Title: Light, Telescopes and Spectra
1Light, Telescopes and Spectra
2Class notices
- Homework 3 due Friday 5pm
- Have you considered the extra credit observing
3Interactions between light and matter determine
the appearance of everything around us
- A wave is a pattern of motion that can carry
energy without carrying matter along with it
5Properties of Waves
- Wavelength is the distance between two wave peaks
- Frequency is the number of times per second that
a wave vibrates up and down - wave speed wavelength x frequency
6Light Electromagnetic Waves
- A light wave is a vibration of electric and
magnetic fields - Light interacts with charged particles through
these electric and magnetic fields
7The Electromagnetic Spectrum
8Particles of Light
- Particles of light are called photons
- Each photon has a wavelength and a frequency
- The energy of a photon depends on its frequency
9Wavelength, Frequency, and Energy
- l x f c
- l wavelength , f frequency
- c 3.00 x 108 m/s speed of light
- E h x f photon energy
- h 6.626 x 10-34 joule x s photon energy
10Energy versus Frequency
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13Continuous Spectrum
- The spectrum of a common (incandescent) light
bulb spans all visible wavelengths, without
14Absorption Line Spectrum
- A cloud of gas between us and a light bulb can
absorb light of specific wavelengths, leaving
dark absorption lines in the spectrum
15Emission Line Spectrum
- A thin or low-density cloud of gas emits light
only at specific wavelengths that depend on its
composition and temperature, producing a spectrum
with bright emission lines
16Example Solar Spectrum
17Chemical Fingerprints
- Because those atoms can absorb photons with those
same energies, upward transitions produce a
pattern of absorption lines at the same
wavelengths - Visit the light and spectroscopy tutorial online
18Thermal Radiation
- Nearly all large or dense objects emit thermal
radiation, including stars, planets, you - An objects thermal radiation spectrum depends on
only one property its temperature
19Properties of Thermal Radiation
- Hotter objects emit more light at all frequencies
per unit area. - Hotter objects emit photons with a higher average
20Wiens law
- Determine the effective temperature from the peak
intensity wavelength - Where T is the temperature in Kelvin
21Stefan Boltzmann law
- Emitted power (per square meter of the surface)
sT4 - Where s 5.710-7 W/(m2K4)
- Larger objects emit more light even if they are
at a lower temperature!
22The Doppler Effect
23Measuring the Shift
Moving Away
Away Faster
Moving Toward
Toward Faster
- We generally measure the Doppler Effect from
shifts in the wavelengths of spectral lines
24Doppler shift tells us ONLY about the part of an
objects motion toward or away from us
25The Doppler Effect
- Change in wavelength divided by the wavelength
at rest equals the velocity component along the
line of sight divided by the speed of light - Velocity that object is approaching or receding
26Spectrum of a Rotating Object
- Spectral lines are wider when an object rotates
27Light detecting apparatus
- Refraction is the bending of light when it passes
from one substance into another - Your eye uses refraction to focus light
29Example Refraction at Sunset
- Sun appears distorted at sunset because of how
light bends in Earths atmosphere
30Focusing Light
- Refraction can cause parallel light rays to
converge to a focus
31Focusing Light
Digital cameras detect light with charge-coupled
devices (CCDs)
- A camera focuses light like an eye and captures
the image with a detector - The CCD detectors in digital cameras are similar
to those used in modern telescopes
- Light-collecting area Telescopes with a larger
collecting area can gather a greater amount of
light in a shorter time. - Angular resolution Telescopes that are larger
are capable of taking images with greater detail.
33Light Collecting Area
- A telescopes diameter tells us its
light-collecting area Area p(diameter/2)2 - The largest (optical) telescopes currently in use
have a diameter of about 10 meters
34Angular Resolution
- The minimum angular separation that the telescope
can distinguish. - R is the resolution, we want a small value, ie to
be able to resolve objects arcseconds apart
35Angular Resolution
- Ultimate limit to resolution comes from
interference of light waves within a telescope. - Larger telescopes are capable of greater
resolution because theres less interference
36Angular Resolution
- The rings in this image of a star come from
interference of light wave. - This limit on angular resolution is known as the
diffraction limit
Close-up of a star from the Hubble Space Telescope
37Two types of telescope
- Refracting telescope Focuses light with lenses
- Reflecting telescope Focuses light with mirrors
38Refracting Telescope
- Refracting telescopes need to be very long, with
large, heavy lenses
39Reflecting Telescope
- Reflecting telescopes can have much greater
diameters - Most modern telescopes are reflectors
40Designs for Reflecting Telescopes
- Astronomical detectors can record forms of light
our eyes cant see - Colour is sometimes used to represent different
energies of nonvisible light
Light from only one star enters
- A spectrograph separates the different
wavelengths of light before they hit the detector
Diffraction grating breaks light into spectrum
Detector records spectrum
- A light curve represents a series of brightness
measurements made over a period of time
44Location, location, location
- The best ground-based sites for astronomical
observing are - Calm (not too windy)
- High (less atmosphere to see through)
- Dark (far from city lights)
- Dry (few cloudy nights)
45Light Pollution
- Scattering of human-made light in the atmosphere
is a growing problem for astronomy
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47Twinkling and Turbulence
Star viewed with ground-based telescope
Same star viewed with Hubble Space Telescope
- Turbulent air flow in Earths atmosphere
distorts our view, causing stars to appear to
48Adaptive Optics
Without adaptive optics
With adaptive optics
- Rapidly changing the shape of a telescopes
mirror compensates for some of the effects of
49Calm, High, Dark, Dry
- The best observing sites are atop remote mountains
Summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
50What about the rest of the electromagnetic
- Only radio and visible light pass easily through
Earths atmosphere
51Observing non-visible light
- A standard satellite dish is essentially a
telescope for observing radio waves
52Radio Telescopes
- A radio telescope is like a giant mirror that
reflects radio waves to a focus
53Radio telescopes
- To achieve good angular resolution, radio
telescopes need to have very large diameter - Hundreds of meters
- Thankfully the surface doesnt need to be
completely smooth - Although there is no light pollution but our
communications are much louder than many
astronomical sources
- Easiest to do with radio telescopes
- Now becoming possible with infrared and
visible-light telescopes
Very Large Array (VLA)
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56IR UV Telescopes
- Infrared and ultraviolet-light telescopes operate
like visible-light telescopes but need to be
above the atmosphere to see all IR and UV
- Remember that we emit infrared radiation
- As does the Earth
- Even in space an infrared telescope needs a lot
of cooling
- Much of the UV range behaves like visible light
and can be collected by a mirror - However extremely short wavelength and X-rays
cannot be focused by mirrors, they require a nest
of metal cones to focus the light using grazing
59X-Ray Telescopes
- Focusing of X-rays requires special mirrors
- Mirrors are arranged to focus X-ray photons
through grazing bounces off the surface
60Gamma Ray Telescopes
- Gamma ray telescopes also need to be in space
- Focusing gamma rays is extremely difficult
- We cannot locate the source of the rays without
using other wavelengths
Compton Observatory