State University (2001). Classroom
Assessment Techniques Examples. - http//www.oaa.pdx.edu/CAE/cat.html
- Twigg, C.A. (2006). The National Centre for
Academic Transformation. http//thencat.org - University of Wisconsin _at_ Milwaukee (2002).
Hybrid Course Website. http//www.uwm.edu/Dept/LTC
/hybrid.html/ - Zull, Z. (2002). The Art of Changing the Brain.
Virginia Stylus.