Title: User Training
1- User Training
- Responding to a CAR
Press Any Key to Begin
Revised March 14, 2002
eCATS and this training material are the
property of Honeywell International, Inc. This
material may not be duplicated, distributed, or
shared with any third-party without the prior
written consent of Honeywell International, Inc.
2Select the Data Maintenance hyperlink from the
Main Menu of eCATS
3- You will see a listing of all open corrective
actions associated with your user ID. - The list is grouped by responses, then
follow-ups, then effectiveness reviews. - Items coming due soonest are listed first.
4- You will typically be responding to corrective
actions requests (CAR) with a status of - Waiting for Owner Response or
- Rejected at Approval
5There are two ways to select a CAR to respond to
1. Click on the hyperlink in the open CAR
6There are two ways to select a CAR to respond to
2. Or click on the Locate CAR button to search
for a CAR not on your open list.
Enter a complete or partial CAR ID and click on
the Search button.
8If more than one CAR matches your search, you
must select one from the resulting list.
9Review the finding and other initiation data as
necessary by clicking on the Assignment,
Product/Process and Finding/Event tabs. Note that
this data will be read-only to most users.
10Direct Cause If required (red), enter the direct
cause for the finding occurring.
Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
11Contributing Cause If required (red), enter the
other causes that contributed to the finding
Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
Its OK to enter data into fields that are not
12Root Cause If required (red), enter the root
cause of the finding.
Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
Its OK to enter data into fields that are not
Enter the root cause for the finding here.
13Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
Specific Action/Containment If required (red),
enter the action(s) that will contain and resolve
the specific deficiency of the finding.
Its OK to enter data into fields that are not
Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
14Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
For any action that is required (red), the
projected completion date for that action is also
Its OK to enter data into fields that are not
Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
15Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
Dates can be entered by directly typing in the
date text box. All dates in eCATS must be
entered in the format DD-MMM-YYYY
Its OK to enter data into fields that are not
Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
16Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
Alternately, dates can be entered using the date
picker button.
Its OK to enter data into fields that are not
Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
17Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
After clicking on the date picker button, select
the date using the calendar functions. Use the
Clear button to remove a date.
Its OK to enter data into fields that ar
Enter the root cause for the finding h
Enter the specific action or containm
18Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
After clicking on the date picker button, select
the date using the calendar functions. Use the
Clear button to remove a date.
Its OK to enter data into fields that are not
Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
19Preventive Action If required (red), enter the
action(s) that will prevent the recurrence of the
root cause.
Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
Its OK to enter data into fields that are not
Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
20Enter the direct cause for the finding here.
You will see that these text boxes both word wrap
and scroll.
Remember to use the browser scroll bars as
necessary to see all the fields on the screen!
Its OK to enter data into fields that are not
Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
21Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
Remember to use the browser scroll bars as
necessary to see all the fields on the screen!
22Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Systemic Action If required (red), enter the
actions taken to ensure that the finding does not
occur in other areas.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
Systemic action text is entered here.
23Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Other Affected Products/Processes If required
(red), enter the other products and/or processes
affected by the finding.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
Systemic action text is entered here.
Enter the results of investigations into what
other products and/or processes were affected by
this same finding.
24Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Investigation Activities If required (red),
describe the activities performed to investigate
the causes of the finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
Systemic action text is entered here.
Enter the results of investigations into what
other products and/or processes were affected by
this same finding.
Enter the activities that took place to
investigate the causes of the finding.
25Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
Systemic action text is entered here.
The root cause code is used to classify your root
cause text with a single code for trending.
Enter the results of investigations into what
other products and/or processes were affected by
this same finding.
Enter the activities that took place to
investigate the causes of the finding.
26Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
Systemic action text is entered here.
Click on the search icon to select the code.
Enter the results of investigations into what
other products and/or processes were affected by
this same finding.
Enter the activities that took place to
investigate the causes of the finding.
27Enter the root cause for the finding here.
You can search for codes in any one of three
28Enter the root cause for the finding here.
You can search for codes in any one of three
- . Enter just the code (or any part of the code)
and click the Submit button.
29Enter the root cause for the finding here.
You can search for codes in any one of three
- . Enter just the description (or any part of the
description) and click the Submit button.
30Enter the root cause for the finding here.
31Enter the root cause for the finding here.
You can search for codes in any one of three
- . Leave both the code and description blank and
click the Submit button to return all codes.
32Enter the root cause for the finding here.
33Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
Systemic action text is entered here.
The corrective action code is used to classify
the action taken to prevent recurrence of the
Enter the results of investigations into what
other products and/or processes were affected by
this same finding.
Enter the activities that took place to
investigate the causes of the finding.
34Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
Systemic action text is entered here.
Click on the search icon to select the code.
Enter the results of investigations into what
other products and/or processes were affected by
this same finding.
Enter the activities that took place to
investigate the causes of the finding.
35Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
You can enter either the code, description or as
with all searches, leave them blank for all.
36Enter the root cause for the finding here.
37Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
At any time, you can save an incomplete response
to complete at a later time. Until then, the CAR
status will remain unchanged.
Systemic action text is entered here.
Enter the results of investigations into what
other products and/or processes were affected by
this same finding.
Enter the activities that took place to
investigate the causes of the finding.
38Enter the root cause for the finding here.
Enter the specific action or containment being
taken to resolve this finding.
Enter the actions being taken to address the root
cause and ensure that the finding does not recur.
When your response is complete. Check the Check
When Complete box and save. At this point the
required fields will be enforced.
Systemic action text is entered here.
Enter the results of investigations into what
other products and/or processes were affected by
this same finding.
Enter the activities that took place to
investigate the causes of the finding.
39After successfully saving the complete response,
the following actions will take place
Response fields are disabled. Depends on users
access level
40After successfully saving the complete response,
the following actions will take place
E-mail notifies SPOC of needed approval.
41After successfully saving the complete response,
the following actions will take place
Status changes to Waiting for SPOC Approval"
42Your response is complete!
43Key Points to Remember
- Answer your CARs before they become past due or
request an extension!
- Most users are only able to respond to CARs where
they are the named owner or a team member. - All required actions also require the date when
that action will be completed. - Check the Check When Complete box when your
response is ready to submit - it is not complete
until you do! - CAR status will advance automatically when
required responses have been completed and
submitted. - Always use the navigation buttons within eCATS.
Avoid using the browser Back button. - Remember that you will be automatically logged
out of the system if you do not save or otherwise
keep the system active within 30 minutes. Typing
alone does not keep the system active!
44- User Training
- Responding to a CAR
- Module Complete!