Title: Facilitating Parent Groups
1Facilitating Parent Groups
- Karen Dickrell, Outagamie County
- Chris Kniep, Winnebago County
- UW-Extension
2Your interest in being here...
3Stand up if your group is...
- Voluntary - mandatory
- Moms/dads/pairs/mixed
- Culturally specific audience
- Number of group sessions
- Support/general information
- Age of child
- Specific focus
41. Know your audience
5Characteristics of parenting groups
- Step 1 Small group - generate a list of
characteristics of the group you work work with.
Youll have 5 minutes to discuss - Step 2 Large group - identify your group and
share 1-2 qualities of your group
6Characteristics of adult learners
- The adult learner is primarily independent/self
directed in what he/she learns. - The adult learner has considerable experience to
draw upon
7Characteristics of adult learners
- The adult learner is most apt to be interested
in topics that relate to the developmental stage
of his/her life. - The adult learner is most interested in
information and ideas that solve problems that
they are presently faced with.
8Characteristics of adult learners
- The adult learner is most interested in
information that can be immediately applied - The adult learner is motivated within him/herself
9Principles for teaching adults
- 1. Tell the adults what youre about to tell them
- 2. Organize your material for presentation in a
logical order - 3. Dont feel that you have to tell them
10Principles for teaching adults
- 4. Understand what you want the adults to do with
the information you are presenting - 5. Know when to teach and when to learn
- 6. Help the adults transfer the concepts to their
own situations
11- probably the single most important concern for
the teacher of adults is a thorough understanding
of the learner - S. Joseph Levine
122. Role of Group Facilitator
13Types of facilitators
- Engaging Facilitation Skills
- Informing Facilitation Skills
- Involving Facilitation Skills
- Planning Facilitation Skills
14Role of facilitator
- A helper rather than an expert
- An encourager rather than a leader
- A sharer of mutual concerns rather than a problem
15Facilitator fulfills this role by
- Being a good listener
- Encouraging an atmosphere of acceptance and
respect for group participants - Providing information
- Sharing personal feelings, reactions and
experiences when appropriate and if needed
16Characteristics of Effective Group Facilitators
- Modeling
- Presence
- Sense of humor
- Belief in the group process
17Desired Characteristics of Group Facilitators
- Emotionally present
- Able to listen
- Able to communicate and facilitate
- Genuine
- Non-judgmental
- Sense of humor
18Desired characteristics of group facilitators
- Caring and compassionate
- Able to give encouragement
- Open to feedback
- Able to facilitate instead of teach
- Support group experience
19Additional Desired Characteristics of a Group
- Knowledgeable
- Informs
- Flexible
- Speaks loudly and clearly
- Speaks language of participants
20Additional Desired Characteristics of a Group
Facilitators continued
- Understands cultural values and beliefs of
participants - Open minded
- Aware of community resources
- Creates safe, confidential atmosphere
213. Making things work at parent groups
22Purpose of a support group
- Creates a safe, supportive environment
- Educates and informs
- Develop methods and skills to solve problems
- Encourages participants to maintain personal,
physical emotional health - Allows for personal growth and development
23Benefits of the support group for participants
- A chance to be part of a supportive environment
- an opportunity to talk/share with others
- a chance to learn about a topic
- an opportunity to learn from others in a similar
24Benefits of the support group for participants
- An opportunity for personal growth and
development - a place to meet new people
- a chance to develop informal supports and social
relationships - a break from caregiving responsibilities
25Group Ground Rules
- Established by the group
- Identify group practices
- Establishes safety within group
- Develop and periodically revisit
- Post at each session
- Review as needed
26Sample Ground Rules
- Everyone has a chance to talk
- One person talks at a time
- No one has to talk
- Everyone has to listen
- Its OK to say what you feel
- Emotions are OK
- No one puts anyone else down
- Everything in the group is confidential
27Tips to Effective Questions
- Plan key questions
- Phrase the questions clearly and specifically
- Adapt questions to the level of the participants
28Tips to Effective Questionscontinued
- ask questions logically and sequentially
- ask questions at various levels
- follow-up on the question (hippos)
29Three most productive types of questions
- Playground questions
- Brainstorm questions
- Focal questions
30Favorite question starters
- Who? What? When? Where? How?
- Describe
- Retell
- How isan example of?
- How isrelated to?
- Why is significant to?
31Favorite question starterscontinued...
- What are the part or features of...
- Outline the steps youd take
- How does this compare to?
- What would you predict would happen?
- What ideas can you add to ?
- What solutions would you suggest?
32Encouraging involvement
- Ask individuals to share their experiences
- Develop ground rules
- Have discussion topics
- Use small groups that report back to the large
group - Use case studies, ask what youd do
- Question box
33Tips for facilitating a support group
- Follow support group format
- Begin discussion by picking up on information
from introductions - Elicit responses from participants
- Listen
- Keep group on track
34Tips for facilitating a support group
- Do not make a diagnosis
- Do not give legal advice
- Show concern and respect
- Assist people with feelings
- Summarize at end of meeting
35Technology and Materials
- Keep it simple
- Keep in mind your goals and objectives
- Consider your audiencecomfort zone
36Technology and Materials
- How much time do you have?
- How much time do you have to invest in prep?
- Using older videos
- Be flexible, have a back up plan...
374. Keys for group facilitators
383 Keys to Facilitating Parenting Groups
- Key 1 - Know your audience
- Key 2 - Be prepared
- - subject matter and clientele
- Key 3 - Involve vs. preach