Total permanent workforce 61,350.
Data as of 9/30/04.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
2FY04 DOI Race/National Origin
Actual Onboard as of 9/30/04
Total 2,366 10,165 6,317 5,667
8,313 16,831 8,773 374 559
1,733 252
As of 9/30/04, DOIs permanent workforce totaled
61,350 employees.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
3FY04 DOI RNO/Gender Change
Actual 191 -52 34 64
-231 -204 -53 12 -17 45 7 -204
From 9/30/03 to 9/30/04, DOI had a net decrease
of -204 employees for a permanent workforce total
of 61,350. Women include all races and national
origins (RNO). Men include minority men only.
Actual is the total net change in each bureau and
DOI counting all RNO and gender.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
4FY04 DOI Accessions by RNO/Gender
Actual Access. 1,206 1,141 731
70 114 66
70 32 44 240
Data as of 9/30/04. Accessions include new
external hires and conversions of students and
temporary employees to permanent status.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
5FY04 DOI Promotions by RNO/Gender
Actual Prom. 3,514 3,164 2,364
155 265 249 199
78 116 492
Data as of 9/30/04.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
6FY04 DOI Separations by RNO/Gender
Actual Sep. 1,479 1,789
1,022 148 145 112
74 40 28 271
Data as of 9/30/04.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
7FY04 DOI Minorities Women
White Collar Grades GS-5 through SES
Data as of 9/30/04. 51,592 permanent employees in
white-collar grades GS-5 through SES. White
collar pay plans include GS, GM, GG, GH, ES,
EX. Women include all races and national origins.
Minorities include all minority men and women.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
8FY04 DOI Gender
by Bureau/Office
Data as of 9/30/04.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
9FY04 DOI Targeted Disabilities
Permanent Employees
Actual 24 89 14 61 105 205 75
4 5 12 0 594
As of 9/30/04, the permanent workforce had net
decreases of -18 targeted and -40 non-targeted
disabilities since 9/30/03. Onboard is percent
of total DOI permanent targeted disabilities.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
10FY04 DOI Disabilities
Permanent and Temporary Employees
Actual 185 651 473 513 625 1,529
655 23 61 99 6 4,820
As of 9/30/04, the total workforce had 4,820
employees with disabilities, a net decrease of
-74 since 9/30/03. Actual shows targeted and
non-targeted disabilities. Onboard is percent of
total employees with disabilities.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
11FY04 DOI Representation
Compared to National Civilian Labor Force
DOI as of 9/30/04. NCLF taken from 2000 Census
data and used to assess availability of
minorities and women in the labor market. Women
(Wo) include all RNO.
Prepared by OCR, 10/04
12DOI Permanent Employment FY03 - FY04
The net change from FY2003 to FY2004 (reported
in parenthesis) is indicated as increase () or
decrease (-) within each category. Data was
extracted from FPPS as of 9/30/04. Prepared by
OCR 11/09/04.
13DOI Permanent Employment FY94 - FY04
Data as of 9/30/04. Numbers are totals within
each category only (not cumulative).
Prepared by OCR, 10/04