Title: Port Security Overview
1Port SecurityOverview UpdateJames
PattonActing DirectorCargo, Maritime and Trade
PolicyMay 17 2006
2Homeland Securitys Risk-Based Approach
- DHS must base its work on priorities based on
risk. Our goal is to maximize our security, but
not security at any price. Our security regime
must promote Americas freedom, prosperity,
mobility and individual privacy. - Secretary Michael Chertoff
3Twin Goals Securing and Facilitating Movement
of People and Commerce
- Cargo
- Push out the Borders
- Advance Information Targeting
- RAD-NUC Detection Technology
- Partnerships to Secure Supply
- Chain
- Passengers
- Crew/Passenger Manifest Info
- Intelligence-based Targeting
- Explosive Detection Technologies
- Public Awareness
4U.S. Port Security Layered Approach
- Seaside
- Coast Guard
- Port/Waterways
- Coastal Patrols
- Advanced
- Notice of Arrival
- Automated
- Tracking of
- Inbound Ships
- USCG Vessel
- Boardings
- Landside
- Worker
- Background
- Checks IDs
- Facility
- Security Plans
- Port Security
- Grants
- Port Security
- and Threat
- Assessments
5Coordinated, Planned Approach to Response and
- National Strategy for Maritime Security
- Issued by the President last September
- Includes Maritime Infrastructure
- Recovery Plan released last month
- Focus on continuity of trade
- Strategic Actions
- Established 44 Area Maritime
- Security Committees
- Developed Area Maritime Security Plans,
including - response plans in the event of an incident
- Joint Command Centers developed in many regions
- Port Security Exercises conducted in many
6Port and Cargo Security Legislative Update
Multiple bills moving through House and Senate
House SAFE Ports Act passed House of
Representatives in 421-2 vote - Legislation
supported by the Administration Senate
Murray/Collins Green Lane Bill -
Substantially similar to the SAFE Ports
Act Stevens/Shelby Transportation Security
Bill - Addresses maritime port, cargo, rail and
public transit security Focus of legislation is
on enhancing existing security programs and
increasing grants
7Next Steps for Port Security
- Transportation Worker Identity Cards
- Rule issued last week
- Port Security Exercises
- TOPOFF 4 in Portland/Vancouver 10/07
- Port Security Grants
- Over 870 million in port security grants to date
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