Title: EcoSchool Crickhowell High School
1Eco-School Crickhowell High School
- Green Flag Status first achieved Autumn 2004
- Second inspection Spring 2007 Second Green flag
2Saving Energy
- Many people are wasting energy such as
electricity and gas without thinking of the
consequences. Increased carbon dioxide emissions
are causing global warming and will lead to many
devastating effects. Something needs to be done
3Saving Energy
What do we do already?....
4450 million is spent on energy in UK schools
every year three times as much as on books.
Pupils take weekly readings of the gas and
electricity consumption so we can monitor our
energy use.
Photo of readings taking place
5We have signs around the school on the importance
of not wasting energy. Yr 8 pupils produce
posters about reducing energy consumption, as
part of the topic of global warming.
Pupils with completed posters
6What else can we do?...
7Crickhowell and District Energy Saving Project
- The aim of this scheme is to inform people in the
local area about what they can do to save energy. - The project is based around seven steps that
households can take to save money and reduce
their carbon emissions.
8The 7 steps are
- Change to low energy light bulbs
- Change your habits
- Insulate cavity walls and roof
- Energy efficient appliances
- Generate renewable energy
- Move to a green energy supplier
- Energy audit/carbon footprint assessment
9What can you do?
- The project starts in October 2008 with
activities taking place every Saturday from the
11th in the CRiC centre. - We would like to encourage as many people as
possible to attend the events so that we can make
a big difference.
10See you there!
Together we can all make a difference!