CT30675E Application Development for the Web - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CT30675E Application Development for the Web


... for a program to interact with the file system of the machine it is running on. ... 0755, '/home/chi/index.html'; chown ... opendir DIRECTORY, '/home/chi ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CT30675E Application Development for the Web

CT30675E Application Developmentfor the Web
  • Week 8Accessing Files Directories

Whats in store this week
  • News
  • Accessing Files Directories
  • Permissions
  • Perl/PHP file system access
  • Accessing a file
  • Manipulating files
  • Manipulating directories
  • Permissions, revisited

Accessing Files Directories
  • Sometimes it is necessary for a program to
    interact with the file system of the machine it
    is running on.
  • Both Perl and PHP allow this to happen (and even
    give some standard functions to aid you), but
    there are a few points you should be aware of.

  • A script can only read and write files and
    directories for which it has permission to do so.
  • And if you are running a Perl/PHP script via a
    web server, all scripts will ordinarily be
    executed as the user running the web server.
  • On holst this is a user called apache.
  • How can we tell what permissions a file or
    directory has?

  • It depends on what system we are running from
  • On Windows 95/98/Me, there are no permissions.
    Perl can read or write to any file or directory
    on the system.
  • On Windows NT/2000/XP, file and directory
    permissions are governed by access control lists
    which are usually set by the administrator of the

  • On UNIX/Linux, permissions are specified for
    three classes of users.
  • The user that owns the file.
  • members of the group that owns the file
    (excepting the user that owns the file).
  • Everyone else.

  • Permissions are granted for read, write and
  • rwx
  • When dealing with files, they do exactly what
    they say on the tin.
  • For directories
  • read allows you to get a list of directory
  • write allows you to create new files
  • execute allows you to directly access files which
    already exist in the directory.

  • Each of the three groups (owner, group owner,
    world) can have any of those permissions granted
    or denied, by using the chmod command
  • chmod 775 index.html
  • The number consists of three octal digits.
  • The first digit represents the permissions for
    the owner, the second for the group owner, and
    lastly the permissions for everyone else.

  • How do we work out what the three numbers should
  • We add up the numbers for each permission
  • read permission is worth 4
  • write permission is worth 2
  • execute permission is worth 1

  • So...
  • 1 execute only.
  • 2 write only.
  • 3 1 2 write execute.
  • 4 read only.
  • 5 1 4 read execute.
  • 6 2 4 read write.
  • 7 1 2 4 read, write and execute.

chi_at_holst htdocs chmod 775 index.html
File systems access
  • We are now going to investigate how both Perl and
    PHP handle file access.
  • This will be a bit of a whistle-stop tour, but
    the documentation for both Perl and PHP contain
    more complete instructions about the topic.
  • We will look at Perl first, and then investigate
    the differences in PHP (they work in similar ways)

Perl and file system access
  • Whilst we could access the file system by running
    system programs, Perl has a number of built in
    functions to save time and effort.
  • open, getc, read, seek, eof, close, opendir,
    readdir, rewinddir, seekdir, closedir, truncate,
    chdir, chmod, chown, mkdir, rename, rmdir, unlink
  • There are other functions (see the perlfunc
    manual page for more details).

PHP and file system access
  • Similarly, PHP has a whole host of filesystem
    commands (see ref.filesystem in the PHP
    documentation for full details)
  • fopen, fread, fwrite, ftruncate, fseek, is_file,
    is_uploaded_file, ...

Opening a file - Perl
  • To access a file, you open a pipe to a file
    handle with the open function.
  • open(FILE, 'gt', "../store/passwd")
  • The most useful format of the open function takes
    three arguments.
  • The first argument names the file handle - the
    name by which the pipe will be referred to until
    it is closed (so in this case - FILE).

Opening a file - Perl
  • The second argument specifies what mode to open
    the file in
  • 'lt' - open the file for reading (default).
  • 'gt' - open the file for writing, but truncate the
    file first to clear all contents.
  • 'gtgt' - open the file for editing, keeping the
    original contents intact.
  • 'lt' - open the file for reading and writing, but
    keep the original contents.

Opening a file - Perl
  • Notes
  • If you open a file for reading (lt) or appending
    (gtgt), the file must exist.
  • If you open a file for exclusive writing (gt), the
    file will be created (so long as directory
    permissions allow) if it does not already exist.

Opening a file - PHP
  • PHP works in the same way, except
  • The open function is called fopen()
  • It takes two parameters, the filename, and the
    access mode
  • The close function is called fclose()
  • You must assign the result to a variable
  • e.g.
  • handle fopen("../store/data.txt", "r")

Opening a file - PHP
  • The access mode is specified as one of
  • r - read only access (same as lt in Perl)
  • r - read/write access (like lt)
  • w - truncate for writing, or create
  • w - truncate for reading/writing (like gt)
  • a - open for appending, or create (like gtgt)
  • a - open for appending/reading, or create
  • x - create and open for writing - error if file
  • x - create and open for read/write - error if

Errors opening a file - Perl
  • Very often opening a file for reading/writing is
    such a vital part of a program that we wouldnt
    want to continue if for some reason it fails. We
    can do this by specifying or die after the open
  • open(README, 'gt', "readme.txt") or die
    "readme.txt missing!\n"
  • Please refer to the perlopentut manual page for
    more information on opening files.

Errors opening a file - PHP
  • Since PHP assigns the handle to a variable, we
    can test whether the variable returns false, and
    a warning generated.
  • handle fopen("../store/data.txt", "r")
  • if(!handle)
  • // print nice error message
  • die()

Accessing a file - Perl
  • Once the file has been opened to a pipe, we can
    read data from it
  • by using the lt gt operator, or the readline
    function, for an entire line.
  • line ltFILEHANDLEgt
  • line readline(FILEHANDLE)
  • Character by character using the getc function.
  • char getc FILEHANDLE

Accessing a file - Perl file
  • In whole blocks of arbitrary size using the read
  • read(FILEHANDLE, usrname, 8)
  • We can also jump to a specified position in the
    file using the seek function.
  • seek(FILEHANDLE, 255, 0)
  • These functions all return undef if the end of
    file is reached.
  • To explicitly test whether the file handle is at
    the end of file, you can use the eof function -
    Although in practice you will probably never need
    to do this.

Accessing a file - Perl
  • or write to it (if it has been opened for
    writing), by using the print function
  • print FILEHANDLE "line of text\n"
  • You can truncate a file which has been opened for
    writing to a certain length (in bytes) by using
    the truncate function
  • truncate FILEHANDLE, 1024

Accessing a file - Perl
  • When you are finished with a file, ensure that
    you close it by using the close function.
  • close FILEHANDLE
  • You should always be sure to close pipes when you
    have finished using them. Perl writes to files
    in buffered mode, so you cannot guarantee all
    data is saved to the file until after it ha been

Accessing a file - Perl
  • Example - writing to file
  • open(COUNTER,"gtgt","../logs/error.log") or
    die("counter log missing!\n")
  • print COUNTER "Record entry\n"
  • print COUNTER "Number of hits cnt_hit\n"
  • print COUNTER ltltHERE
  • Interesting.
  • We can perform multi-line print ltltHERE
  • statements to a file handle.
  • HERE
  • close COUNTER

Accessing a file - Perl
  • Example 2 - performing an action on a whole file,
    line by line
  • my count 0
  • open(DATAFILE,"lt","../logs/data.txt") or
    die("data file missing!\n")
  • while(line ltDATAFILEgt)
  • _at_bits split(/","/, line)
  • print "Name bits0 bits1\n"
  • count
  • close DATAFILE
  • print "Total number of records count\n"

Accessing a file - PHP
  • PHP provides a number of functions for getting
  • fgetc() - get a character from the file
  • fgets() - get a line from the file
  • fgetss() - get a line, and strip out HTML
  • and putting data into a file
  • fwrite() - puts a string into a file
  • fputs() - alias for fwrite()

Accessing a file - Perl
  • Example - writing to file
  • lt?php
  • handle fopen("../logs/error.log, "a)
  • fwrite(handle, "Record entry\n")
  • fwrite(handle, "Number of hits cnt_hit\n)
  • text "Perhaps this line of text must be
    written, else the file is corrupt?")
  • if(fwrite(handle, text) FALSE)
  • echo "ltpgtFailed to write to filelt/pgt"
  • die()
  • fclose(handle)
  • ?gt

Accessing a file - PHP
  • Example 2 - performing an action on a whole file,
    line by line
  • lt?php
  • my count 0
  • if(! handle fopen("../logs/data.txt","r"))
  • echo "ltpgtData file missing.lt/pgt"
  • die()
  • while(line fgetcsv(handle, 1000, ",") !
  • echo "Name line0 line1\n"
  • count
  • fclose(handle)
  • print "Total number of records count\n"

Manipulating files
  • So that is how to access and change data within a
    file - but how do we actually deal with files
  • Well, if we know the filenames of files we want
    to deal with, we can use a number of functions to
    interact with them.
  • Well talk about how to actually look at
    directory contents shortly...

Manipulating files - Perl
  • There are also a whole host of file/directory
    functions collectively known as the -X functions
  • -r File is readable by effective uid/gid.
  • -w File is writable by effective uid/gid.
  • -x File is executable by effective uid/gid.
  • -o File is owned by effective uid.
  • -e File exists.
  • -z File has zero size (is empty).
  • -s File has nonzero size (returns size in bytes).

Manipulating files - Perl
  • -f File is a plain file.
  • -d File is a directory.
  • -T File is an ASCII text file.
  • -B File is a "binary" file (opposite of -T).
  • -M Age of file in days when script started.
  • -A Same for access time.

Manipulating files - Perl
  • rename - tries to rename a file (or directory).
  • rename 'home.html', 'home.html.old'
  • unlink - tries to delete a file.
  • unlink '/home/chi/index.html'
  • chmod - tries to change permissions.
  • chmod 0755, '/home/chi/index.html'
  • chown - tries to change ownership.
  • chown -1, student, index.html'

Manipulating files - PHP
  • PHP has similar functions, but watch the syntax,
    as it is often a little different
  • chmod('/home/chi/index.html', 0755)
  • rename('home.html', 'home.html.old')
  • file_exists('home.html')
  • is_readable('home.html')
  • is_writable('home.html')

Manipulating directories
  • Aside from some small syntax differences, this is
    the same in both Perl and PHP (see ref.dir in the
    documentation for the syntax)
  • We can search through directories by using
    directory handles.
  • These work in much the same way as file handles,
    in that we open them, can read entries, and close

Manipulating directories
  • We open directory handles with the opendir
  • opendir DIRECTORY, '/home/chi/'
  • readdir returns the next directory entry in the
    directory list (or, if you assign it to an array
    variable, all the remaining directory names).
  • next readdir DIRECTORY

Manipulating directories
  • rewinddir resets the position of the directory
    handle to the very first entry.
  • rewinddir DIRECTORY
  • When you have finished with the directory handle,
    close it with the closedir function.
  • closedir DIRECTORY

Manipulating directories
  • You can try to create or delete directories using
    the mkdir and rmdir functions.
  • mkdir "/home/chi/temp/"
  • rmdir "/home/chi/oldtemp/"

Manipulating directories
  • Example Prints directory contents to a web page.
  • Use CGI
  • my query new CGI
  • print query-gtheader()
  • opendir(DIRECTORY, "../logs/") or die("couldnt
    open /logs !\n")
  • while(linereaddir(DIRECTORY))
  • print "line ltbrgt\n"
  • closedir DIRECTORY

Permissions, revisited
  • Since all Perl scripts are run as apache, that
    means that in principle any other script on the
    server can access files you created using Perl.
  • This could be a security risk especially if you
    are storing credit card numbers or the like.
  • There is a solution setuid.

Permissions, revisited
  • By making a script setuid, which means set User
    ID (or setgid - set Group ID) it will run with
    the effective user ID of the user who owns the
  • So if a Perl script is owned by the user chi,
    making the script setuid will make the script run
    as if it is the user chi and not apache.
  • Setuid/setgid have serious security implications,
    and Perl will always run a setuid/setgid script
    in taint mode.

Next Week
  • JavaScript DOM validation
  • Cookies
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