Eating disorders Anorexia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Eating disorders Anorexia


... I put in my mouth must be removed by exercises. Anorexia in other countries ... Giving eating advice to the youth and their parents, thus preventing anorexia. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Eating disorders Anorexia

Eating disorders - Anorexia
Eating disorders anorexia
  • Well-being

What is anorexia?
  • There are many diseases, disorders, problems and
    conditions involving food, eating, and weight,
    but in everyday conversations, the term eating
    disorders has come to mean anorexia nervosa,
    bulimia, and binge eating.

Anorexia nervosathe relentless pursuit of
  • A person with anorexia deliberately loses weight.
    The weight loss may become severe and
  • Is an eating disorder, many people when talking
    about anorexia think in terms of models and
    actresses. However anorexia is a serious illness
    which affects all sorts of people.

Anorexia nervosaSymptoms
  • Person refuses to maintain normal body weight for
    age and height.
  • Weighs 85 or less than what is expected for age
    and height.
  • In women, menstrual period stops. In men levels
    of sex hormones fall.
  • Young girls do not begin to menstruate at the
    appropriate age.

  • Person denies the danger of low weight.
  • Is terrified of becoming fat.
  • Is terrified of gaining weight even though s/he
    is markedly underweight.
  • They feeling fat even when very thin.
  • AN has significant physical consequences
  • Low body weight in females causes the body to
    stop producing estrogen
  • Low estrogen levels contribute to significant
    losses in bone density
  • Production of excessive amounts of the adrenal
    hormone cortisol, which is known to trigger bone
  • A decrease in the production of growth hormones
    and other growth factors
  • Calcium deficiency and malnutrition
  • In males tesosterone deficiency may be
    responsible for the low bone density. Which
    leads to a condition known as osteoporosis.
  • In addition, anorexia nervosa often includes
    depression, irritability, withdrawal, and
    peculiar behaviors such as compulsive rituals,
    strange eating habits, and division of food into
    good/safe and bad/dangerous categories.

  • To lose weight they use
  • laxatives
  • appetite suppressant drugs
  • diuretics
  • doing excessive amounts of excercise
  • People with anorexia weight 15 or more below the
    expected weight for their age, sex and heigh. BMI
    is below 17,5.
  • A wrong idea of body size.

  • Other features
  • Vomit secretly after eating
  • Often wear baggy clothes to hide their thinnes
  • Try hard to hide also unusual things what they do
    to lose weight
  • They lie about how much they eat and about
    everything to do with food.
  • They like food and feel hungry, but it is the
    consequenses of eating that frightens them.

  • Many people with anorexia dont want to see that
    they have a problem. They eather never get help,
    or delay getting help for many years.

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What is the cause of anorexia?
  • Person may have low tolerance for change and new
    situations may fear growing up and assuming
    adult responsibilities and an adult lifestyle.
    May be overly engaged with or dependent on
    parents or family. Dieting may represent
    avoidance of, or ineffective attempts to cope
    with, the demands of a new life stage such as

  • The exact cause is not clear. Part of the cause
    is a fear of getting fat but it is not just as
    simple as that.
  • Different causes possibly work together to bring
    on the illness. These may include the following
  • The pressure from society and media to be thin
    and beatiful -gt this is probably why anorexia is
    much more common in westernised countries

  • Personality and family environment probably play
    a role too -gt people with anorexia often have
    poor self-esteem and they have a feeling that
    they have to be perfect. Often they have
    disturbed family relationships.
  • Genetic factors

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What thoughts are used by the anorectic patient
to maintain their illness?
  • Their usual thoughts are
  • Nothing will be better if I eat.
  • I am already too fat and if I eat I will be even
  • Everything I put in my mouth must be removed by

Anorexia in other countries
  • India most people in India have not yet heard
    of the condition but there is a high number in
    anorectic cases, thus leads to death
  • Africa in some places in Africa according to
    the study carried out in rural Ghana, found that
    eating disorders may not be soley western
    phenomenon. The reasons for dieting include
    religious fasting particularly around times of
    stress and for feeling of self-control.
  • Czech.R. people are mostly under the influence
    of westernphenomenon.

What is the treatment for anorexia nervosa?
  • The aims of treatments are
  • Reduce risk of harm which can be caused by
  • To encourage weight gain and healthy eating.
  • To reduce other related symptoms and problems.
  • To facilitate recovery of mental and physical

When patient with anorexia comes to the hospital
  • Its good to search and think how serious
    situation is.
  • First there is social, physiologic and
    psychological tests.
  • Make sure that patient dont have any medical
    problems which can lead to weight loss,
    differential diagnoses.

  • She or he has to learn how to eat again. That is
    not easy, because anorexia patients dont want to
    eat. Usually they dont eat warm meals and they
    eat only couple of times a day and mostly only
    fruits and vegetables (normally people eat 3-5
    times a day).
  • They have 1,5 hours time to eat, and its their
    decision whether she/he want to eat or not.

  • Psychological treatment
  • Such as cognitive behavioural therapy.
  • Talking treatment helps to look at the reasons
    why the patient developed anorexia, aims to
    change any false believes that they may have
    about their weight and body, and how to identify
    and deal with emotional issues. This treatment
    takes time.

  • In the acute phase of anorexia nervosa the
    patient is unwilling to accept rational arguments
    and it may be necessary to stop the starvation in
    order to prevent destruction of the body. If
    possible the parents should take part in the
    treatment. The purpose is to normalise the
    patients weight. If it is possible to persuade
    the patient to eat or drink nutrients in
    sufficient quantities at home, it may be
    necessary to insist on hospital care where
    tube-feeding or drip-feeding can be used. If the
    patient still refuses to accept nutrition then
    sedatives may be required in order to make it

  • The patient should not go to school or be exposed
    to stress and demands, but she should take it
    easy, keep warm and have a pleasant time.
  • The treatment of anorexia requires enormous
    patience from both parents and hospital staff.
    The co-operation of the patient will eventually
    be needed and this calls for many discussions and
    motivations initiated by relatives,
    psychotherapists and staff.

  • The parents should not be accused of causing the
    illness, but should be seen as an asset in the
    care of the patient. The main problems are the
    patients false conseptions conserning food and
    the body.

  • Non verbal therapy like occuptional therapy,
    group therapy and cooking therapy. Patient with
    anorexia fear touching food an eating. It is
    good if therapy helps them find new ways to
    handle food. Than we try to find a way how to
    speak about eating disorders.
  • Complementary therapy for the well-being of
    anorexia patient.

Are there any medicines which help in the
treatment of anorexia nervosa?
  • Antidepressive medicines usually do not help in
    the acute stages of anorexia nervosa. But resent
    studies indicates that Prozac can prevent
    anorexia from reccuring, after the patient has
    achieved normal weight. Two-thirds of former
    anorectics who used Prozac succided, while only
    16 could avoid reccurance of anorexia among
    those who were threated with placebo.

Self help measurments
  • Antidepressant medication in some situations
  • Treatment of any physical or teeth problems
  • Self help measures may be appropriate for some
    people. These provide strategies on how to cope
    with and over come anorexia. They are not
    suitable for everyone, particularly if the
    anorexia is severe.

Complementary therapy Psycho-motoric therapy
  • To help our patients get a better body image, we
    do this by helping them change their bodies and
    teaching them to accept themselfs.
  • How to achieve this?
  • Rebuilding a realistic self-image.
  • Finding a part of your body that you like.
  • Looking into the mirror and looking in your eyes
    and tell ourself that you are worthful.
  • Excercise with ropes.

  • Curbing hyperactivity tension
  • Ask the audience how many setups are you able to
    do in a day. Anorectic patient would answer that
    they can do more than 10 000 a day, which is
    about 25 h a day setups! That is impossible and
    they are only making their own muscles tired -gt

  • Developing social skills
  • Some patients dont like to be touched and
    they have difficulties touching others. We
    developed an excersice which will make it easy
    to get used to being touched with out a fear that
    some thing bad will happen to them.
  • Excersice with the cloth with different colours,
    trying to work together to change the surface of
    the cloth.
  • Learning to enjoy the body.
  • - Relaxation, breathing exercises.
  • Communication or body interaction
  • - dancing, playing, group exercises.

Multi disciplinary approach
  • Psychiatric -gt oversight and monitoring of
    medications to help stabilise her mental health
  • Primary care provider-gt evaluate physical health
  • Registered dietician-gt develop individualised
    meal plan to meet her nutritional requirments
  • Physotherapist-gt individual and group sessions to
    discover the roots of her eating disorders

  • Psychologist-gt provide psychometric testing and
    diagnostic services to assist with planning and
    group therapy
  • Nurse-gt ensure an atmosphere of consistency,
    nurturance, safety and accountability. Giving
    eating advice to the youth and their parents,
    thus preventing anorexia.
  • Even though our disciplines might take different
    approach, our aim is common, which is the
    well-being of our patients.

How many patients recovery from anorexia? Or die?
  • Anorexia nervosa, when properly treated, recovers
    completely in about 40 of the cases recovers
    with defect(some permanent subsymptom remaining)
    in 35 of cases, and envolves towards an
    incurable chronic condition in 25 of cases.
  • Anorexia nervosa is the psychiatric pathology
    with the highest index of mortality(20 within 17
    years from the diagnosis.) These percentages do
    not include, obviously, the related figures about
    the recovery of the mind, do not consider the
    scarf a serious pathology can leave, nor the
    benefits coming from fighting such a cruel
    battle. Such knowledge is highly subjective and
    can be retrieved only in the hearts of the ones
    who have lived such an experience.

  • Link between psychotherapy and physiotherapy
    Prof.dr.Michel Probst K.U.Leuven, Belgium.
  • Complementary therapies Marc Velghe
  • Visit of the University Hospital Gent (K12)
    Co-ordinator Dr Bart Thomas
  • Internet,,

  • What are your views on the legalisation and use
    of Euthanasia in severe anorextic conditions?
  • With lots of thanks from Gent group 6 in
    co-operation with Belgium, Czech Republic,
    Finland, Hungary and Namibia.
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