Title: MAHIMars Alteration Hyperspectral Imager
1MAHI-Mars Alteration Hyperspectral Imager
Description A 1-2.5 micron imaging spectrometer
is developed for Mars landers. It combines an
Offner spectrometer with a low dark current IR
detector array that operates at Mars surface
Funding Profile (K)
- Technology Tasks
- Develop spectrometer
- Produce FPA electronics for lab/field testing
- Produce low temperature electronics
- Integrate focal plane and spectrometer
- Characterize system
- Employ system in field trials
- Test power consumption of TE array under Mars
conditions - Determine energy consumption per spectrum at spec
FY03-FY05 Critical Milestones FY03 Complete
spectrometer FY04 Characterize system in lab and
field test FY05 Mars environment testing
2FY04 Milestones
- Full laboratory characterization-- 8/1/04-1/31/05
- Task 5. Characterize system
- Field testing--2/05-7/05
- Task 6. Employ system in field trials
3Technical Accomplishments
- Major technical accomplishment, FY 03
- Design and construction of major subsystems
complete - Spectrograph optics and hardware complete
- FPA, microdewar and electronics obtained
- Spectrograph grating complete
4Significant Events
- Spectrograph optics complete
- All optics are completed
- Awaiting delivery of grating from JPL
- Grating is complete, funds transfer in progress
Offner spectrograph on test jig
5Significant Events
- Focal Plane and electronics delivered
- Microdewar with integrated cooler in house
- Electronics in house
Sofradir 256x320 HgCdTe focal plane array
packaged in micro- dewar and four stage TE cooler
6Plans for Next Quarter
- Major activities planned for next reporting
period for this technology area - Complete integration and checkout of spectrometer
system - Initiate laboratory characterization
7Financial Status Obligations Cost
With obligations
8Financial Summary
- Project underspent owing to schedule slip of 2
months - Schedule and spending slippage planned for makeup
in next 2 quarters