Title: Live Longer, Work Longer: Ageing and Employment Policies
1- Live Longer, Work Longer Ageing and Employment
Mark KEESE Employment, Labour and Social
Affairs, OECD
Presentation to the High-level OECD
Parliamentary Seminar on the Policy Implications
of Ageing Populations, 23 February 2006
2If nothing is done, labour supply will grow more
slowly or contract leading to labour shortages,
slower economic growth and unsustainable rises in
public social expenditures
Projected change in labour force, 2000-2050
Index (2000 100)
Assuming participation rates by age and gender
remain unchanged at their current levels
3- Key conclusion Meeting these challenges will
require mobilising more fully the labour
resources of older people
Percentage of the population who are employed,
4Key policy directions to encourage work at an
older age
Reward work
Pension reform to cut implicit tax on working
Restrict other early retirement pathways
Better options for phased retirement
Improve employability
Change employer behaviour
Tackle age discriminationAlign labour costs
with productivity Protect employment
opportunities not jobs
Suitable training opportunities at all
agesBetter help for older jobseekersSafe
healthy working conditions
5Population ageing is occurring in all OECD
Ratio of the population aged 65 to the working
age population (20-64)
6If nothing is done, labour supply will grow more
slowly or contract leading to labour shortages,
slower economic growth and unsustainable rises in
public social expenditures
Projected change in labour force, 2000-2050
Index (2000 100)
Assuming participation rates by age and gender
remain unchanged at their current levels
7OECD work on ageing
- General guidelines for reforms
- Maintaining Prosperity in an Ageing Society
(1998) - Overview of country reforms
- Reforms for an Ageing Society (2000)
- Link between pensions and other welfare benefits
on participation - Burniaux et al. (2003), Coping with Ageing a
Dynamic Approach to Quantify the Impact of
Alternative Policy Options on Future Labour
Supply in OECD Countries, OECD Economics
Department Working Papers, No. 371. - Macroeconomic consequences of ageing
- Oliveira Martins et al. (2005), The Impact of
Ageing on Demand, Factor Markets and Growth,
OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 420. - International comparisons of pension systems
- Pensions at a Glance (2005)
8- Key conclusion Meeting these challenges will
require mobilising more fully the labour
resources of older people
Percentage of the population who are employed,
9- Key policy response Living longer must mean
working longer - But how to achieve this?
- OECD has carried out a major study of Ageing and
Employment Policies consisting of - 21 separate country reports
- Identifying work disincentives and barriers to
employment of older people - Setting out policy recommendations
- A synthesis report, Live Longer, Work Longer,
which was presented to a High-Level Policy Forum
in Brussels, 17-18 October 2005 - www.oecd.org/olderworkersforum
10Three key barriers to working at an older age
Financial disincentives
Public pension rules Formal informal early
retirement schemes Few options for phased
Employer barriers
Weak employability
Negative attitudesHigh labour costs Strict
job protection rules
Obsolete skills Inadequate help for older
jobseekersUnsuitable work conditions poor
111. Work disincentives
- Pension systems and other early retirement
schemes penalise work at older ages - Effective age of retirement is below official age
in most countries
Effective age of retirement and the official age,
12Improving incentives to continue working
- Ensure greater neutrality in work-retirement
decisions - Moving towards actuarial neutrality
- Taking account of rising life expectancy
- Reduce early retirement options
- Raising pension age
- Phasing out formal early retirement schemes
- Ensuring that other welfare benefits are not used
as early retirement pathways
- Beyond neutrality actively promote
participation -
- Increasing pension rights with age
- Part-time pensions
- Combining work and pensions
13Improving incentives to continue working
- Key issues
- Actuarial neutrality raises difficult issues
concerning initial age, equity and adequacy of
benefits. - Are measures to promote later retirement
sufficiently targeted? - How to increase the flexibility of
work-retirement decisions while discouraging
early retirement? - How to deal with the stock of older people
already on long-term benefits? -
142. Employer barriers
- Hiring and retention rates decline steeply after
50, reflecting - Negative employer attitudes
- Labour costs that rise with age faster than
productivity - Strict Employment Protection Legislation (EPL)
15Changing employer practices
- Tackle negative employer attitudes
- Through age discrimination legislation
- And through information campaigns and guidelines
- Align labour costs closer to productivity
- Link earnings more closely to individual
performance - Avoid wage subsidies that are simply targeted by
age - Focus on enhancing employability of older workers
rather than on job protection - Reassess impact of job protection rules on labour
mobility and hiring of older workers
16Changing employer practices
- Key issues
- Age discrimination legislation is no panacea.
- Should wage subsidies go to employers or to older
workers via an earnings top-up? - Important role for non-governmental
organisations. - How can good practices be promoted among SMEs?
173. Weak employability
- Inadequate employment services
- Obsolete skills
- Training declines sharply with age
Percentage of workers who participated in
education or training during the previous year
183. Weak employability
- Many older workers report poor working conditions
Percentage of employees with unpleasant working
For between one-half to all of the time,
exposed in main job to at least one of the
following vibrations from hand tools or
machinery loud noise high or low temperatures
breathing in vapours, fumes, dust or dangerous
substances handling dangerous products and
radiation such as X rays, radioactive radiation,
welding light or laser beams.
19Strengthening employability
- Ensure older unemployed are actively seeking work
in exchange for better employment services - General exemptions from looking for work should
be abolished - More resources should be devoted to helping older
job seekers - Encourage greater take-up of training
- More flexible courses
- Better opportunities for lifelong learning
- Improve the work environment
- Greater flexibility in work hours
- Adapting working conditions
20Strengthening employability
- Key issues
- For older workers, the returns to training may
not be high, thus need to invest more in lifelong
learning. But how to do this? - Who should pay for training and how can the more
disadvantaged groups be encouraged to train? - How best to encourage public and private
employment agencies to give more priority to
helping older jobseekers find jobs? - How can employers especially SMEs be
encouraged to improve working conditions for both
younger and older workers?
- Population ageing is both a challenge and an
opportunity - It will put upward pressure on public
expenditures while dragging down economic growth - But it is also a tremendous opportunity for all
of us to spend more rewarding years at work and
in retirement. - Seizing this opportunity will require the
co-operation of government, employers, trade
unions and civil society