Title: Dose Quantities: Operational ICRU v' Protection ICRP Quantities
1Dose QuantitiesOperational (ICRU) v. Protection
(ICRP) Quantities
- Daniel J. Strom
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Richland, Washington USA
- strom_at_pnl.gov 1 (509) 375-2626
- Battelle operates Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory for - the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No.
DE-AC05-76RLO 1830
2Relationships among Physical, Operational, and
Protection Quantities (ICRP 74, 1996)
- ICRU ICRP are at odds over some quantities and
3ICRP and ICRU are working together to build a
coherent set of quantities and units for
radiation protection
4Absorbed Dose, D
- Average ionizing energy per unit mass m deposited
in matter or tissue -
- For x and g radiation, 1 R ? 1 rad 0.01 Gy 10
mGy - The rad was originally defined as 100 ergs/gram
5Mean Absorbed Dose
- The mean absorbed dose in a specified tissue or
organ T is - where mT is the mass of the tissue or organ, and
D is the absorbed dose in the mass element dm - a.k.a. organ dose
- Can be specified for various types of radiation,
6For Limitation Purposes 2007Equivalent Dose
- The equivalent dose in a tissue or organ is
7Tissue Equivalent Dose, HT
- Equivalent Dose (Absorbed Dose) (Radiation
Weighting Factor) -
- Thus 1 R of x or g ?1 rad 1 rem
- for neutrons, 1 rad 10 rem
- for a, 1 rad 20 rem
8Quality Factors, Q or Radiation Weighting
Factors, wR
Q replaced by wR in recommendations and
international regulations.
9ICRP 2007 Recommendations wR
10ICRP Quality Factors versus Unrestricted LET
11Quality Factor versus Lineal Energy (1 mm)
12Calculated values of Q vs. photon energy under
conditions of charged-particle equilibrium
13Calculated values of Q for the entire range of
alpha particles of given initial energy
14Calculated values of Q vs. neutron energy under
conditions of charged-particle equilibrium
15Neutron wR versus Energy
16ICRP 2007 Recommendations wRneutron
- The number of particles that pass through a
sphere of unit cross-sectional area - ? number/area, m?2
- The number of particles that pass through a
sphere of unit cross-sectional area per unit time - ? number/area, m?2 s?1
Fluence Rate
18Neutron Dose Equivalent per Unit Fluence
McDonald et al. 1998
19Combining Doses to All Tissues from Different
Kinds of Radiation
20For Limitation Purposes 2007Effective Dose
- The effective dose is
- where wT is the tissue weighting factor
- Accounts for non-uniform irradiation
21Tissue Weighting Factors, wT
- a1977 each of 5 highest dose organs included in
remainder with 0.06 weighting factors stomach,
liver, small intestine, upper and lower large
intestine each count as 0.06 if receiving high
doses. - b1985 skin was added total no longer 1.00.
- c1990 remainder included adrenals, brain, upper
large intestine, small intestine, kidney, muscle,
pancreas, spleen, thymus, and uterus. - d1977 not listed.
- e2005 Adipose tissue, adrenals, connective
tissue, extrathoracic airways, gall bladder,
heart wall, lymphatic nodes, muscle, pancreas,
prostate, si wall, spleen, thymus, and
uterus/cervix. - f2007 Adrenals, extrathoracic (ET) region, gall
bladder, heart, kidneys, lymphatic nodes, muscle,
oral mucosa, pancreas, prostate (?), small
intestine, spleen, thymus, uterus/cervix (?).
22Total Effective Dose
- TED emphasizes the summation of doses from
internal and external irradiation - Suppose a worker receives
- an equivalent dose of 1.00 mSv to the whole body
- a committed equivalent dose (CED) of 10.00 mSv to
his thyroid - a CED of 3.00 mSv to his bone marrow
- What is his TED?
- Answer TED 1(1.00) 10(0.04) 3 (0.12)
- 1.76 mSv
23A Quantity That Never Occurred to the ICRP
Total Effective Dose (Equivalent)
- USA regulators explicitly named the sum of doses
from external sources and committed doses from
intakes of radionuclides TEDE - USA regulators also explicitly named the implicit
whole body tissue weighting factor (w(T whole
body) 1) - also have cumulative or lifetime TEDE
24IAEAs Total Effective Dose, ET
- IAEA SS 115 (1996) for verification of
compliance with dose limits, use - where the sums are over radionuclides j, ing
means ingestion, and inh means inhalation - intakes I and personal dose equivalent Hp, are
within a specified time period, e.g., 1 y - looks like an operational quantity
25Groupings of Radiation Quantities
equilibrium factor
equilibrium equivalent exposure
number of transitions
activity concentration
potential a energy concentration
Radioactive Material
decay constant l
specific activity
unattached fraction
air kerma rate constant
potential a energy
equilibrium equivalent concentration
S/r, Scol/r, Srad/r
exposure rate
cross section
potential a energy exposure
particle size
Radon Progeny
m/r, mtr/r, men/r
radiation chemical yield
linear energy transfer, lineal energy
fluence, energy fluence rate
specific energy
energy deposit, energy imparted
energy per ion pair
energy dose-like quantity dose-rate-like
quantity interaction of radiation with
material biology or risk other
kerma rate
absorbed dose rate
cema rate
Indirectly Ionizing Radiation
Directly Ionizing Radiation
equivalent dose rate
effective dose equivalent rate
a, b, recoils
retained quantity
fraction deposited
Q, wR
intake is implicitly dose-like due to
F, M, S
Biology or Risk