Title: Introducing Jeppesen Marine'
1- Introducing Jeppesen Marine.
2Jeppesen, since 1934 Making Every Mission
A global information solutions and technology
Jeppesen World Headquarters, Englewood, Colorado
Roots in aviation and a future in all modes of
transportation, traffic and navigation.
3We keep pace with change.
Jeppesen Low Altitude Enroute Chart
4Our stats speak volumes
- Gather from over 220 countries in 24 languages
- We analyze data for
- 18,000 pages of source change each week
- 72,000 NTMs
- 75,000 air and marine charts
- 39,000 runways and marine ports
- We make over 250,000 data management changes per
month - Distribute to nearly 1,000,000 customers weekly
5Powered by multi-layered data services
Publications and Regulations (Source Procedures,
regs, vessel maintenance, etc)
Image (photo) Data (Source Digital Satellite
Customer Tailored Data (Source Routes and
tailored data)
Port/Marina/Lock Super Charts (Source Port
authorities, Marina operators)
Volatile Data Layer (Source AIS, sea temp, river
levels, etc.)
Weather Data and Routing (Source Realtime
weather data)
Digital Navigation Data (Source HOs and other
6Jeppesen Marine Inland Water Vision
- Regional Solutions
- Realtime Vessel Tracking
- Cargo Tracking
- Lock Sequencing
- Port/Dock Management
Global Solutions National Security Intermodal
Links International Markets
Local Solutions Marine ECS / SmartLock
Bridge/Lock Transit Electronic River
Navigation Full Radar Integration AIS Data
Integration Real Time Depth Database The Virtual
7Jeppesen Virtual River
- Virtual Bridge Piers
- Virtual River Buoys
- Real Time River Depths and Monitoring
- Real Time Weather Data
- Port /Terminal Information
- Hyper-Accurate ENCs
Critical Navigation
Electronic Navigation
Virtual Buoys
Real-Time Weather
8 9SmartLock - A Zero Visibility Locking System
- SmartLock Release 1 Objectives
- Reduce fog delays
- Increase throughput
- Improve safety
- Improve information flow between tow and lock
Safety Efficiency Security
- Critical Success Factors
- Involvement / Support of the USACE
- Critical Distance Accuracy of lt 1 Ft
- Ease of use of Software / Hardware.
- Proven, Available Technologies
- Wireless Secured Network
10An Aviation Corollary
Precision Approach History
11SmartLock - A Team Effort
Concept originator, SL patent holder and
solutions think-tank.
Project manager and technology coordinator.
Software manufacturer and Product Manager.
A Boeing Company
Infrastructure and development support.
US Army Corps of Engineers
Providing market awareness and product feedback.
(incl tow companies, terminal operators,
training schools and more.)
River Community
12SmartLock Architecture
- At Lock
- 900 MHz wireless
- Lock side SW
- SmartLock Zone
- 1 mile up/down stream
- Dictates tow/lock comm.
- Tow shares configuration
- Lock broadcasts conditions
- Lock side opportunities
- Integrate with USACE OMNI system.
- Basis for river traffic management.
- Target/AIS monitoring
- On Tow
- High Precision Positioning
- 900 MHz wireless
- Tow side SW
13SmartLock Tow Side
- Critical Distances
- Communication with Lock
- Easy to View
14SmartLock Lock Side
- Shore / Lock Side
- Overall Situational Awareness
- Critical Distances
- Communication with Tow
- Easy to View
- Key Conditions provided to Tow
- Basis for Data Input to USACE Database.
15Safety, Security and Efficiency
SmartLock is just the beginning of the SmartRiver.