Title: How Spam Interconnects with Spy ware
1How Spam Interconnects with Spy ware
2PrivacyCaldwell, Wilma. Computer Security
Sourcebook. Detroit, MI Omnigraphics, 2003.
- This book was about the how a person can secure
their hard-drives and how computer viruses can
work their way into a computer system and destroy
all of a persons files within minutes.
3PrivacyStaples, Brent. The Battle Against Junk
Mail and Spy ware on the Web. The New York
Times 3 Jan. 2004 A14. Expanded AcademicASAP.
SUNY Plattsburgh Library. 22 July
2004 lthttp//www.infotrack.com gt.
- This article was about how a person can stop the
junk mail or spy ware from getting onto their
desktop or even into their systems
4PrivacyAlexander, Steve. Under Surveillance.
Star Tribune 8 May 2004 1D.Lexis Nexis
Academic. SUNY Plattsburgh Library. 22 July
2004lthttp//www.lexisnexis.com gt.
- This article explains how spy ware works and that
most people dont even know that they are
downloading it, especially when they download
music files from the Internet.
5Privacy Kehoe, B.P. privacy. Columbia
Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2004.lthttp//www.enc
yclopedia.com gt.
- This reference was about privacy on the internet
and how people have the legal right to enforce
6Thurman, Mathias. Spy ware gets top billing an
infection on the CEOs home system
leads to a new call for
preventive measures. Computer World 5 July
200428. Expanded Academic ASAP. SUNY
Plattsburgh Library. 22 July 2004lthttp//www.info
track.com gt.
- This article was about spy ware getting into a
CEOs computer system and ruining all of his
files so now the company is taking top measures
to ensure that this does not happen again.
7PrivacyHulme, George V., Claburn, Thomas. Tiny,
Evil Things Much like spam, spy ware is a
growing problem thats costing businesses time
and money. Information Week 26 April 2004 NA.
Expanded Academic ASAP. SUNY Plattsburgh
Library. 22 July 2004lthttp//www.infotrack.com
- This article explains the effects of spy ware and
how it leads to junk mail.
8PrivacyStaples, Brent. The Battle Against Junk
Mail and Spy ware on the Web. The New York
Times 3 Jan. 2004 A14. Expanded AcademicASAP.
SUNY Plattsburgh Library. 22 July
2004 lthttp//www.infotrack.com gt.
- This article was about how a person can stop the
junk mail or spy ware from getting onto their
desktop or even into their systems.
9PrivacyMitchell, Robert L. Tech-Features Spy
ware sneaks into the office. Computer World. 3
May 2004 23. Lexis Nexis Academic. SUNY
Plattsburgh Library. 22 July 2004.lthttp//www.lex
isnexis.com gt.
- This article was about how spy ware started off
as a little desktop problem and then evolved into
a greater risk where peoples privacy was being
10PrivacyOser, Kris. Money, mayhem to be found
with pop-ups Ad-ware providers reach
p profitability, but marketers file suit, others
urge caution. Advertising Age 28 June 2004 51.
Expanded Academic ASAP. SUNY Plattsburgh
Library. 26 July 2004.lthttp//www.infotrack.com
- This article was about how spam and spy ware
contributed to the new problem with pop-up ads on
the internet.
11PrivacyHealan, Mike. Spy ware Info. 2001-2004.
Invision Power Board. 22 July 2004. lthttp//www.s
pywareinfo.com gt.
- This web site explains what spy ware and spam is
and how to get rid of it.
12PrivacyRobinson, Darrell. Spam Spy Ware.
(N.D.). Buy Alaska. 23 July 2004.
lthttp//www.enhancedbs.com/Spam-SpyWare.htm gt.
- The article explains where spam came from and the
different lingos that go with it and what else is
out there to look for.
13PrivacyBeitzel, Traci. Spy Ware, Legal Spam?
10 Nov. 2003. Software Submit. 23 July
2004.lthttp//www.spyware-cop.com gt.
- This web site was about what spy ware and ad-ware
is and how to get rid of it.