Title: Dia 1
1Sport Art 2006
Olivia Vandeweghe 3LA5a 18 Sint-leocollege
2I like...
- Playing tennis. I do this for 6 years
3- Snowboarding in holidays with my friends
Thats me
4I like it because its amazing to act an other
people. I do this for 3 years, but I have also
followed diction for 3 years. There, you learn to
talk fluently and to ariculate well. I havent
photos where I was acting but I will show you
diffrent photos of theatre
5Riding on the waves
Ive chosen Panamarenko because I was curuous
about his works of art.I wanted to know
something more about this artist. When I looked
at his website, I was amazed that he makes
unbelievable things like strange flying machins...
6Examples of flying machins...
The legendary zeppelin The aeromodeller. Panamar
enko has made this in two years (1969-1971)
1996 Panamarenko shows his steel submarine Pahama
Novaya Zemblaya at the Ronny Van de Velde
7In 1990, he builds the first Archaeoptrix
(intelligent chicken) after the model of the
prehistoric bird.
1998 The flying boat Scotch Gambit is taking
shape. Given the size of the piece Panamarenko
has to move to a hangar in the Antwerp port,
where the boat is complete.
8Bing of the Ferro Lusto, Hayward Gallery, London,
2003 At the request of the City of Antwerp,
Panamarenko puts together the statue Pepto Bismo
2003 on St.-Jansplein.
9His biography...
- 1940 Panamarenko is born in Antwerp.
- 1955-1960 He studies at the Royal Academy for
Fine Arts in Antwerp. At the same time begins his
self-teaching of natural sciences at the Antwerp
science library. - 1961-1962 His Military service.
10- 1965 He organises the first Happening in Antwerp
alongside a small number of fellow artists.
Panamarenko publishes Happening News. - 1967 He first exhibit at the Antwerp Wide White
Space Gallery. Starts building his first
aeroplanes. - 1969-1971 Building of the legendary zeppelin The
11Thank you for your attention and I hope you have
learned something...