Title: Healthy Ageing French Programme Ageing Well
1Healthy AgeingFrench ProgrammeAgeing Well
Ministry of Health, youth and sports
2Context Old Population
3Main Issues of The Ageing Well Plan
- The importance of prevention cross-disciplinary
and specific measures - The healthy-ageing field is a new field to
investigate in a disciplinary way - Healthy ageing, healthy living, community living
4Main Issues of the Ageing Well Plan
- The importance of improving the old ages social
representation - The post-professional commitment of individuals
in the city will be all the more good since the
career path would have been fulfilling and the
transition work-retirement would have been
5Targeted Population
- The accepted expression in France the
over-fifties les séniors - 55 - 70 years of age
- retirement age
- possibility of an efficient prevention at that
age - the time to reinvest period
6Principle of the Ageing Well Plan
- Preservation of the capacities. Prevention of
chronic diseases and loss of autonomy - maintaining of the intellectual capital
- physical and sport activity
- nutrition
- social and contacts life
- role on the health determinants (alcohol,
smoking, high blood pressure, ) - early treatment
- environment and life in the city
7Retirement and Early Retirement an
Inter-Ministerial Theme
- The Ageing Well plan, Ministry of Health
- The concerted national action plan for the
over-fifties employment - Ministry of Labour and Social Relations
8Cross-Disciplinary Measures (meeting the Healthy
Ageing recommendations)
- Actions on the targeted population
- Tools for retirement preparation trainers in link
with the National Institute for Prevention and
Health Education - preparation sessions for a working retirement
- information campaign through TV programs on
Healthy Ageing
9Cross-Disciplinary Measures (meeting the Healthy
Ageing recommendations)
- National Nutrition and Health Programme (PNNS)
- guide relevant to the over-fifties Drinking,
Eating and Moving - The labels PNNS cities and creation of a
Healthy Ageing, Living Together label to
promote the local initiatives - Regulation of anti-ageing drugs
- information and regulation
- Good Practices Programme on the drugs
prescription (High Health Authority)
10Cross-Disciplinary Measures (meeting the Healthy
Ageing recommendations)
- Retirement Passport
- Immunisation flu, antitetanus
- Prevention consultation
11Cross-Disciplinary Measures (meeting the Healthy
Ageing recommendations)
- Physical and Sport Activities
- Ageing while staying active in a life global
12Cross-Disciplinary Measures (meeting the Healthy
Ageing recommendations)
- 4 main lines of measure
- Encouraging the development and the diversity of
a physical and sport activities offer adapted to
the over-fifties - The initial and continuing training
- Assessing better, prescribing better, following
up better - Raising awareness and informing the public and
the professionals. Day Open door in sports
13Targeted Measures French Programme
- Preventing the risk factors and the pathologies
influencing the quality of life - Menopause
- bone densitometry, a States participation
- Hearing disorders
- improvement of the screening
- collective report on hearing aid
14Targeted Measures French Programme
- Preventing the risk factors and the pathologies
influencing the quality of life - Oral health cares
- free prevention consultation at 60 years of age
- occupational sensitisation
15Improving the old ages social representations
through information campaigns Maintaining the
social link. Favouring the experiences of
intergeneration housing Knowing better the
interaction between old age and precariousness
Targeted Measures French Programme
16Links with Other Public Health Plans in France
- Chronic Diseases Quality of Life Plan stemmed
from the public health law dated 9th of August
2004 - Cancer Plan
- Prevention of cancers. Cancers in link with the
National Cancer Institute - Screenings of cancers (breast, colorectal)
- National Nutrition and Health Programme
- Including the Health Ageing Plan into a
European dimension by participating in the
projects, particularly the Health Ageing