Title: New Registration
1Program Evaluationin Web Advisor
2From Chapmans homepage, access WebAdvisor
through Quicklinks or Student Resources menu
3Click on Log In to Web Advisor
4In Web Advisor, click on the Log In tab
5To Log In,Enter your user name and password,
then submit
6Select the Students Menu
7From the Students Menu, select Program Evaluation
8Select the Complete Version of your Program
9Select your active program and click submit,
or select a program from the what if pull-down
menu to consider changing to that program
10When choosing a what if program, you will be
asked to select the catalog year for the program
you wish to view. (Selecting your active program
will skip this step)
11The Program Evaluation begins with your student
information and by tracking your Credit totals
and GPA
12One of the following Status Codes will be listed
before each requirement Not Started, In
Progress, Pending Completion, Complete, and
13Status codes are listed before each requirement
and their subcomponents on the evaluation
14Courses listed in the Other Courses section at
the end of the evaluation are courses or waivers
that are on your official record but are not used
towards a specific requirement
15Courses with special circumstances (insufficient
grades, repeats, non-course equivalencies) are
coded on the evaluation
16Sample codes in Other Courses G, IP, RI
17Reminder note in OTHER COURSES section
18Print your program evaluation by clicking on
yourcomputers printer icon.End your session by
logging out of Web Advisor
19For more help with your program evaluation, from
Web Advisors homepage, print and review
- A Guide to your Program Evaluation
20Select the Program Evaluation Guide for your
catalog year. Your catalog year is also listed on
top of your program evaluation
21A Program Evaluation Guide sample
22Visit otherStudent Services on Registrars
website and on WebAdvisor