Title: Summer Data Conference
1 2003-2004
Summer Data Conference SCHOOL
Title I funds are targeted to high-poverty school
districts and used to provide supplementary
educational services usually in
reading/language arts and math to students who
are educationally disadvantaged or at risk of
failing to meet the state standards. A Title I
school may have a schoolwide or targeted
assistance designation.
Only those persons receiving Title 1 funding
should be coded in personnel with a Special
Program Code of 1.
In order to receive Title funds, states must
meet many requirements of NCLB. One of the
many requirements is the submission of
consolidated state plans, consolidated
applications, evaluations and performance
reports. Generally, these submissions require
data that is recorded in MSIS, therefore,
it is critical that each school and district
enter accurate information to ensure that
Mississippi continues to receive its adequate
federal funding to improve student
The School Demographics screen will provide
District/School Users with the ability to create,
update, and view information for new and
existing schools. Any authorized MSIS user that
has access to the School Demographics screen
will be allowed to view this information for any
school in the state.
The School Demographics should be kept
up-to-date. The information is used to generate
mailing labels for principals and schools, and
for various MDE reports.
4To Access School Demographics Screen
1. Click on Modules from the menu bar.
2. Select District/School.
3. Click on School Demographics.
5School Demographics Data Screen
4. User is prompted to School Demographics Data
5. Click on the School tab and select the desired
6. Click on the Demographics tab.
7. User is then prompted to School Demographic
8. Click on the Indicators tab to display the
school indicators.
69. Schoolwide Title 1 In Title I Schoolwide
Program, most federal, state and local funds are
consolidated to upgrade the entire educational
program of the school. In schools operating on a
schoolwide model, Title I is no longer a distinct
program but is integrated into the regular
program. Schoolwide programs are not required
to specifically identify eligible Title I student
for targeted Title I services that are
supplementary to the regular program. Even so,
the statute requires schools to particularly
address the needs of low-achieving children and
those at risk of not meeting the state academic
achievement standards who are members of the
target population of any program that is included
in the schoolwide program. Note Schools may
elect to operate as a schoolwide program only if
they have a child poverty rate of at least 40
710. Targeted Title 1 Title I Targeted Assistance
Schools are so-termed because it targets its
services on specific, identified children. A
student is eligible to receive Title I services
in a targeted assistance school if the school
identifies the student as failing, or most at
risk of failing, to meet the states challenging
student academic achievement standards. The
school makes this determination based on
multiple, educationally related objective
criteria established by the LEA and supplemented
by the school. Children from preschool through
the second grade, however, must be chosen solely
on the basis of the judgment of the teacher,
interviews with parents, and other
developmentally appropriate measures. Note It
is important to note that the low-income children
who generate the funds are not necessarily the
same children who receive the services. Once the
money reaches the school, children are selected
for services solely on the basis of academic
811. To change the status of an indicator, click
on the dropdown arrow and select to correct
option (Y or N). Be sure to save your
9Viewing Students Title 1 and Migrant Indicators
The View Student Data screen will allow
authorized users to view student records once
they have been transferred from the school
packages to MSIS. The information presented on
this screen comes directly from the School
Student Administration Packages. Therefore, the
View Student Data screen is in read-only mode no
updates or changes to Student data can be made on
this screen. All Student Information (Name,
Address, Schedule, etc.) will be displayed in
upper case letters. Users can only view student
records for students that are assigned to their
school. Note User must have access to this
screen. Only the Security Administrator can
assign rights to this screen.
10To Access View Student Data Screen
1. Click on Modules from the menu bar.
2. Select Students.
3. Click on View Student Data.
4. User will then access the View Student Data
11To Perform a Query on a Specified Student
Note- Upon initial entry into the View Student
data Screen, the Screen is already in Query mode.
1. Enter the Students MSIS ID or Last Name,
First Name, Birthdate and.or SSN.
2. Click on the Enter Execute icon button or
click on Query from the menu bar and select
3. All records (based on User access) matching
the selection criteria are displayed.
12To View a Student Record
1. After the query has been performed to locate
the student. If multiple students are displayed
use the Up and Down Arrows Keys to select
the desired student.
2. Click on the Details tab.
3. This will then take you to the Detail screen.
4. Now you can view the Student Detail
13 5. Title 1 Eligible A student is Title 1
Eligible if he or she is from a low-income
family, as indicated by his or her free
and/or reduced lunch status. Some children are
deemed automatically eligible to participate
a) Any student served in the previous two
years under the Migrant Education Program
b) Any child who participated in Head Start, Even
Start, the Early Reading First program, or Title
I preschool services at any time
within the previous two years c) Any
child attending a community day program or living
in a state or local institution for neglected or
delinquent children and d)
Any child who is homeless and attending any
school in the District.
146. Title 1 Reading The Title I Reading tag
identifies those students that receive reading
instruction from a teacher with a MIS
program code of 1and reading is recorded on the
course schedule as the subject he/she
teaches. In a schoolwide setting, any child who
receives reading instruction will receive this
designation. In a targeted assistance
school setting, only the student who is taught by
a reading teacher who is being paid by Title
I should receive this designation.
157. Title 1 Math The Title I Math tag
identifies those students that receive math
instruction from a teacher with a MIS
program code of 1and math is recorded on the
course schedule as the subject he/she teaches.
In a schoolwide setting, any child who
receives math instruction will receive this
designation. In a targeted assistance
school setting, only the student who is taught by
a math teacher who is being paid by Title I
should receive this designation.
168. Title 1 Language The Title I Language Arts
tag identifies those students that receive
language arts instruction from a teacher
with a MIS program code of 1and language arts is
recorded on the course schedule as the
subject he/she teaches. In a schoolwide setting,
any child who receives language arts
instruction will receive this designation. In a
targeted assistance school setting, only the
student who is taught by a language arts
teacher who is being paid by Title I should
receive this designation.
17 9. Title 1 Neg/Deleq Neglected
Students are students who are 21 years of age or
younger and enrolled in a regular program of
instruction at either an eligible
institution or community day program for an
average length of stay of at least 30
days (20 hours per week if in an institution or
community day program for N or D youth 15 hours
per week if in an adult correctional
institution). They must reside at a public or
private residential facility, other than a foster
home, that is operated primarily for
the care of children and youth who have been
committed to the institution or
voluntarily placed there under applicable State
law due to abandonment, neglect, or death of
their parents or guardians.
Examples The Boys and Girls Ranch, Baptist
Children Village, etc. Delinquent
Students are students who attend a public or
private residential facility that is operated
primarily for the care of children
and youth who have been adjudicated delinquent or
in need of supervision. Children in such
an institution must have an average length of
stay of at least 30 days. Examples Harrison
County Youth Detention Center, Hinds
County Detention Center, Mississippi Department
of Corrections, Walnut Grove, and the MS
Department of Human Services Oakley and
Columbia Training Schools.
18 10. Title 1 Homeless See handouts on Homeless
11. Migrants See handout on Migrants Eligibility
Homeless Children and Youth Program
Title X, Part C McKinney-Vento Education for
For local schools to comply with legislation
related to serving students experiencing
homelessness, they must identify eligible
students. The McKinney-Vento Act defines
homeless children and youth (twenty-one years of
age and younger) as children and youth who
(1) Lack a fixed, regular and adequate
nighttime residence, for example - children
living on the streets (i.e. tents, vehicles,
abandoned buildings, parks, etc.) - loss of
housing, economic hardship or similar reason -
migratory children (2) has a primary
nighttime residence in a supervised publicly or
privately operated shelter - children who have
been abused and/or neglected - children of
domestic violence - welfare hotels, emergency
or transitional shelters - awaiting foster
care placement (3) temporarily is staying
with relatives or friends because of loss of job,
other income loss, housing loss,(double up
families or affidavit), abandoned by parents
Homelessness does not include Any individual
imprisoned or otherwise detained pursuant to an
Act of Congress or a state law.
Educational Rights ? Immediate school
enrollment, even if the child is unable to
produce records normally required for
enrollment. ? School placement in the best
interest of the child ? Provided services
comparable to services offered to other students
in school ? Receive educational services
without being isolated or stigmatized ? Transpor
tation services ? Coordination with Title I,
Part A of the ESEA(Elementary Secondary Education
Act or No Child Left Behind)
Educational Needs ? Supplemental instruction,
tutoring in basic skills, before or after school
programs, summer programs and extended
day ? Funds to help purchase schools supplies,
pay for school functions such as field
trips ? Paying fees and costs associated with
tracking, obtaining, and transferring records
necessary for enrollment.
20Title X, Part C Education for Homeless Children
and Youth Program Student Identification for
Referral and Eligibility Form Section 1
Student Information, Fill in all blanks, if
possible. Student Name ________________________
_________________________________________ Curren
t Age_______Current Grade________
Parent/Guardians Name________________________
_________________________________ Mailing
Address _________________________________________
______________________ Home Phone
___________________________Work Phone
_________________________ Section II
Eligibility Criteria, at least one (1) item must
be marked. ______Child does not reside with a
parent or legal guardian. ______Family resides
in substandard housing. (Lacks or has
inadequate utilities, excessive holes in floors,
cardboard walls/windows, etc.) ______Parents/gua
rdians are migrant workers. ______Child/family
resides in temporary shelter.
(Runaway, throwaways, domestic violence,
substance abuse, etc.) ______Child/family
resides with relatives or friends temporarily.
(i.e. Job or housing loss, other income
loss, doubling up families, affidavit,
etc.) ______ Child/family resides in
non/sub-standard domiciles or on the streets.
(Tents, vehicles, buses, abandoned
buildings, condemned areas, etc.) ______Child/fa
mily has a primary nighttime residence in a
supervised public/privately operated
shelter. (Shelters, transitional housing,
transient/welfare hotels, etc.) ______Parent/gua
rdian in placement of a institution.
(i.e., Jail/prison, mentally ill facility,
etc.) ______Child in Foster Care
21 Migrants Eligibility Flowchart
22Exit Form
To Exit the View Students Data screen and Return
to the MSIS Main Screen.
1. Click on the X in the upper right corner of
the screen or select File on the menu bar and
select Exit.
Note- If you have any unsaved changes, an alert
box will ask if you want to save
changes, click on the appropriate button.
2. User is then returned to the MSIS Main Screen.