Title: Digital Identity
1Digital Identity
- Shirley Williams
- University of Reading
2Digital Identity
- We use the term "digital identity" (DI) to
describe the persona an individual presents
across all the digital spaces that he/she is
represented in.
3Facets of DI
- There maybe a number of facets to a persons DI
- What sort of DI should an e-Researcher have?
- Think of an established researcher that you
admire. - How do we establish what sort of DI do they
5(No Transcript)
6Thats the right one - Lets try some of the tabs
7Impressive What else?
8What nothing since 2005?
Lets try Google Scholar
9Not our Mark, lets add the middle initial we saw
earlier. That doesnt help. What about adding
Reading That doesnt help either. But earlier
we had an email address lets try that
10Ok thats the one, more to see here
ltrdfRDFgt - ltfoafPerson rdfID"me"gt ltfoafnamegtM
ark Bakerlt/foafnamegt ltfoaftitlegtProflt/foaftitle
gt ltfoafgivennamegtMarklt/foafgivennamegt ltfoaffami
ly_namegtBakerlt/foaffamily_namegt ltfoafnickgtmordil
lolt/foafnickgt ltfoafhomepage rdfresource"http/
/acet.rdg.ac.uk/mab"/gt ltfoafphone
rdfresource"tel0118-378-8615"/gt ltfoafworkplace
Homepage rdfresource"http//acet.rdg.ac.uk/mab"
/gt lt/foafPersongt lt/rdfRDFgt
12Is this the same mordillo? Dont know!
14Web 2.0 DI
- Interaction and dialogue
- Collaboration
Trust Reputation
- Blogs
- Social book marking
- Social networking
- VOIP/messaging
- File sharing
- Wordpress
- Delicious
- Ning
- Skype
- Flickr
- etc
16Discussion Points 1
- Should you try and retain separate DIs for
private and professional lives? - E.g. multiple Facebook accounts
- Is your DI altered by
- The people you follow?
- The people who follow you?
17Discussion Points 2
- Does a Web 2.0 DI help your research career?
- Can Web 2.0 DI damage your research career?
- If you ignore Web 2.0 is it not there?
18Thank you
- You can find me at
- Email
- shirley.williams_at_reading.ac.uk
- Twitter, del.icio.us, Skype
- shirleyearley
- Blog
- http//redgloo.sse.reading.ac.uk/ssswills/weblog
- Second Life
- Rosie Luna
- etc