Fuzzy Logic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fuzzy Logic


union: A u B = {u/max(a(u), b(u) | u in U} intersection: A n B = {u/min(a(u), b(u) | u in U} ... B is a fuzzy set in the universe V with membership function b(v) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: fuzzy | logic


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy Logic
  • An approach to uncertainty that combines real
    values 0,1 and logic operations
  • Fuzzy logic is based on the ideas of fuzzy set
    theory and fuzzy set membership often found in
  • You are tall what is tall?
  • You are very tall how does this differ from

Fuzzy Sets
  • In normal sets, membership is binary
  • An item is either in the set or not in the set
  • In fuzzy sets, membership is based on a degree
    between 0 and 1
  • 0 item not in set
  • 1 item is in set
  • If degree is between 0 and 1, then this degree is
    the degree to which the item is thought to be in
    the set
  • In a way, this is like the statistic approaches
    covered in chapter 8, but it differs

Example Young
  • Ann is 28, .8 in set Young
  • Bob is 40, .1 in set Young
  • Cathy is 23, 1.0 in set Young
  • Unlike statistics and probabilities, the degree
    is not describing a probability that the item is
    in the set, but instead describes to what extent
    the item is in the set
  • Also note that the degrees do not add up to 1

Distinctions to Probabilities
  • Why both fuzzy sets and probabilities use real
    numbers to describe a degree of membership they
  • membership functions are not necessarily based on
    statistic distributions
  • fuzzy logic deals with deterministic
  • probabilities deal more with non-deterministic
    but stochastic events and their likelihoods

Fuzzy Sets
  • A is a fuzzy set described by the items, u, where
    the set A u/a(u) u in U
  • That is, A is a set of items combined with their
    degrees of being in the universe U
  • a(u) is a membership function that maps onto the
    set 0,1 which derives the degree that each u is
    or is not in U
  • Example The set of young people might be
    Ann/0.8, Bob/0.1, Cathy/1.0

Set Operations
  • Fuzzy sets, like sets, have operations for
  • is-a-member-of a(u)
  • union A u B u/max(a(u), b(u) u in U
  • intersection A n B u/min(a(u), b(u) u in
  • complement A u/1-a(u) u in U
  • With these rules, other set properties can be
    used such as the commutative law, DeMorgans
    laws, etc...

Fuzzy Relations
  • A is a fuzzy set in the universe U with
    membership function a(u)
  • B is a fuzzy set in the universe V with
    membership function b(v)
  • AxB(u,v)/min(a(u),b(v)) u in U, v in V
  • R is a fuzzy relation such that RU ? V where
    UxV(u,v)/m(u,v) u in U, v in V where m(u,v)
    is a membership function

Ex Temperature Regulator
  • Given two input values
  • E the difference between the current
    temperature and the target temperature
  • dEthe time derivative
  • Determine the output value Wthe change in the
    heating or cooling source
  • W can take on one of 5 values, negative big,
    negative small, zero, positive small, positive big

Fuzzy Rules for Example
  • Given E and dE, we have the following
    rules dE NB NS ZO PS PB NB PB NS
    PB NB
  • For instance, if E is ZO and dE is NB, then W is

Computing dE and E
  • See figure 1 from the handout (p.73)
  • Suppose E0.75 and dE0 (that is, at time zero,
    the temperature is .75 from where it should be)
  • Use the membership function in figure 1
  • E comes in at the horizontal .75 point which is
    midway between PS and PB. PS has a value of 0.5
    and PB has a value of 0.5. dE 0 which has ZO
    with a value of 1.0.

Selecting Rules
  • We have two applicable rules, 8 and 9
  • dEZO (membership of 1.0)
  • EPB (membership of 0.5) and PS (membership of
  • The weight of each rule is determined by the
    minimum of the two memberships (0.5 and 1.0) so
    both rules have equal weight (0.5)
  • However, we only want one output, so we must
    select a single rule. This is done through a
    difuzzification procedure finding the center of
    gravity in the output function

Fuzzy Logic
  • Just as fuzzy sets are an extension to sets,
    fuzzy logic is an extension to logic
  • Union Or, Intersection And, Complement Not
  • A gt B or If A then B is a fuzzy implication and
    can be derived as AxB

Two possible fuzzy logics
  • There have been two fuzzy logics developed that
    might be applicable to inference
  • Consider two items A and B with degrees of
    membership (or truth) of a and b
  • Not A 1-a (the same in either fuzzy logic)
  • A and B min(a,b) or ab
  • A or B max(a,b) or ab-ab
  • A?B max (1-a, b) or 1-aab
  • A xor B max(min(a,1-b), min(1-a,b)) or

Example using the fuzzy logics
  • A domain has hypotheses H1, H2, H3, H4, H5
  • H1, H2, and H3 are primitive hypotheses, H4 and
    H5 are derived by the following rules
  • H4H1 or H2
  • H5not(H1 or H2) and H3
  • Given values for H1, H2 and H3, values for H4 and
    H5 can be derived using the prior fuzzy logic
    rules for Not, And, Or
  • We can now compute the likelihood of each
    hypothesis and select all that are probable

Fuzzy System Applications
  • Fuzzy logic is most commonly used as controllers
    of systems, applying fuzzy rules to determine
    changes in output
  • Cement Kiln - first expert system to use fuzzy
    logic, incorporates experience of operators in
    cement production facilities to mix ingredients
  • Sendai Subway - most celebrated fuzzy logic
    system, controller uses fuzzy rules to control
    speed of cruising, braking and switching
  • Yamaichi Fuzzy Fund - fuzzy rules determined
    monthly by analysts and then used to predict
    trends and suggest trades

New Applications
  • Home appliances fuzzy logic used in
    refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, washers, dryers,
    air conditioners to control temperature,
    pressure, etc...
  • Video Cameras fuzzy automatic focusing and
    exposure rules
  • Automotive fuzzy controlled fuel injection,
    transmission and brakes systems
  • Robotics fuzzy controlled robots
  • Aerospace fuzzy logic temperature control for
    space shuttle

Future Development - Hybrids
  • Fuzzy neural net the two areas can complement
    each weakness (fuzzy logic - does not learn,
    neural networks - little control)
  • Fuzzy genetic algorithms GAs can be used to
    tune membership functions

Limitations of Fuzzy Logic
  • Stability since fuzzy logic is not formal,
    there is no guarantee that a fuzzy system will
    function correctly
  • Learning no ability to learn membership
    functions and no memory to learn during problem
  • Determining good membership functions and fuzzy
    rules is not always easy or straightforward
  • Verification and Validation requires extensive
    testing (as in any expert system). This is
    especially important of controllers where safety
    becomes a key factor (e.g. subway system, space

Fuzzier Methods
  • Fuzzy Logic is (roughly) based on a mathematical
  • Fuzzy methods do not require this mathematical
  • Certainty factors are a compromise between using
    fuzzy logic and a looser approach
  • Qualitative fuzzy rules go further and completely
    divorce the rules from mathematics
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