Title: Country Report: Latvia
1Country Report Latvia
- Talis Straume
- Latvian State Roads
2Country Data
- Area 64.6 thousand km²
- Population 2.4 million
- State roads 20167 km
- Municipal roads 39013 km
- Forest roads 6995 km
- Registered vehicles 1168756
- Cars 904869
3Road Traffic Vehicles
4Road Traffic Fatalities
5AADT on state main roads in 2007
6Situation as at Jan. 1, 2008
- Increase of permitted actual weight in comparison
with 1990 - on state main roads 22.2
- on other roads 46.7
- Increase of loads in comparison with 1990
- on state main roads 15.0
- on other roads 91.7
7Road Financing until 2008
Million EUR
8Financing Potential Revenues for Road Sector
9Financing Potential Expenditures in Road Sector
10Priorities until 2013
- Provision of traffic infrastructure that meets
mobility needs - Commencement of express road construction
- Rehabilitation, strengthening and reconstruction
of state road pavements - Reduction of the share of gravel roads
- Reconstruction of bridges
- Improvement of traffic safety.
11Commencement of Express Road Construction
Express road projects Motorway projects Projects
under study Riga Northern crossing and Southern
Projects under study
Projects under study
12Commencement of Express Road Construction
Project title Length, km Approximate costs, mill. EUR
E22 section Tinuži Koknese 59.1 326.6
E77/A2 Riga bypass Senite (km 14.138.7) 24.6 348.2
E67/A7 Kekava bypass 15.9 412.2
E77/A4 Riga bypass (km 0.3 20.5) 20.2 602.4
Total 119.8 km 1 689.4 mill. EUR
13Rehabilitation, Strengthening and Reconstruction
of State Road Pavements
Activities Length km Approximate costs, mill. EUR
Improvement of state main roads 365 243.7
Reconstruction of state main roads
A12 section Jekabpils - Varaklani (km 6.8 54.6) 48.0 127.1
A12 posms Ludza - Terehova (km 129.3 163.3) 32.5 156.4
Improvement of paved state 1st and 2nd class roads 535 177.1
Surface treatment on paved state 1st and 2nd class roads 1250 35.6
14Reduction of the Share of Gravel Roads
- Improvement of state 1st class roads (ERDF)
- 330 km until 2013
- Improvement of state 2nd class roads for regional
support 4000 km until 2015
15Reduction of the Share of Gravel Roads
16Reconstruction of Bridges
Periodic maintenance 150 bridges 17.0 mill.
EURReconstruction 60 bridges 117.0 mill.EUR
Goals to be achieved - appropriate level of
traffic safety - durability of bridge
structures - minimum maintenance costs -
aesthetically qualitative technical solution of
structures - protection of historically
important industrial values
17Improvement of Traffic Safety
- Protection of vulnerable road users
- Construction of footpaths 20 km per year
- Pedestrian crossings in separate grades 1-2
each year - Equipment of crossings with traffic lights 23
each year - Installation of lighting 20 km per year
- Construction of roundabouts 1-2 roundabouts
each year - Installation of guard-rails at least 30 km per
year - Installation of direction signs in all crossings
of state roads
18Development of State Main Roads
PPP projects EU Cohesion Fund projects Studies
with recommendations Undergoing studies Studies
planned for 2008 2010 Unsupported EU Cohesion
Fund project
19New Initiatives for Road Administration
- Structural improvements
- Strengthening of LSR regions
- Transfer of functions from central headquarters
- Project management on secondary roads,
- Maintenance control
- Full responsibility for state 1st and 2nd class
20New Initiatives for Road Administration PPP
- Initiative of MoT
- Decision of MoT on pilot project E77 section Riga
Bypass Senite - Work group for preparation of Tender Dossier
(experts in TD, Technical Specifications, Payment
Mechanism, Contract, maintenance procedures, land
acquisition, etc.) - Analysis of international examples (FinnRA,
others) - Decision on involving of sub-consultants
(Technical Specifications, EIA, Payment
Mechanism, etc.) - Establishing of PPP Projects Department (LSR)
21New Initiatives for Road Administration PPP
- E77 section Riga Bypass Senite (pilot project)
- 4 lane express road
- PPP model payment DBFO (Design-Built-Finance-Op
erate) Availability Fee - Project costs 320-350 million EUR
- Pre-qualification concluded August 11, 2008
- E67 section A4 Riga Bypass
- E67 Kekava Bypass
- E77 section Riga Jelgava
- E22 section Riga Bypass Koknese (2nd stage)
- E22 section Priedaine Sloka
22New Initiatives for Road Administration Land
Acquisition Property Registration
- Land Department acquisition of land for road
construction, registration of acquired land,
preparation of land acquisition procedures and
legislation, road land inventories and cadastre
measurements - Management Department registration of all roads,
transfer of roads to municipalities and vice
versa, inventory of road elements, maintenance of
road passports, management of limitations of
prohibitions of road use, management of the use
road right-of-way - Asset Accounting Department identification,
accounting and legal registration of LSR real
estate (lands and structures), preparation of
guidelines on road property management.
23New Initiatives for Road Administration
- Initiative of MoT
- Starting with June 1, 2009
- Covers all state main roads
- Subjects all trucks both domestic and
international - Electronic collection and control of payments
- Daily, weekly, monthly and annual vignettes
according to EU Directives (daily vignette for 11
EUR) - Administrator Latvian State Roads
- Use road infrastructure, in particular terminal
parking areas.
24- Thank you for your attention!