Title: Communication Applications ALT Field Trip
1Communication Applications ALT Field Trip
We decided to see how journalists communicate,
and we wanted to help our students learn to
identify and analyze the ethical and social
responsibilities of communicators. TEKS
2Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- We decided to visit the UPN TXA 21 / CBS 11
Studio and the Fort Worth Star Telegram.
3Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- While there, we visited with TXA 21 newscaster
Julie Bologna.
4Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- We also got to see Sandie Newton do a split
screen/ via satellite interview on a book review.
5Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- We also visited with Garry Seith about his
previous experiences and education.
6Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- We watched a live taping of The Daily Buzz from
KTXA 21which was really cool.
7Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- We were allowed to sit behind the news desk to
experience what it is like to be a news reporter. - Pam, Sherri, and Jimmy
8Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- Pam Pond Jenna sitting behind the news desktoo
bad they are so shy.
9Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- Jimmy Matsler and Tracey Besgrove take their
turn. - Dont they look great?!
10Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- Sherri Holt, Jimmy Matsler, and Tracey Besgrove
- a great team.
11Next, we visited the Star Telegram office in
Bedford. We wanted to discuss the importance of
gathering and using accurate and complete info.
as a basis for making communication decisions.
TEKS (b)(1)(I)(J)
12Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- We visited with Metro Editor Sonny Bohanan about
the steps involved in creating a news story, as
well as
13Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip
- dicussing ethics, liabilities, and of
reporting the news through articles.
14Com. Applic. ALT Field Trip The