Title: Imtnan QAZI
1Gender Classification based on Facial
- Imtnan QAZI
- Alina oprea
- Katerine diaz
- InayatUllah khan
- 16th Summer School on Image Processing
- July 15, 2008.
2The project team
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- The system overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
4Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Men and Women Same
- Species, Different Planets
- Mathematical/Image processing viewpoint
- Binary classification provided constrained prior
information and an elevated difficulty level for
probability distribution modeling of the test
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
Gender Classifier
5Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Local features
- Skin colour, shape size of the face,
- amount of hairs, shape colour of the lips
- Higher difficulty level.
- Classification accuracies are mediocre.
- Global features
- Whole facial signature considered as a complete
feature set. - Useful training sequences required.
- Higher classification accuracies.
- Subspace methods Statistical Learners
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
- Fisher Linear Discriminator (FLD).
- Common Vectors (CV).
- Support Vector Machines (SVM).
- ..
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
6Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- The system overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
7Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT).
- Maps vectors from an M-d space
- to a n-d space n ltlt M.
- Computes eigenvectors of the covariance matrices
for normal distributions. -
- ,
- Other distances can also be used.
- Optimal linear dimensionality reducer.
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
8Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Supervised method.
- Label information considered.
- Inter-class Intra class scatter matrices
proportional to covariance matrices. - ,
- Generalized eigenvalue problem.
- Choice of suitable eigenvalue eigenvector for
the solution. - Largest eigenvalue is chosen.
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
9Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Feature space is divided in two orthogonal
subspaces. - Each sample in training sequence
- Difference subspace is equal to the rank of
scatter matrix for each class. - Minimizes the criterion
- which takes the form
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
10Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Optimal separating hyper plane.
- Function that predicts best
- response from some training functions.
- Given, observation-label pairs
- Minimizes the criterion
, -
- Kernel function
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
11Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
Stability of PCA
12Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
Stability of FLD
13Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
Stability of CV
14Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
Stability of SVM
15Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
Stability of PCA SVM
16Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
17Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
18Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Thank GOD!! My mind can
- recognize female faces easily. ?
- Stability of different methods depends on number
of training sequences. - SVM proves to be stable and reliable global
classifier with acceptable accuracy. - Using PCA as dimension reducer and SVM as a
classifier can produce better results, if more
training sequences can be used.
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.
19Gender classifier based on Facial information
- Tests with larger databases.
- In depth stability analysis of different global
classifiers. - Other techniques like Neural Networks may be used
to validate different conclusions drawn. - To find a funding source to attend next summer
school. ?
- Problem statement.
- State of the Art.
- System overview.
- Principal Component Analysis.
- Fisher Linear Discriminator.
- Common Vector method.
- Support Vector Machines.
- Simulations Results.
- Conclusion.
- Future Perspectives.