Title: Piccolo: A Scalable Structured Graphics Toolkit
1Piccolo A Scalable Structured Graphics Toolkit
- Aaron Clamage, Jesse Grosjean
- Ben Bederson
- University of Maryland
- Human-Computer Interaction Lab
- Computer Science Department
2Piccolo What is it?
- Toolkit that supports
- structured canvas of graphical objects
- hierarchical scene-graph model
- creation of controls for use within Windows
Forms - Supports 2D object-oriented graphics
- hierarchies (transformation, transparency, etc.)
- animation, event handling
- cameras, layers, views
- efficiency mechanisms
- Missing structure that relies on underlying
renderer - GDI, Direct3D, OpenGL, Java2D, etc.
- gt Open, Extensible and Efficient
3What Is It Good For?
- gt Structured graphics
- Custom interaction
- Zoomable User Interfaces
Gentleware.com - Poseidon
PaperLens Microsoft Research
University of Maryland
4What Is It Good For?
- Structured graphics
- gt Custom interaction
- Zoomable User Interfaces
International Childrens Digital
Library www.icdlbooks.org
Range Slider
5What Is It Good For?
- Structured graphics
- Custom interaction
- gt Zoomable User Interfaces
U. Victoria Ontology Visualization
PhotoMesa www.photomesa.com
6Where Does It Run?
- Almost everywhere
- Piccolo.NET
- (C) .NET for Windows
- PocketPiccolo.NET
- (C) Compact Framework for Pocket PC
- Piccolo.Java
- (Java) for everywhere else
7How Does It Work?
- gt Monolithic scene-graph
- Simple class hierarchy
- Extend PNode to make new nodes
- Simple runtime structure
- Supports Custom Interaction
- Efficiency mechanisms
- Utilities for easy startup
8How Does It Work?
- Monolithic scene-graph
- gt Efficiency Mechanisms
- Picking
- Validating bounds and updating display
- Damage/repair
- Driven by UI cycle
- Utilities for easy startup
9How Does It Work?
- Monolithic scene-graph
- Efficiency Mechanisms
- gt Utilities for easy startup
- Embedded Piccolo canvas
- Designer enabled
using UMD.HCIL.Piccolo using UMD.HCIL.Piccolo.Nod
es using UMD.HCIL.PiccoloX public class
PHelloWorld PForm public override void
Initialize() PText text new
PText("Hello World!") Canvas.Layer.AddChi
ld(text) static void Main()
new PHelloWorld()
10Performance Analysis
Scenegraph manipulation speed
Rendering Speed
Bederson, Grosjean, Meyer - TSE 2004
11Conclusions / Directions
- Scenegraphs are useful to
- Provide efficient picking and rendering
- Support highly customized interaction
- But at a cost
- Not always the best way to store the data
- Harder to plug in new visualizations
- Toolkits are usually worth their weight
- Piccolos Future
- Finish website, tutorials, etc.
- Hook up to other renderers
- (Direct3D, OpenGL)
- Build more apps!
- Funded by
- Microsoft
- Initially by
12My Interest in this Workshop
- I want to better understand
- Challenges other IV toolkit designers are facing
- How Piccolo fits in with other toolkits
- I want to explore the feasibility of creating a
universally useful infrastructure