Title: Effects of GFATM on Georgias Health System Development
1Effects of GFATM on Georgias Health System
- Sustainability of GFATM program supported
activities in Georgia - Dublin, Ireland,
- November 22, 2007 year
- Natia Rukhadze,
- Ketevan Chkhatarashvili
- Curatio International Foundation
2GFATM Grant Portfolio
3Key Issue Emerging from Research
- GFATM funding is major contributor towards
HIV/AIDS and TB financing - GFATM helped improve the service delivery to HIV
and TB patients - Sustainability is the major concern for all
interviewed by the study
4- Context of Health Care and GFATM
- Financing in Georgia
5Total Health Care Spending During 2001-2005
Share of GF from total Donor Funding 1.8
Share of GF from total Donor Funding 36.8
- The role of State Budget in financing health care
has been growing slowly since 2001 - The role of donor funding decreased from 12.1 in
2002 to 2.8 of THE in 2005
6Volume of Total Health expenditure during
- THE increased from below 500 million Gel in 2001
to 650 million in 2005 - Donor financing declined while private spending
and State Budget financing grew
7Total Spending on TB During 2001-2005
GF Contribution was 37 out of total external
Source National Health Accounts/TB sub-account
(CIF/Abt Associates/Care International)
8Volume of Total TB Expenditure During 2001-2005
Source National Health Accounts/TB sub-account
(CIF/Abt Associates/Care International)
While external funding was increasing over years,
State Budget financing for TB also grew but at a
slower pace
9 State funding for TB during 2005-2007
State budget for TB prevention and treatment
programs in GEL (2005 -2007)
Volume of State funding for TB has increased from
4,615,000 GEL in 2005 to 4,981,600 GEL in 2007,
however treatment was prioritized over the
10Structure of Expenditures on HIV/AIDS during
2001-2005) Source Ministry of Labor, Health and
Social Affaires
GF became major source of financing HIV/AIDS
activities in Georgia starting from 2004
11Volume of HIV/AIDS Expenditure During 2001-2005)
While GFATM contributed most funds for HIV/AIDS,
Government funding stood at the same level over
the years
Source Ministry of Labor, Health and Social
12State funding for HIV/AIDS during 2005-2007 years
State budget for HIV/AIDS prevention and
treatment programs in GEL (2005 -2007)
- Volume of state funding has increased for
HIV/AIDS in 2006, however it was twice decreased
in 2007 year. - Treatment is prioritized over the prevention for
13- Epidemiological situation with regard of
- in Georgia
Number of HIV new cases per year (2002 - 2006)
Source National HIV/AIDS Center.
- HIV/AIDS prevalence remains low (total of 1431
registered cases), however increasing trend is
observed over the years (prevalence 3.7 in 2004 -
5.5 in 2005, incidence rate 11.6 in 2004 -15.3 in
2005) - Epidemic is concentrated in HRGs (60.7 of cases
are IDUs), however detection rate remains low
All registered TB cases (per 100 000 population)
Source NTP Data base.
- Georgia stands at a 4th place among FSU
courtiers by TB prevalence - 4290 new registered TB cases in 2005 96
incidence rate per 100,000 population - Total 6696 registered TB cases in 2005 146
prevalence rate per 100,000 population)
16Results of GFATM Funding (indicators achieved in
HIV/AIDS component)
17Results of GFATM Funding (indicators achieved in
TB component)
18Main positive impact of GFATM on HIV and TB
national response
- GF financing has not replaced public funding but
was additional - Additional funds from GF helped to
- Achieve universal access to ARV therapy for all
registered AIDS patients (total of 299) - since
December 2004 country - Introduce Methadone Substitution Therapy in the
country (2 centers are already operational in the
capital city, another 1 will be opened in Batumi
next year) - Decentralize HIV treatment capacity at the
sub-national level - Start-up of MDR TB treatment
19Impact of GFATM gradual phase out
GF Investment cost
Funding Gap
State Resources
GF Recurrent cost
10-15 years period
GF funding period
20Issues to Consider
- Macro-economy of Georgia will not allow replacing
GF funds with State Budget funds in an immediate
future. - Rapid withdrowal GF financing will certainly have
detrimental effect on HIV/AIDS and TB epidemic. - GFATM should develop policy for gradual phase out
and reduction of its funding levels planned for
10-15 years.