Title: ONE Could you be an Entrepreneur
1ONECould you be an Entrepreneur?
- Ian Harris
- Entrepreneurial Champion
2Overall Contents
- Do you fit..? Do you have an idea..?
- Researching your idea
- Business Planning
- Marketing Plans
- Financial Matters
- Gap Funding
- Legal Business Form
- Selling
3One - Objectives
- Understand the drivers and environment that
entrepreneurship takes place - Determine your suitability for enterprise
4Nature or Nurture
- Born or Made
- Studies are ambiguous
- For the purpose of this presentation I dont
really care - WARNING these two audio clips are American!
- 10 guiding principals
- http//www.entreworld.org/Audio/id60.ram
- Qualities that lead to entrepreneurial success
- http//www.entreworld.org/Audio/id53.ram
5Great ideas some misconceptions
Starting a business with a marketable idea -
6Stages in becoming an Entrepreneur
- Researching
- Planning
- Organising
- Launching
7Basic Aspects of Researching
- Which is the best Market
- Growing or is LARGE
- Supplied by businesses that are inefficient or
outdated - Has a niche sector you can exploit
- Is not heavily dependant on PRICE
- Is not controlled by heavily BRANDED products
- Is not DOMINATED by 2-3 existing suppliers
- But remember find something you enjoy!
- Eureka moments need planning to succeed
- Both business planning and financial planning are
required - Plans allow you to focus on what is
essential/important not just what is urgent! - Failure to prepare is preparation for failure
- Sales Processes
- Cash Handling Processes
- Information Processes
- Processes, Processes and more Processes
- Process and Culture
- But remember you are in control
- Getting your Sales and Marketing Mix RIGHT
- Legal Aspects of running a business
- Getting your premises and equipment sorted
- Building up some early wins
11Have you got what it takes..?
12Have you got what it takes..?
13Some further considerations
- Do you understand the implications are you
sure..? - What impact may it have on your direct family..?
- Do you have the correct skills..?
14Are You Sure..?
LloydsTSB Small Business Guide
15Do you have a family?
LloydsTSB Small Business Guide
16Your skills
LloydsTSB Small Business Guide
17LloydsTSB Small Business Guide
18Your idea
LloydsTSB Small Business Guide
19Generic Challenges
- You must be comfortable with change and
uncertainty - You must make a huge amount of decisions
- At some time you will face tough financial
decisions - You must be comfortable taking constrained risks
- You will need many generic skills and talents
- You must be comfortable with the potential of
- Fortunately yes, a business will challenge you
like nothing else in your life - HOWEVER, the rewards easily outweigh the costs if
approached effectively
- High degree of independence
- Get to use a variety of skills and talents
- Freedom to make decisions
- Accountable to only yourself
- Opportunity to tackle challenges
- Feeling of achievement and pride
- Potential for greater financial rewards
22Why Will YOU Succeed
- If you constantly evaluate your weaknesses and
strengths and try to overcome shortfalls - Your business idea and market has the necessary
growth potential - Your finances can withstand the shortfall of
working capital
24Further Links
- Need some suitable links in here
- Psychometrics
- http//www.becauseyoucan.com/display.jsp?category
71 - http//www.channel4.com/life/microsites/R/realdeal
/have_you/index.html - Myers-Briggs
- MyersBriggs
- Belbin Analysis
- Belbin