Title: Process Raman Analysis
1Process Raman Analysis
- Calibration transfer through standardisation
- D.Halley C.Chem MRSC
- Dr. R. Manoharan
- Dr. S. Ananth
- Description of an on-line simultaneous four
channel analyzer - How analyser standardised response is achieved.
- Example showing benefits and on-line performance
3Simulplexed Four Channel Process Raman
4Cost Effective Four Channel Analyzer
- Takes advantage of 2D CCD
- Same spectrograph, CCD and electronics
- Additional laser and probes
- Four process streams are monitored simultaneously
5Calibration transfer through standardisation
- Analyser standardised response
- Internal referencing for multi-mode laser
- Photometric compensation (Y-axis)
- X-axis calibration
- Advantages
- Allows use of multi-mode diode laser
- Analyzer stability and long-term reliability
- Analytical accuracy and repeatability
- Calibration transfer (intra- and inter)
6Standardization Internal Referencing
- Low cost, long life, multi-mode laser (810 nm,
500 mW) - Compact, rugged and easy to replace.
- Mode hopping, if not compensated, makes
measurement unreliable and inaccurate.
7Internal Referencing How ?
Dual beam concept using diamond as dynamic Raman
Multimode Diode laser, 810 nm
Sample Probe
8Internal Referencing Performance
SEC ()
9Photometric Compensation Why and How ?
- Y-axis correction
- Photometric response correction for optical
components - Varies after hardware maintenance and from
analyzer to analyzer - Photometric reference is used for standardization
10Calibration Transfer
Photometric Standardization
11Photometric Compensation Performance
No Compensation
Before filter change
After filter change (M-Distance, 400-1200)
With Compensation
Raman shift (cm-1)
12Photometric Correction Performance
13Application example
- Aromatics production plant
- product feed stream composition
- final product purity analysis
- For multipoint monitoring
- build master calibration model on one channel or
use library cal. model for copy applications - transfer to other channels or different analyser
- on-line tuning using process spectra.
- Major benefit in analyser commissioning time
14Online Measurement Modeling
15Aromatics plant - final product purity
16Aromatics plant - purification feedstock