Title: StrengthSpeed training
1Strength/Speed training
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4Motor Units
53 Types of Muscle Fibers
- SO - Slow-twitch Oxidative
- Type I, Slow-twitch
- FOG - Fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic
- Type IIa, Fast-twitch a
- FG - Fast-twitch glycolytic
- Type IIb, Fast-twitch b
6Slow Twitch (Type I)The slow muscles are more
efficient at using oxygen to generate more fuel
(known as ATP) for continuous, extended muscle
contractions over a long time. They fire more
slowly than fast twitch fibers and can go for a
long time before they fatigue. Therefore, slow
twitch fibers are great at helping athletes run
marathons and bicycle for hours. Fast Twitch
(Type II)Because fast twitch fibers use
anaerobic metabolism to create fuel, they are
much better at generating short bursts of
strength or speed than slow muscles. However,
they fatigue more quickly. Fast twitch fibers
generally produce the same amount of force per
contraction as slow muscles, but they get their
name because they are able to fire more rapidly.
Having more fast twitch fibers can be an asset to
a sprinter since she needs to quickly generate a
lot of force.Type IIa FibersThese fast twitch
muscle fibers are also known as intermediate
fast-twitch fibers. They can use both aerobic and
anaerobic metabolism almost equally to create
energy. In this way, they are a combination of
Type I and Type II muscle fibers.Type IIb
FibersThese fast twitch fibers use anaerobic
metabolism to create energy and are the "classic"
fast twitch muscle fibers that excel at producing
quick, powerful bursts of speed. This muscle
fiber has the highest rate of contraction (rapid
firing) of all the muscle fiber types, but it
also has a much faster rate of fatigue and can't
last as long before it needs rest.
7Slow vs. Fast Twitch Fibers
- Slow-twitch
- Aerobic
- Require oxygen
- Fast-twitch
- Anaerobic
- Do not require oxygen
- (ex. Red vs. white meat in chicken)
8Slow vs. Fast Twitch Fibers
- Fast-twitch - Speed speed/power
- ex. Sprinting weight lifting
- Slow-twitch - endurance
- ex. Long-distance running XC skiing
- Ball sport athletes - wide variety of fiber types.
9Slow vs. Fast Twitch Fibers
- Training determines type of fiber developed
achieved potential. - Low-intensity work develops slow-twitch fibers.
- Contract slowly, fatigue-resistant
- High-intensity work develops fast-twitch fibers.
- Contract quickly, speed power
- Principle of specificity applies.
10LO 2 Slow-Twitch (ST) Fibers
- Blood supply -- Very good (red)
- Energy System -- Long Term (Oxidative,
Aerobic) - Endurance -- Very high
- Relative Size -- Small (cross-sectional
area) - Force production -- Low
- Reaction time -- Slow
- Importance -- Endurance activities
11LO 2 Fast -Twitch (FT) Fibers
- Blood supply -- Low (white)
- Energy System -- Immediate Intermediate
(glycolitic, anaerobic) - Endurance -- Very low
- Relative Size -- Large (cross-sectional
area) - Force production -- Excellent
- Reaction time -- Very fast
- Importance -- Anaerobic and strength
12LO 2 Fast-Oxidative Glycolitic (FOG) Fibers
- Blood supply -- Good (pink)
- Energy System -- Intermediate
Long-term (glycolitic, aerobic) - Endurance -- Moderate
- Relative Size -- Medium (cross-sectional
area) - Force production -- Good
- Reaction time -- Fast
- Importance -- Strength Endurance
13Fiber Types
- Effects of training
- Endurance training can increase ST contraction
velocity by 20 - Resistance training can convert FT fibers from
Type IIb to Type IIa - Elite athlete fiber type distribution does not
significantly differ from untrained individuals - Affected by
- Age and Obesity
14Overload Principle
- Work muscle above and beyond what it is
accustomed to and it will adapt ! - Overload may be an increase
- Resistance
- Repetitions / Sets
- Contraction velocity
15Types of Contractions
- Concentric Muscle shortens w/ contraction
- Eccentric Muscle lengthens while it is
contracted. - Static (Isometric) No change in muscle length w/
16Muscular Adaptations
- Muscle Fibers (Physical Changes)
- Increase in Size Hypertrophy (Particularly Type
II) - Directly proportional to the VOLUME of overload
- Volume Resistance X Repetitions
- Increase in Number Hyperplasia (?)
17LO 1 Strength Endurance
- Strength ?
- Greatest amount of force a muscle or
muscle-group can exert in a single effort. - A function of
- muscle cross-sectional-area (CSA), fiber-type
composition, type of contraction, neural factors
(motor learning), acute conditions (rest,
hydration, food intake).
19Overview of Adaptations
20Muscle Fiber Adaptations
- Hyperplasia the increase in the number of
muscle cells. Research is inconclusive, but if
it does happen, it would most likely be in type
II fibers and only account for 5-10 of increased
muscle size. - Hypertrophy an increase in the size of existing
muscle fibers. - It appears that hypertrophy does not occur until
more than 8 weeks of training.
21Energy System Adaptations
- Will increase stores of ATP-CP
- Anaerobic Glycolysis
- ? in levels of glycolytic enzymes
- Less LA produced, more efficient, ? LA tolerance
22Other Adaptations
- Intramuscular Fuel Stores
- ATP, CP, and Glycogen Increase
- VO2max
- Depends on training
- Connective Tissue
- Ligament / Tendon Strength Increases
- Increase in connective tissue surrounding muscle
fibers? Increased bulk - ? Bone Mineral Density
23Muscle Fiber Types
- Fast Twitch (FG / Type II)
- ? anaerobic capacity
- Type IIa (FOG) vs. IIb
- Fatigue easily
- Fast contractile velocity (Vmax)
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