Title: TO'''
Hollywood Squares!!
2George Washington,
George Grenville,
John Hancock,
Guest Staring...
Charles Townshend,
John Adams,
Sam Adams,
King George,
Thomas Paine,
and Thomas Jefferson!
3Here's how the game works...
One of the nine guests will be asked a question
and will answer the question
Player 1 will say if the answer that the guest
said is true or false
If player 1 answers correctly, they will earn an
X on that part of the tic-toe-board
(keep track on a piece of paper)
If their answer is wrong, place an O on that
space. Continue like this, switching players,
exept when player 2 is correct put a X on the
space and an O if they're wrong
So let's start!
4Well, they were a series of taxes and regulations
led by me including the Revenue act of 1767. Its
named after me because Im just that special.
Charles...what were the Townshend Acts and why
were they named after you?
Charles Townshend!
The first question goes to...
5Correct Answer
Player 1...
True or False?
Charles Townshend was the originator of the
Townshend Acts and was notorious for this so he
was that special and they later became known as
the Townshend Acts.
6Next up is...
John Hancock!
I made a fortune in the sugar trade, which was
smuggling molasses from French colonies in the
So John, what was it that you made a fortune
from doing right before the sugar act?
7And John Hancock's answer was...
He was a trouble maker alright. Smuggling
molasses into foreign placesshame on him. But he
did make a lot of money!
8George Grenville... you're up!
Well, George Washington, the founder, came to me
for advice on the situation.
What was your involvement in the Revenue Act of
9The answer is...
The Revenue Act of 1764 was also known as The
Sugar Act. George Grenville was the person who
introduced this act to the colonies
10George Washington, youre next.
In fact it was the Delaware River and my men and
I crossed it to attack a group of Hessians at
Trenton in the middle of a sleet storm.
What river did you cross and why did you do so?
11He is...
12What did you push the legislature to pass in
The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
Thomas Jefferson's up!
13In fact...
That's TRUE!
14King George... it's your turn
I have no idea what youre talking about. The
colonists all loved me and life was good.
Why were you so disliked by the colonists?
15Um...that one's definitly false.
Sorry to break it to you George, but not many if
not none of the colonists liked you. You imposed
acts of unfair taxes and laws and basically made
their lives for the time being miserable.
16Do the words "common sense" mean anything to you?
Well thats rude. Are you telling me I have no
common sense and no those words do not mean a
thing to me
Thomas Paine, its all you!
17I think you and King George are losing your
memories... once again it's false.
Common Sense was the name of a lively and
persuasive pamphlet you wrote, designed and
18Did you support of deny the vice-admiralty courts?
Come on John Adams!
19That's true
The courts denied the colonists rights as British
citizens, so John Adams denied and did not like
20Alright Sam Adams!
It was a circular letter to circulate through
the colonies. It pointed out that Townshends
taxes would be used to pay the salaries of
government officials.
Ready? What kind of letter did you draft out to
the colonists?
21SCORE! That's true.
Figure out the winner and thank you for playing
Hollywood Squares!
22Works Cited
Appleby, Joyce. The American Vision. Columbus,
Ohio Glencoe Publishing, 2005.
(and the show Hollywood Squares, but that hasnt
been on for years so I couldnt find any citable
information, but I did use the show)