Title: Design of Biofiltration Swales and Strips
1Design of Biofiltration Swales and Strips
2Biofiltration Swales and Strips
- Description
- Appropriate Applications and Siting Criteria
- Factors Affecting Preliminary Design
- Water Quality Flow Rate
- Workshop Exercises of BMP Design
- Swales are conveyances (typically trapezoidal
channels) where the flow passes through
vegetation at some specified depth - Strips are broad vegetated surfaces that receive
and discharge flow in relatively thin sheets
(i.e., overland sheet flow)
4Biofiltration Swale
5Biofiltration Strip
6BioStrip - Schematic
7Appropriate Applications and Siting Criteria
- All sites downstream of impervious surfaces where
practicable, if - Site conditions/climate allows vegetation
establishment - Flow velocities that do not cause scour
- Consistent with other Caltrans policies
(e.g., Highway Design Manual)
8Factors Affecting Preliminary Design - Strips
- Maximize treatment
- long as possible (perpendicular to flow)
- flat as site will allow
- No minimum length
- Max. width (in direction of flow) 100 m
- Free of gullies and rills
- Vegetation mix appropriate for climate and
locationDeveloped by District Landscape Architect
9Factors Affecting Preliminary Design - Swales
- Provide adequate hydraulic function for
- high flow routing
- scour protection
- Tributary area is typically less than four
10Factors Affecting Preliminary Design - Swales
- Vegetation mix appropriate for climate and
locationDeveloped by District Landscape
Architect. - Use herbaceous vegetation (grasses and forbs) for
filtration characteristics
11Checklist T-1, Part 2 Questions
PPDG Page E-28,
12Water Quality FlowPPDG Page 2-17
- Water Quality Flow (WQF) - Flow rates that
must be treated by the Biofiltration BMPs
- WQF Rainfall intensities established
cooperatively by Caltrans, SWRCB, and RWQCBs
13Rainfall Intensity forWater Quality Flow RateQ
0.28CI(mm/hr)A(sq. kilometers)
PPDG Section, Page 2-17
14Design Criteria
- BioStrips and BioSwales must meet the
following - Caltrans Highway Design Manual (HDM) requirements
for velocity - Specific BioSwale requirements for Hydraulic
Resident Time (HRT), Depth and Velocity at WQF
15Highway Design Manual Criteria
- Evaluate capacity of swale using 25-year design
storm (Q25) - Assume Mannings Coefficient (n) 0.05
- For intermittent flow, maintain velocity lt 1.2
m/s - Width at invert 1.2 m lt b lt 4.0 m
- Side slopes 14 or flatter
16Rational Equation
- Q 0.28 C i A
- Where
- Q Peak flow (m3 / sec)
- 0.28 Conversion Factor
- C Runoff Coefficient
- i Rainfall Intensity (mm / hr)
- A Tributary Area (km2)
- Note HDM Section 819 requires a C(f) muliplier
for Q25 and larger. For Q25, C(f) 1.1
17Specific BioSwale Requirements
- HRT / (DV) gt 0.22
- Where
- HRT Hydraulic Resident Time measured in minutes
- (minimum HRT is 5 minutes)
- D Depth of flow at WQF in millimeters
- (maximum depth 150 millimeters)
- V Velocity at WQF, measured in meters per
second - (maximum velocity is 0.3 m/s)
18Mannings Coefficient for BioSwales
- Evaluation at WQF
- Manning's n 0.20 for routinely mowed swales
- Manning's n 0.24 for infrequently mowed swales
(shallow flows) - Caltrans Highway Design Manual
- Manning's n is a function of the vegetation
density, surface roughness, channel irregularity,
and channel alignment. For Q25, the n value
should be 0.050 per Table 864.3A.
19Highway Design Manual Criteria
- Establish peak flow (Q25) that channel must
convey (HDM Index 821.3, Table 831.3) - If possible, select cross-section that has
flattened side slopes and curved transition to
channel bottom (HDM Index 861.4) - Permissible flow velocities for flexible channel
linings (Table 873.3I) - Intermittent Flow (Vegetation) 1.2 m/s
- Open channel flow equations (HDM Index 864.3)
20Bioswale Schematic
- Where
- b bottom width (m)
- z slope section factor
- y water depth (m)
21Mannings Equation
- Q 1 A R2/3 S1/2
- n
- Where
- n Mannings Number
- n 0.05, for Peak Flow.
- n 0.24, for Water Quality Flow.
Cross Sectional Area (A) (b zy)y Wetted
Perimeter (P) b 2(y2y2z2)0.5 Hydraulic
Radius (R) A/P S Longitudinal Slope (m/m)
22Workshop Exercise 1
- Given
- Biofiltration swale with trapezoidal channel
- iWQF 0.5 cm/hr
- 25-year storm ipeak 10.0 cm/hr
- Tributary Area 1.5 hectare
- Paved Surface C 0.90
- Find
- Q25 and WQF in m3 / sec
23Example 1 - Solution
- Calculate flow rates Q 0.28 C i A
- Q25 (1.1) 0.28 0.9 (100 mm/hr)(0.015 km2)
- Q25-yr 0.42 m3/s
- For the Water Quality Flow
- QWQF 0.28 0.9 (5 mm/hr) (0.015 km2)
- QWQF 0.02 m3/s
- Note HDM Section 819 requires a C(f) muliplier
for Q25 and larger.
24Workshop Exercise 2
- Given Biofiltration swale
- Bottom width (b) 1.25 meter
- 14 (VH) side slopes (i.e. Z 4)
- Longitudinal Slope of 2 (i.e. S 0.02)
- Swale length (L) 100 meters
- Q25 0.42 m3 / sec, WQF 0.02 m3 / sec
- n 0.050 for Peak Flow, n 0.24, for WQF
- Find
- Depth of flow and Velocity at Q25 and WQF using
25Exercise 2
- Using Mannings equation, calculate the depth y
- Q 1 A R2/3 S1/2
- n
- Where
- n Mannings Number
- n 0.05, for Peak Flow.
- n 0.24, for Water Quality Flow.
Cross Sectional Area (A) (b zy)y Wetted
Perimeter (P) b 2(y2y2z2)0.5 Hydraulic
Radius (R) A/P
26Sample Spreadsheet for Mannings Equation
27Sample Spreadsheet for Mannings Equation
28Exercise 2 - Solution
- Note Use a spreadsheet to determine the
following values -
29Workshop Exercise 3
- Given
- Same Biofiltration swale, length 100 meters
- Find Compare Velocity and Depth at Q25 WQF
versus min/max values. Calculate HRT. - Reminder Check HRT / (DV) gt 0.22
30Exercise 3
- First determine if the maximum permissible HDM
Chapter 800 velocity criterion has been met (at
Q25). - V25 0.83 m/s
- Since 0.83 m/s lt 1.2 m/s (allowable velocity of
intermittent flow), design is adequate.
31Exercise 3
- Determine if the maximum permissible WQF velocity
criteria has been met - VWQF 0.11 m/s
- Since 0.11 m/s lt 0.3 m/s (allowable velocity for
WQF), design is adequate for velocity at WQF.
32Exercise 3
- Determine if the maximum permissible WQF depth
criterion has been met - DepthWQF 105 mm
- Since 105 mm lt 150 mm (allowable depth for WQF),
design is adequate for depth of flow at WQF.
33Exercise 3
- Determine Hydraulic Residence Time (HRT)
- Time Length/Velocity
- Given Length 100 m
- V 0.11 m/s
- Therefore
- T 100/0.11 909 seconds 15 minutes
- Since 15 minutes gt 5 minutes minimum HRT required
(for WQF flow), the design passes this criteria.
34Exercise 3 Summary
- Summary of proposed Bioswale
- WQF depth 105 mm lt 150 mm Passed
- WQF velocity 0.11 m/s lt 0.30 m/s Passed
- WQF HRT 15 min gt 5 min Passed
- HRT / (DV) 1.24 gt 0.22 Passed