Title: ILL ASAP2 connecting OCLC and ILLIAD
1ILL ASAP2 connecting OCLC and ILLIAD
- By Terry Reese
- Oregon State University
- terry.reese_at_oregonstate.edu
2What is ILL ASAP
- Originally a VBScript written by Kyle Banerjee
while at Oregon State University - Would process ILLMe source file and extract
holdings information from Innovative Interfaces
OPACs and create easy to use XML generated
request slips.
3Why Retire ILL ASAP
- No choice
- With OCLC retiring ILLMe, the original ILL ASAP
no longer had a source file to process. - Many users had migrated to ILLIAD, so I had been
under the preception that ILL ASAP was no longer
in use.
4Short retirement
- Within a week of ILLMes retirement, I started
receiving questions from users regarding the
continuance of ILL ASAP, so.
- Creation of ILL ASAP 2
- Specifications
- Works with OCLCs WorldCat Resource Sharing
system - Can interact with ILLIADs borrowing system
- Can extract holdings from SIRSI and III systems
- Written in C, and as always, has been released
as Open Source.
6OCLCs WorldCat Resource Sharing
- OCLCs new interface
- SOAP-based WSDL system
- Accomedates both borrowing and lending
7OCLCs WorldCat Resource Sharing
- Configuring ILL ASAP 2
- Billing Options
- ILLIAD Options
- Labels
- Security
- Server Options
- Shipping Options
8OCLCs WorldCat Resource Sharing
9OCLCs WorldCat Resource Sharing
- Testing Server Configuration
10ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction
- Messaging File
- Can process materials in the message file with a
status of conditional pending, pending, renewal
request and retry pending.
11ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction
- Messaging File
- When processing the message file, ILL ASAP 2
will - Query each item against your OPAC (presuming its
a III or SIRSI system) - Print out a request receipt
- Sets each processed item from PENDING to
12ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction
13ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction
- Customizing Receipt
- XML-based template that defines data to be
utilized. - http//oregonstate.edu/reeset/presentations/nwill
/2005/template.xml - XSLT-based template that defines how the data
should be displayed. - http//oregonstate.edu/reeset/presentations/nwill
14ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction
- Batch Processing Requests
- New to ILL ASAP 2
- Batch Filling of Requests Users can set fill
requests for individual items or in batches. - Allows users to store and select different Date
Dues for each lending request. - Changes status from IN_PROCESS to Filled.
15ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction
- Batch Processing Requests
16ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction
- Batch Processing Requests
- New to ILL ASAP 2
- Batch Decline of Requests Users can decline
requests for individual items or in batches. - Allows users to store and select from different
reasons for no. - Changes status from IN_PROCESS to not filled.
17ILL ASAP 2 OCLC Interaction
- Batch Processing Requests
18ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction
- Need
- Capturing holdings information
- Present software uses Z39.50 to get Call
Number/Location Information from MARC record.
19ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction
- Need
- However, what is actually needed is the holdings
record data to determine actual holdings.
20ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction
- Need
- Exactly what information to extract becomes more
muddled as ILS add-ons are created. In III, ERM
records provide only a title to the Z39.50 Client
giving no indication of holdings.
21ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction
- Importing Holdings
- Interacts with the following ILLIAD tables
- dbo.Transactions, dbo.LendingRequests
- Processes items from the dbo.Transactions table
with a ProcessType of Lending and a
TransactionStatus of Awaiting Processing
22ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction
- Importing Holdings
- Appends holdings data to the OCLC request in the
dbo.LendingRequests. - Inserts Call Number into the dbo.Transactions
table for all items and Location into the
dbo.Transactions table when handling individual
23ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction
- ILLIAD Screens (OCLC Request)
24ILL ASAP 2 ILLIAD Interaction
- ILLIAD Screens (Main Window)
- Where is this program available?
- http//oregonstate.edu/reeset/illasap/