Title: Making After School Time Their Time ~ Reducing kids
1Making After School Time Their Time Reducing
kids stress
- developed by
- VA Child Care
- Resource Referral Network
- 2008
2Discussions for today
- Kids and stress
- Activity vs. downtime
- Recommendations, activities resources
3(No Transcript)
4What is stress?
- a specific response by the body to a stimulus,
such as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes
with the normal physiological equilibrium of an
organism. -
- Hans Selye defined it as "the non-specific
response of the body to any demand for change". - The bodys response to stimulus.
5Types of stress
- Eustress good stress
- excitement healthy competitiveness
challenges - energetic - Distress harmful stress overwhelming
pressure hurt rushed tired fear
6Types of stress
7The stress response
Stress triggers the fight or flight response,
which alters the bodys normal chemistry,
causing Rush of blood from the skin and
digestive organs to the muscles increased heart
rate, blood pressure Increase in energy
hormones (glucagon and cortisol) to provide fuel
to the body adrenalin-rush The stress
response helps the body prepare to fight or run!
8Effects across the lifespan
- Early Childhood
- Impairs the connection of brain circuits,
resulting in the development of a smaller brain - Disruption of developing brain circuits can cause
child to develop low threshold for stress
9Effects across the lifespan
- Early Childhood
- High levels of stress hormones (cortisol) can
suppress the bodys immune response - Cortisol can damage the hippocampus, the area of
the brain responsible for learning and memory.
These cognitive deficits can continue into
10Effects across the lifespan
Into Adulthood The ACE Study (Adverse Childhood
Experiences) Adolescence risky behaviors
such as pregnancy, suicide attempts, early
initiation of smoking, sexual activity and drug
use. Adulthood risk of substance abuse,
depression, unintended pregnancy, risk of
violence, STDs, heart diseases, liver disease,
suicide attempts
11Effects across the lifespan
- Nervousness
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Forgetfulness
- Comprehension problems
- Hypersensitivity
- Overreaction
- Tension
- Chronic pain
- Bad diet
- Weight changes
- Hair loss
- Skin problems
- Immune response
- Addiction
12So what do KIDS have to be stressed about?
13So what do KIDS have to be stressed about?
- homework
- grades
- teachers
- parents
- siblings
- social relationships
- peer pressure
- self image
- extracurriculars
- health
- learning
- tests
- moving
- starting school
- change in routine
- disorganization
14What kids say about stress
- What causes you the most stress?
- 36 Grades, school and homework
- 32 Family
- 21 Friends, peers, gossip and teasing
- KidsHealth Kidspoll 2008
- 875 nine to 13yr old boys and girls nationwide
15What kids say about stress
- Mt. Sinai School of Medicine NY 1999
- 724 kids ages nine to 12
- 31 worried a lot
- 47 had insomnia
- Am. Academy Pediatrics 2000
- 19 of kids visiting pediatricians had
psychological problems related to their social
environment, triple the percentage from 2 decades
16What kids say about stress
- How do you cope with your stress?
- 52 play or do something active
- 44 listen to music
- 42 watch TV or play a video game
- 30 talk to a friend
- 29 try not to think about it ?
17What kids say about stress
How do you cope with your stress? 28 try to
work things out 26 eat something ? 23 lose
their temper ? 22 talk to a parent 11 cry
18What kids say about stress
How do you cope with your stress? About 25
kids polled said when they are upset, they take
it out on themselves, either by banging their
heads against something, hitting or biting
themselves, or doing something else to hurt
19Recognizing stress in children
- Physical symptoms headache, stomachache,
nausea, chronic fatigue, appetite changes, bad
dreams, grinding teeth, stuttering, frequent
illness - Behavior regression bedwetting, clinginess,
crying, personality changes, forgetfulness,
overreaction, lying / excuses, withdrawal
20Recognizing stress in children
- Stress can
- Manifest itself
- Physically
- Emotionally
- Academically
- Socially
21! Fight Time !
Benefits of Activitiesvs.The Risks of
22Benefits of Activities
- Academic performance
- Improved self-esteem
- Fewer behavior problems
- Lower risk of depression, drug use, risky
23Risks of Overscheduling
Academic problems Curbed creativity No
down-time Stunted social development STRESS !
24Nothing Time
- Middle-class children in America are so
overscheduled that they have almost no nothing
time. They have no time to call on their own
resources and be creative. Creativity is making
something out of nothing, and it takes time for
that to happen. -Diane Ehrensaft, PhD.
Psychology Today Magazine, 2003
25Nothing Time
- Children need time to read, write, think, dream,
draw, build, create, fantasize and explore
special interests. - Unstructured play allows them to pursue their
interests, express their personalities and learn
how to structure their own time.
26Warning Signs
- Young children
- Irritability
- Avoiding eye contact
- Tantrums
- Older children
- Mood swings
- Recurrent sickness
- Complaints about activities
27Helping Kids/Families Cope
- Homework time, tutoring
- Providing outlets for stress
- Providing outlets for creativity
- Educating parents
- Educating children
28Creating a Stress-Free Environment
- Provide opportunities
- Get physical!
- Model effective coping skills
- Build relationships
- Plan around them
- Let them plan
- Go outside!
- Physical activity - breathe, stretch, walk
- Journaling
- Music THEIR music!
- Dance
- Strategic games cards, rubiks cube, slinky,
punch balls, puzzles - A place to do nothing
31Could it be?Balance is key!
- http//www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/yf/famsci/fs559.pdf
- stress booklet
- http//www.fcs.uga.edu/pubs/PDF/CHFD-E-19-03.pdf
- stress brochure
- http//afterschool.gov/
- resource for providers
- http//www.meddybemps.com/
- book - 101 Best Web Sites for Elementary Teachers
(Paperback) - by James Lerman
- http//www.kidsgrowth.com/stages/guide/index.cfm
- child development by age
- http//www.sedl.org/afterschool/toolkits/index.htm
l - AS training toolkit
- http//fitsource.nccic.acf.hhs.gov/fitsource/
- Fit Source Admin for Children and Families
- http//www.cdc.gov/youthcampaign/marketing/tweens/
index.htm - tweens physical activity
- http//www.sedl.org/pubs/sedl-letter/v18n01/SEDLLe
tter_v18n01.pdf - AS newsletter